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Kras Mocha Oblatne Napolitanke Napolitanke 330GR

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Tražite hrskave i slatke grickalice? Probajte jednom ove Kras Mocha Wafers Napolitanke i učinite svoje veče predivnim uz šoljicu kafe ili omiljeni napitak. Slojevi napolitanki su punjeni ukusnom kremom sa ukusom čokolade i kafe. I vaša djeca...
Searching for crunchy and sweet snacks? Try this Kras Mocha Wafers Napolitanke once and make your evening wonderful with a cup of coffee or your favourite beverage. Layers of wafers are filled with delicious chocolate and coffee flavoured cream. Your kids will be amazed too, pack it in their lunchbox for an after-meal delight. Order Kras Mocha Wafers Napolitanke right now and put a crunchy topping on your dessert!

Kras Mocha Oblatne Napolitanke Napolitanke...

from $3.33 from 1038564327467
Karolina Moto Čokolada 360GR


Pravi užitak iz jugoistočne Evrope! Karolina Moto čokoladni kolačići su slatki i ukusni, možete ih uz mlijeko ili kafu. Ovi ukusni kolačići napravljeni su od dva biskvita sa ukusom vanilije i spojeni sa najkvalitetnijom čokoladnom kremom. Savršeni...
A true delight from Southeastern Europe! Kras Moto Cocoa cookies are sweet and yummy, you can have them with milk or coffee. These delicious cookies are made of two vanilla-flavoured biscuits and joined with the finest quality chocolate cream. Perfect snacks for your evening munchies! Order them today and enjoy Kras Moto Cocoa with your family and friends.

Karolina Moto Čokolada 360GR

from $4.99 from 1026926739499
Kras Nougat Napolitanke Oblatne 330GR

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Ovaj slatki užitak je savršen za žvakanje kad god poželite grickalice! Kras Nougat Wafers Napolitanke se prave od pšeničnog brašna, kakao praha, šećera i nugata. Možete ga uzeti takvog kakav jeste ili probati ovo sa sladoledom po želji....
This sweet delight is perfect to munch whenever you are craving snacks! Kras Nougat Wafers Napolitanke is made with wheat flour, cocoa powder, sugar and nougat. You can have it as it is or try this with your preferred ice cream. These amazing wafers will satisfy your hunger and leave a sweet aftertaste within you! Order Kras Nougat Wafers Napolitanke today and enjoy the experience.

Kras Nougat Napolitanke Oblatne 330GR

from $3.33 from 1647903834155
Kras Nougat Napolitanke Oblatne 500GR

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Ako volite hrskave vafle, probajte ove ukusne Kras Nougat Wafers Napolitanke. To je najbolja užina, punjena ukusnim nugatom, savršena za vašu večernju kafu. Možete ga napraviti i kao preljev na vašem omiljenom sladoledu. Ne zaboravite podijeliti ovaj...
If you like crunchy wafers, try this yummy Kras Nougat Wafers Napolitanke. It is the best snack, filled with delicious nougat, a perfect match for your evening coffee. You can also make it a topping on your favourite ice cream. Don’t forget to share this sweet delight with your friends. Order Kras Nougat Wafers Napolitanke once and you will definitely make a space in your pantry for it forever!

Kras Nougat Napolitanke Oblatne 500GR

from $7.00 from 1026761687083
Kras Pepermint bombon 100GR


Neverovatan osveživač daha, punjen kremom od čokolade i lešnika. Kras Pepermint Candy ima čvrsti premaz peperminta spolja i kremasti užitak iznutra! Uzmite ga nakon svakog obroka kako biste doživjeli ovaj kremasti užitak poslije obroka s okusom peperminta. Ovi...
An amazing breath freshener, filled with chocolate and hazelnut cream. Kras Peppermint Candy has a solid coating of peppermint outside and creamy pleasure inside! Have it after every meal to experience this creamy after-meal delight with peppermint flavour. These delicious candies are made of natural flavours and are free of genetically modified organisms.

Kras Pepermint bombon 100GR

from $2.49 from 6081825439924
Keks Kras Petit Beurre 480GR

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Sada uživajte u čaju sa ovim Kras čajnim keksima. Pravi se od pšeničnog brašna, šećera, putera, meda i ekstrakta vanile. Hrskavi užitak uz užitak slatke poslastice uz šoljicu omiljenog pića! To je kombinacija keksa i keksa, divan zalogaj uz...
Now enjoy your tea with these Kras Tea Biscuits. Crunchy delight with the pleasure of sweet treat with a cup of your favorite drink! It is a combination of cookies and biscuits, a delightful snack for any sort of beverage! A perfect snack for the evening and your kids will also love it. Order Kras Tea Biscuits right now to enjoy with your family.

Keks Kras Petit Beurre 480GR

from $5.55 from 1079450992683
Kras Rum Napolitanke Vafle 330GR

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Savršen spoj za vašu večernju kafu, Kras Rum Wafer Napolitanke je savršen užitak nakon svakog obroka. Ova hranjiva grickalica sadrži slojeve vafla i bogatu kremu. Možete uživati ​​sami ili podijeliti sa prijateljima. Ove ukusne napolitanke odmah će utažiti...
A perfect match for your evening coffee, Kras Rum Wafer Napolitanke is a perfect delight after every meal. This nutritious snack contains layers of wafers and rich cream inside. You can enjoy it alone or share it with your friends. These delicious wafers will satisfy your hunger instantly. Order this once and it will definitely get a permanent place in your pantry!

Kras Rum Napolitanke Vafle 330GR

from $3.99 from 1038560297003
Kras Sara Mix čajni keksi 350GR


Posebno uživajte uz večernji čaj, Sara Mix biscuit sadrži različite ukuse keksa u jednom pakovanju. Ovi keksi se prave od brašna, obranog mleka u prahu, pojačivača ukusa, kakao praha i biljne masti. Ukusni hrskavi keksi, možete ih koristiti...
Have a special delight with your evening tea, Sara Mix Biscuit contains different flavours of biscuits in a single package. These biscuits are made of flour, skimmed milk powder, flavour enhancers, cocoa powder and vegetable fat. Delicious crunchy biscuits, you can also use them as topping on your favourite ice cream. A quick snack that will satisfy your hunger any time.

Kras Sara Mix čajni keksi 350GR

from $5.00 from 1079431102507
Kras Čajni keksi Čajni Kolutići 500GR

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Savršena poslastica uz jutarnji čaj. Ovi Kraški čajni keksi Čajni Kolutići su ukusni i ukusni. Prstenasti keksi, pečeni na tačno odgovarajućoj temperaturi. Klasična kombinacija za čaj. Ove kekse možete imati i za večernje užine, ili bilo gdje...
A perfect treat with your morning tea. These Kras Tea Rings Biscuits Cajni Kolutici are delicious and tasty. Ring-shaped biscuits, baked at the exact right temperature. A classic match for tea. You can also have these biscuits for your evening snacks, or anywhere at any time. Have it alone or share it with your friends, these biscuits will satisfy your hunger in a yummy way. Hurry and order soon!

Kras Čajni keksi Čajni Kolutići 500GR

from $5.55 from 1026917072939
Bomboni Kras jednorog punjeni voćem 275GR


Raširite slatke osmijehe ovim slatkim slatkim bombonima! Ovi čvrsti obloženi bomboni punjeni su želeom i odličnog su ukusa. Slatkiši Kras Unicorn Fruit Fluit Candy imaju različite ukuse bombona, preferiraju se za sve starosne grupe. Od ovih aromatiziranih bombona možete...
Spread sweet smiles with these yummy sweet candies! These solid coated candies are filled with jelly and have a delicious taste. Kras Unicorn Fruit Filled Candy has different flavors of candies, a preference for all age groups. You can make tasty desserts with these flavored candies or have your evening delight with your favorite drink. Don’t forget to share! Order Kras Unicorn Fruit Filled Candy today.

Bomboni Kras jednorog punjeni voćem 275GR

from $4.00 from 1027160178731
Kras Vic Slani štapići pereca 230GR

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Da li stalno tražite zdrave grickalice koje su zaista dobrog ukusa? Slani štapići od pereca Kras Vic savršena su poslastica za vaše potrebe za grickanjem. Napravljen od najkvalitetnijih sastojaka, možete vjerovati da...
Looking for healthy snacks? Order Kras Vic Salted Pretzel Sticks today. It is made with the finest quality ingredients and a perfect treat with melted cheese or chocolate cream. You can also prepare mouthwatering recipes with these pretzel sticks. It has a sweet and salty taste. A wonderful delight for your evening snacks. Pack it in your kids’ lunch box and surprise them with crunchy happiness!

Kras Vic Slani štapići pereca 230GR

from $2.22 from 1144287232043
Kras Zele Bomboni voćni žele bombon 200GR

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Ovi bomboni za žvakanje učiniće vam dan slađim! Sveukupni favorit za bilo koju starosnu grupu. Ovi ukusni bomboni su spolja punjeni želeom i šećerom. Iznenadite svoje mališane paketom Kras slatkiša obloženih želeom. Ima različite okuse i savršen...
These chewy candies will make your day sweeter! An all-time favourite for any age group. These delicious candies are filled with jelly and sugar coating outside. Surprise your kids with a package of Kras Jelly Sugar Coated Candy. It has different flavours and is a perfect delight after a meal. You can use these candies to prepare yummy desserts. Order today and enjoy this sweet pleasure.

Kras Zele Bomboni voćni žele bombon 200GR

from $3.33 from 1144307482667