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All Snacks
Tottis Waves paradajz i paprika 250GR

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Počastite se ovom hrskavom ponudom Tottis Waves Tomato & Paprika napravljeni su od najkvalitetnijeg krompira i začinjeni paradajzom i paprikom. Možete ga popiti uz omiljeni napitak ili jesti kad god osjetite glad. Vašoj djeci će se također svidjeti ovaj...
Treat yourself with this crunchy offering of Tottis Waves Tomato & Paprika are made from the best quality potatoes and seasoned with tomato and paprika. You can have it with your favorite beverage or munch whenever you feel hungry. Your kids will also love this savory delight in their lunchbox. Order Tottis Waves Tomato & Paprika today and experience the taste of yummy snacks.

Tottis Waves paradajz i paprika 250GR

from $6.49 from 6747950448820
Karolina Moto Čokolada 360GR


Pravi užitak iz jugoistočne Evrope! Karolina Moto čokoladni kolačići su slatki i ukusni, možete ih uz mlijeko ili kafu. Ovi ukusni kolačići napravljeni su od dva biskvita sa ukusom vanilije i spojeni sa najkvalitetnijom čokoladnom kremom. Savršeni...
Twix Caramel Centres Biscuits are sweet and yummy, you can have them with milk or coffee. These delicious cookies are made with Twix Chocolate. Enjoy with the finest quality chocolate. Perfect snacks for your evening munchies! Order them today and enjoy Twix Caramel Centres Biscuits with your family and friends.

Karolina Moto Čokolada 360GR

from $6.99 from 7920302162162
Ulker Albeni prsten čokoladni keks sa karamel filom 344GR


Savršen izbor za ljubitelje čokolade! Ulker predstavlja hrskave kekse sa dvostrukim užitkom. Ovi keksići su premazani čokoladom i punjeni bogatom karamel kremom. Slatka poslastica hrskavog i mekog užitka. Uzmite jedan kad god osetite glad. Ove kekse možete koristiti...
The perfect choice for chocolate lovers! Ulker presents crunchy biscuits with double delight. These biscuits are coated with chocolate and filled with rich caramel cream. A sweet treat of crunchy and soft delight. Grab one whenever you feel hungry. You can also use these biscuits to make ice cream or your favourite desserts. Order Ulker Albeni Chocolate Coated Biscuit With Caramel Filling and experience the taste of it.

Ulker Albeni prsten čokoladni keks sa kara...

from $6.99 from 1358753890347
Ulker Baby Milk Biscuit 400GR

Sold Out

Now, spread happiness to your baby with this delicious treat! Ulker Baby Milk Biscuit is soft enough for your baby to enjoy. A wonderful delight with a cup of hot milk. Toss it in your diaper bag for snacks on the...
Now, spread happiness to your baby with this delicious treat! Ulker Baby Milk Biscuit is soft enough for your baby to enjoy. A wonderful delight with a cup of hot milk. Toss it in your diaper bag for snacks on the go. Serve it in a warm bowl of milk for a afternoon snack.

Ulker Baby Milk Biscuit 400GR

from $5.00 from 8039347978482
Ulker Biskrem kakao 205g

Sold Out

Utažite glad ovim ukusnim i hrskavim užitkom! Ulker Biskrem kakao je napravljen od najfinijih sastojaka kao što su pšenično brašno, biljno ulje, lješnjaci, jaja i kakao prah. Doživite ukus ovih hrskavih kolačića, punjenih bogatom čokoladnom kremom. Ove...
Satisfy your hunger with this yummy and crunchy delight! Ulker Biskrem Cocoa is made of the finest ingredients like wheat flour, vegetable oil, hazelnuts, eggs and cocoa powder. Experience the taste of these crunchy cookies, filled with rich chocolate cream. You can also use these biscuits to make ice cream or your favourite desserts. Try this once and you will fall in love with its sweetness!

Ulker Biskrem kakao 205g

from $2.99 from 1643809669163
Ulker Biskrem Duo keksi 150g

Sold Out

Utažite glad ovim ukusnim i hrskavim užitkom! Ulker Biskrem Duo keksi napravljeni su od najfinijih sastojaka poput pšeničnog brašna, biljnog ulja, lješnjaka, jaja i kakao praha. Doživite ukus ovih hrskavih kolačića, punjenih bogatom čokoladnom kremom. Ove kekse možete koristiti...
Satisfy your hunger with this yummy and crunchy delight! Ulker Biskrem Duo Biscuits is made of the finest ingredients like wheat flour, vegetable oil, hazelnuts, eggs and cocoa powder. Experience the taste of these crunchy cookies, filled with rich chocolate cream. You can also use these biscuits to make ice cream or your favorite desserts. Try this once and you will fall in love with its sweetness!

Ulker Biskrem Duo keksi 150g

from $2.89 from 7626805674226
Ulker Choco sendvič 300GR


Poslužite ovaj ukusni čokoladni sendvič sa čašom mlijeka za stolom za doručak vašoj djeci i oni će biti zadivljeni! Ulker predstavlja dvostruki užitak od dva sloja hrskavog keksa spojenih sa bogatom čokoladnom kremom. Savršen spoj za vašu...
Serve this yummy choco sandwich with a glass of milk at the breakfast table to your kids and they will be amazed! Ulker presents a dual delight of two layers of crunchy biscuits joined with rich chocolate cream. A perfect match for your evening coffee. These biscuits are made of the best quality ingredients and satisfy your hunger with a shower of sweetness!

Ulker Choco sendvič 300GR

from $2.99 from 4525439385675
Ulker Cocoa Tea Biscuits 450GR

Sold Out

Now enjoy your tea with these Ulker Cocoa Tea Biscuits . Crunchy delight with the pleasure of sweet treat with a cup of your favorite drink! It is a combination of cookies and biscuits, a delightful snack for any sort of beverage!...
Now enjoy your tea with these Ulker Cocoa Tea Biscuits . Crunchy delight with the pleasure of sweet treat with a cup of your favorite drink! It is a combination of cookies and biscuits, a delightful snack for any sort of beverage! A perfect snack for the evening and your kids will also love it. Order Ulker Cocoa Tea Biscuits  right now to enjoy with your family.

Ulker Cocoa Tea Biscuits 450GR

from $4.49 from 8039350436082
Ulker Double Roasted Tea Biscuits 450GR


Now enjoy your tea with these Ulker Double Roasted Tea Biscuits . Crunchy delight with the pleasure of sweet treat with a cup of your favorite drink! It is a combination of cookies and biscuits, a delightful snack for any sort of beverage!...
Now enjoy your tea with these Ulker Double Roasted Tea Biscuits . Crunchy delight with the pleasure of sweet treat with a cup of your favorite drink! It is a combination of cookies and biscuits, a delightful snack for any sort of beverage! A perfect snack for the evening and your kids will also love it. Order Ulker Double Roasted Tea Biscuits  right now to enjoy with your family.

Ulker Double Roasted Tea Biscuits 450GR

from $4.49 from 8039349027058
Ulker Halley keks 300GR


Sada širite sreću među svojim bliskima sa ovom slatkom poslasticom koja grije srce! Ulker Halley keks punjen je mekim marshmallowima i preliven bogatom čokoladnom kremom. Predivan užitak uz šoljicu tople kafe ili vaš omiljeni napitak. Turski luksuz...
Now, spread happiness among your close ones with this heartwarming sweet treat! Ulker Halley Biscuit is filled with soft marshmallows and covered with rich chocolate cream. A wonderful delight with a cup of hot coffee or your favourite beverage. A Turkish luxury satisfies your hunger whenever you want. Also, prepare ice cream or different sweet desserts with this delicious biscuit.

Ulker Halley keks 300GR

from $5.00 from 1730727280683
Ulker slani štapići pereca 220GR

Sold Out

Ulker poklanja slane kolače za vaš večernji užitak! Naručite Ulker slane štapiće pereca već danas. Priprema se od najkvalitetnijih sastojaka i savršena poslastica sa topljenim sirom ili čokoladnom kremom. Možete ga staviti i kao preljev na vaš...
Ulker presents salted munchies for your evening delight! Order Ulker Salted Pretzel Sticks today. It is prepared with the best quality ingredients and a perfect treat with melted cheese or chocolate cream. You can also put it as a topping on your favourite ice cream. It has a sweet and salty taste. Pack it in your kids’ lunch box and amaze them with crunchy happiness!

Ulker slani štapići pereca 220GR

from $3.29 from 1865426108459
Kolačići od badema Vincinni (Gurabija) 300GR

Sold Out

Žudnja za grickanjem? Probajte ovaj hrskavi užitak kad god osjetite glad! Savršen pratilac uz večernju kafu ili uživanje u omiljenom piću uz kolačiće Vincinni badem. Možete ih staviti i kao preljev na svoje recepte za deserte. Naručite Vincinni bademove...
Craving for munchies? Try this crunchy delight whenever you feel hungry! A perfect companion with your evening coffee or relish your favorite drink with Vincinni Almond cookies. You can also put them as toppings on your dessert recipes. Order Vincinni Almond Cookies today and share the experience with your friends.

Kolačići od badema Vincinni (Gurabija) 300GR

from $4.99 from 7573296546034