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All Snacks
Pionir Sweet Heart Med Torte 500GR


Uživajte u ovom ukusnom užitku nakon svakog obroka, Pionir Sweet Heart Medeni kolači imaju prekrasan ukus koji će ostaviti sladak ukus u vama. Ovaj kolač koji se topi u ustima sa prirodnim aromom meda. Savršeno se uklapa u večernju...
Have this yummy delight as dessert, Pionir Sweet Heart Honey Cakes has a delicious flavor that will leave a sweet aftertaste within you. This melt-in-mouth cake has a sweet honey flavor. A perfect match for your evening treat with a cup of coffee. Order Pionir Sweet Heart Honey Cakes todayand enjoy it with your close ones.

Pionir Sweet Heart Med Torte 500GR

from $7.49 from 7815574388978
Pionir Toffee sa lješnjakom 100GR


Iznenadite svoju djecu Pionir Toffee sa lješnjakom i oni će biti oduševljeni ovom slatkom poslasticom. Ovaj slatkiš je napravljen od punomasnog mleka u prahu, biljne masti, glukoznog sirupa, veštačkih aroma i lešnika. Ukusni karamel obložen karamelom i lješnjakom u...
Surprise your kids with Pionir Toffee With Hazelnut and they will be overwhelmed with this sweet treat. This candy is made with whole milk powder, vegetable fat, glucose syrup, artificial flavours and hazelnut. Caramel coated tasty toffee and hazelnut in the centre is a true delight after every meal. Order Pionir Toffee With Hazelnut and enjoy it alone or with your friends.

Pionir Toffee sa lješnjakom 100GR

from $3.19 from 1027161653291
Pirouline čokolada lješnjak 400GR


Ova ukusna hrskava oblanda utažit će vašu glad dodatnom slatkoćom! Pirouline čokoladna rolana vafla s lješnjacima priprema se od pšeničnog brašna, šećera, kakao praha i lješnjaka. Naći ćete hrskavi sloj vafla izvana i kremastu čokoladu iznutra. Naručite Pirouline...
This delicious crunchy wafer will satisfy your hunger with extra sweetness! Pirouline Chocolate Hazelnut Rolled Wafer is prepared with wheat flour, sugar, cocoa powder and hazelnut. You will find a crunchy layer of wafer outside and creamy chocolate inside. Order Pirouline Chocolate Hazelnut and get a dual flavor of happiness!

Pirouline čokolada lješnjak 400GR

from $7.99 from 7806521409778
Regina miješano sušeno voće 340GR


Uživajte u ovim odličnim izvorima kalijuma i kalcijuma bilo kada i bilo gde. Regina Mixed Fruit sadrži vitalne nutrijente koji su neophodni za ljudski organizam. Ovo mešano voće možete jesti kao večernju užinu. Oni su bogati izvori...
Enjoy these excellent sources of potassium and calcium anytime, anywhere. Regina Mixed Fruit contains vital nutrients that are essential for the human body. You can have these mixed fruits as your evening snacks. They are rich sources of antioxidants. Order Regina Dried Mixed Fruit  today and live a healthy life.

Regina miješano sušeno voće 340GR

from $11.99 from 7806569349362
Regina Premium suhe šljive bez koštice 340GR


Uživajte u ovim odličnim izvorima kalijuma i kalcijuma bilo kada i bilo gde. Suhe šljive Regina bez koštica sadrže vitalne nutrijente koji su neophodni za ljudsko tijelo. Ove prirodno sušene šljive možete imati kao večernju užinu. Oni...
Enjoy these excellent sources of potassium and calcium anytime, anywhere. Regina Pitted Prunes contains vital nutrients that are essential for the human body.. You can have these naturally dried prunes as your evening snacks. They are rich sources of antioxidants. Order Regina Pitted Prunes today and live a healthy life.

Regina Premium suhe šljive bez koštice 340GR

from $10.49 from 7625721643250
Rocher Raffaello badem kokosova poslastica 150g


Doživite divan užitak uz hrskavu poslasticu Rocher Raffaello od badema i kokosa. Ove ukusne hrskave vafle punjene su bademima, kokosovim pahuljicama i kremom. Možete ga imati kod kuće ili napolju, savršeno se uklapa u večernje užine. Vašoj...
Experience a delightful pleasure with crunchy Rocher Raffaello Almond Coconut Treat. These delicious crunchy wafers are filled with almonds, coconut flakes and cream. You can have it at home or outside, a perfect match for your evening snacks. Your kids will also love it. Don’t forget to share with your friends. Order Rocher Raffaello Almond Coconut Treat today and enjoy crunchy happiness.

Rocher Raffaello badem kokosova poslastica...

from $10.49 from 6753584906420
Serenata Choco pločica vafla 53GR


Od jutra do večeri, ovaj ukusni Serenata Choco Bar učinit će vam dan slađim. Ukusna oblanda prelivena mliječnom čokoladom. Savršen užitak za večernju užinu, ili desert nakon obroka, ili ga možete pojesti kad god osjetite glad. Dakle,...
From morning to evening, this mouthwatering Serenata Choco Bar will make your day sweeter. Delicious wafer covered with milk chocolate. A perfect delight for your evening snack, or dessert after a meal, or you can have it whenever you feel hungry. So, don’t wait, order this Serenata Choco Bar today and have the perfect dessert.

Serenata Choco pločica vafla 53GR

from $2.99 from 7874459631858
SL Griski štapići sa kikirikijem 200G


Počastite se ovim hrskavim kolačićima kad god glad ujede! Ovi slani štapići pereca punjeni su kikirikijem. Swiss Lion Griski štapići sa kikirikijem savršena su kombinacija za večernju kafu ili čaj. Možete ga uzeti i za brzi užitak....
Treat yourself with these crunchy munchies whenever hunger bites! These savoury  pretzel sticks are filled with peanuts. Swiss Lion Griski Sticks With Peanuts are a perfect combination for evening coffee or tea. You can also have it for a quick delight. These  sticks are also nutritious and rich sources of fibers. So, order Swiss Lion Griski Sticks With Peanuts today and don’t forget to share with your friends.

SL Griski štapići sa kikirikijem 200G

from $1.79 from 7593316385010
SL Hello slane perece 200GR


Ako ste u potrazi za zdravim i ukusnim grickalicama, odmah naručite SL Hello Slane perece! Priprema se od najboljih sastojaka i savršen užitak uz topljeni sir ili čokoladnu kremu. Ove perece možete staviti i kao preliv na vaš...
If you are searching fortasty snacks, order SL Hello Salted Pretzels immediately! It is a perfect delight with melted cheese or chocolate cream. You can also put these pretzels as topping on your favourite ice cream. SL Hello Salted Pretzels have a light salty taste. A wonderful treat for your evening snacks. Pack it in your kids’ lunch box and surprise them with crunchy happiness!

SL Hello slane perece 200GR

from $2.19 from 4455320256587
SL Hello slani štapići 250GR

Sold Out

Žudite za večernjim jelama? Držite SL Hello Salted Sticks uvijek u svojoj ostavi i učinite vašu večernju kafu još ukusnijom! Ove slane štapiće možete imati i sa kremastim sirom ili čokoladnom kremom. I vaša djeca će se...
Craving for evening munchies? Keep SL Hello Salted Sticks always in your pantry and make your evening coffee more delightful! You can also have these salted sticks with creamy cheese or chocolate cream. Your kids will also fall in love with these healthy and tasty snacks. Make topping on ice cream and surprise your guests too! Order SL Hello Salted Sticks today and enjoy with your favourite beverage.

SL Hello slani štapići 250GR

from $2.99 from 4455318847563
Stark Choco Smoki 40G

Sold Out

Klasični užitak Balkana! Ovi Choco Smoki su napravljeni od napuhanog kikirikija i hrskavog čokoladnog premaza izvana. Naručite ovo jednom i vaša djeca će se zaljubiti u ove ukusne kolače. Možete ga popiti uz večernju kafu ili kad god želite....
A classic delight of the Balkans! These Choco Smoki s are made with puffed peanuts and crispy chocolate coatings outside. Order this once and your kids will fall in love with these yummy munchies. You can have it with evening coffee or whenever you like. Stark Choco Smoki are rich in fibre and protein, so this package of delicious treats not only satisfy your hunger but is also nutritious for your health.

Stark Choco Smoki 40G

from $1.59 from 7613393273074
Stark Prima slani štapići Classic 220GR

Sold Out

Probajte ove hrskave i tanke štapiće pereca i učinite svoje veče ugodnijim. Ove slane i slane užitke u pokretu možete jesti kod kuće ili napolju. Uvek će zadovoljiti vašu želju za jelom. Savršen spoj uz kafu ili...
Taste these crunchy and thin pretzel sticks and make your evening more delightful. You can have these salty and savoury on-the-go delights at your home or outside. It will always satisfy your craving for munchies. A perfect match for coffee or tea. Try preparing mouthwatering dessert recipes and make the topping with Stark Prima Salted Sticks Classic. Order soon and enjoy it with your friends.

Stark Prima slani štapići Classic 220GR

from $3.33 from 1144350441515