
Krinos grčke crne masline 454G (16oz)

Sold Out

Dodajte ukuse svojim receptima sa Krinos grčkim crnim maslinama. Ovo je savršena pratnja koju ste oduvijek tražili. Ove crne masline sa mirisom su ukusan prilog. Ove masline će postati osnovna namirnica u vašem domu. Naručite danas prije nego što...
Add flavors to your recipes with Krinos Greek Black Olives. This is the perfect accompaniment you have always searched for. These greek black olives work as a delicious side dish. These olives will become a staple in your home. Order today before we run out!

Krinos grčke crne masline 454G (16oz)

from $5.55 from 1088228229163
Alb Aroma Krem Karamela 500GR

Sold Out

Pripremite slatke slastice sa Krem karamelom. Pravi se od različitih vrsta rastopljenog šećera. Možete ga uzeti samostalno ili napraviti savršen preljev na sladoledu. Možete ga koristiti i za poboljšanje okusa vašeg ukusnog pudinga. Naručite Krem Caramel kako...
Prepare mouthwatering desserts with Krem Caramel. It is made of different kinds of melted sugar. You can have it on its own or make a perfect topping on ice cream. You can also use it to enhance the flavour of your delicious pudding. Order Krem Caramel to make your desserts yummier. This box of sweetness adds flavour to any sweet dish. Make sumptuous recipes and surprise your guests.

Alb Aroma Krem Karamela 500GR

from $6.67 from 4535090872395
Vava Green Tomatoes 1400GR- **SAMO DOSTAVA NYC**

Sold Out

Kuhajte ukusne recepte sa ovim 100% prirodnim i svježim zelenim paradajzom. Vava Green Tomatoes dodaju ukusan ukus vašim jelima. Sadrži nekoliko vitalnih nutrijenata poput vitamina C i minerala. Vava Green Tomatoes napravljeni su od sastojaka vrhunskog kvaliteta. Isprobajte ove...
Cook yummy recipes with these 100% natural and fresh green tomatoes. Vava Green Tomatoes add a savory flavor to your meals. It contains several vital nutrients like vitamin C and minerals. Vava Green Tomatoes are made of premium quality ingredients. Try these tomatoes on salad dishes or make heartwarming meat recipes. Order these delicious green tomatoes today and make your food yummier!

Vava Green Tomatoes 1400GR- **SAMO DOSTAVA...

from $12.99 from 1701217828907
Podravka Vegeta vrećica (bez MSG) 250GR


Napravite slana jela samo dodavanjem Podravke Vegete u svoje omiljene recepte. Pripremite salate, tjesteninu, supu ili bilo koje recepte koji sadrže meso, posipajte Vegetu dok kuhate i osjetit ćete zadivljujući okus u svom obroku. Ovo možete dodati...
Make savoury dishes just by adding Podravka Vegeta to your favourite recipes. Prepare salads, pasta, soup or any recipes containing meat, sprinkle Vegeta while cooking and you will experience a mouthwatering taste in your meal. You can add this to any recipe and your preparations will be yummier! Podravka Vegeta Bag does not contain any artificial flavour enhancer.

Podravka Vegeta vrećica (bez MSG) 250GR

from $4.99 from 7543967219954
Reis Dermason bijeli grah 1kg

Sold Out

Reis Dermason bijeli grah je svjež i pun je vitalnih hranjivih tvari. Pripremite recepte za pečeni pasulj ili napravite tradicionalnu srpsku supu od njih. Bijeli pasulj je važan dio balkanskih delicija. Reis Dermason bijeli grah je bogat...
Reis Dermason White Beans are fresh and are full of vital nutrients. Prepare baked bean recipes or make traditional Serbian soup with them. White bean is an important part of the Balkans’ delicacies. Reis Dermason White Beans are rich sources of magnesium, vitamin B complex, proteins and fibre. So, order these healthy and tasty white beans today to enjoy a healthy life!

Reis Dermason bijeli grah 1kg

from $9.99 from 4512862371915
Vincinni Jumbo Swiss Roll Jagoda 300GR


Ako ste u potrazi za ukusnim desertom, to je najbolji slatki užitak na koji ste ikada pomislili! Vincinni Jumbo Swiss Roll Strawberry je napravljen od brašna, jagode i sastojaka vrhunskog kvaliteta. Savršeno se uklapa uz kafu ili bilo...
If you are looking for a delicious dessert, it is the best sweet delight that you have ever thought of! Vincinni Jumbo Swiss Roll Strawberry is made of flour, strawberry and premium quality ingredients. A perfect match for coffee or any of your preferred beverages. You can carry it with yourself, easy on-the-go munchies! Order this yummy swiss roll today to enjoy with your friends and family.

Vincinni Jumbo Swiss Roll Jagoda 300GR

from $3.99 from 1701221892139
Misko Orzo (Risoni Large) 500GR


Sada istražite svoje kulinarske sposobnosti uz ovu malu pastu Miško Orzo. Pripremite slatke supe od piletine i češnjaka ili napravite salate s ovim divnim izvorom vlakana. Možete napraviti i ukusna jela od orza sa...
Now, explore your culinary abilities with this small pasta Misko Orzo. Prepare mouthwatering soups with chicken and garlic, or make salads with this wonderful orzo. You can also make delicious dishes of orzo with ground lamb and beef. Misko Orzo makes the perfect staple for any occasion. Toast it in a frying pan and serve with cheese, meat and veggies to enjoy with your guests.

Misko Orzo (Risoni Large) 500GR

from $3.39 from 1636824612907
Brian's karfiol 1000GR

Sold Out

Da li ste ljubitelj povrća? Ako da, ovo je najukusniji vegetarijanski užitak o kojem ste ikada sanjali. Hranjivi kao i ukusni Brian's karfiol, šargarepa i feferoni savršen je recept za one koji imaju zauzet raspored. Slatkastog je i zemljanog...
Are you a fan of vegetables? If yes, this is the most delicious veggie delight that you have ever dreamed of. As nutritious as tasty Brian's Cauliflower, Carrot & Fefferoni is a perfect recipe for those who has busy schedules. It has a sweet and earthy taste, use it to make different yummy dishes for your kids. This is a perfect combination of fresh vegetables that you can use it any occasion.

Brian's karfiol 1000GR

from $7.00 from 4503411720267
Vava Ekstra klasa Baby kornišoni 475GR

Sold Out

Učinite svoje obroke izuzetno ukusnim uz ove ukusne bebi kornišone Vava Extra Class. Ovi ukusni, 100% prirodni svježi kornišoni učinit će vaše dane ukusnijima. Istražite kulinarske mogućnosti ovog neverovatnog recepta. Vava Extra Class Baby kornišoni također imaju nekoliko...
Make your meals extra delicious with this savoury Vava Extra Class Baby Gherkins. This mouthwatering, 100% natural fresh gherkins will make your days yummier. Explore the culinary possibilities of this amazing recipe. Vava Extra Class Baby Gherkins also have several nutritional benefits which will take care of you and your family. Order these flavoursome gherkins right now to surprise your guests!

Vava Ekstra klasa Baby kornišoni 475GR

from $5.49 from 1770125623339
Podravka ljute feferoni paprike 630GR


Istražite svoje kulinarske vještine uz ove 100% prirodne i svježe ljute feferoni paprike. Sa ovim paprikama možete pripremiti ukusna jela ili ih dodati u sendviče kako biste poboljšali okus. Ove feferoni paprike su odlični izvori vitamina A, B, C i...
Explore your culinary skills with these 100% natural and fresh hot feferoni peppers. You can prepare mouthwatering meals with these peppers, or add them to sandwiches to enhance the flavour. These feferoni peppers are excellent sources of vitamins A, B, C, and E; they also contain a fair amount of minerals. Order Podravka Hot Feferoni Peppers once and you will definitely arrange a permanent space for it in the pantry!

Podravka ljute feferoni paprike 630GR

from $8.99 from 1027231842347
Pitajte Domaći blagi ajvar 300GR

Sold Out

Divno glavno jelo iz zemlje Makedonije učiniće vaš dan ukusnijim nego ikad. Ovo ukusno jelo je napravljeno od svježih paprika i patlidžana, pečenih i pečenih na roštilju, pasteriziranih. To je domaći recept i apsolutno bez hemikalija. Možete...
A wonderful main course dish from the land of Macedonia will make your day yummier than ever. This delicious dish is made of fresh bell peppers and eggplants, roasted and grilled, pasteurized. It is a homemade recipe and absolutely chemical-free. You can have it for your lunch, easy on-the-go meal, take it as a main dish or a side one, nutritious food. So, why waiting? Order Ask Homemade Mild Ajvar and add flavour to your meals!

Pitajte Domaći blagi ajvar 300GR

from $6.88 from 7563936891122
Podravka juha sa kuglicama od povrća i griza (Juha Povrtnim I Gris) 56GR


Pripremite ovu ukusnu juhu koju ćete poslužiti uz večeru i iznenaditi svoje goste, Podravka juha od povrća s kuglicama od griza sadrži okus začinjene mješavine, pšeničnog griza, junećeg mesa i povrća. Možete ga jesti i za doručak ili...
Prepare this delicious soup to serve with your dinner and surprise your guests, Podravka Vegetable Soup w/ Semolina Balls contains a flavour of the spicy blend, wheat semolina, beef meat and vegetables. You can also have it for your breakfast or lunch. This yummy soup tastes exactly like homemade soup. You can add your favourite condiments to enhance the flavour. Order right now and have a tasty delight.

Podravka juha sa kuglicama od povrća i gri...

from $2.49 from 6559752224948