
Musina goveđa kobasica na albanski ljuta 1lb

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**NY, NJ, CT, MA UPS SAMO ISPORUKA NA ZEMLJI** Sve ostale države MOLIMO IZABERITE BRZU DOSTAVU. NEĆEMO BITI ODGOVORNI ZA POkvarene PROIZVODE** Sočne i dimljene goveđe kobasice su napravljene od junećeg mesa vrhunskog kvaliteta i...
Juicy and smoked beef sausages are made of premium-quality beef and seasoned with a pinch of blended spices. It is an Albanian recipe that makes these sausages savory and delicious. A high resource of protein, Musa's Albanian Style Beef Sausage can be used to cook different recipes. You can have the dishes made of these sausages at any time of the day. So try this with family and friends and order it again to enjoy more.

Musina goveđa kobasica na albanski ljuta 1lb

from $19.99 from 7613324132594
Pasticeri Lika Tulumba 700GR- **NY, NJ, CT, MA SAMO DOSTAVA**


**NY, NJ, CT, MA UPS SAMO ISPORUKA NA ZEMLJI** Sve ostale države MOLIMO IZABERITE BRZU DOSTAVU. NEĆEMO BITI ODGOVORNI ZA POkvarene PROIZVODE** Slatka delikatesa iz zemlje Grčke, Pasticeri Lika Tulumba, napravljena je od tijesta i...
A sweet delicacy from the land of Greece, Pasticeri Lika Tulumba is made of dough and served with honey or hot syrup. In every bite of it, you will find a mouthwatering yummy taste which will complete your meal with a sweet note. You can also have it for your evening snack. To make your meals yummier, order Pasticeri Lika Tulumba today!

Pasticeri Lika Tulumba 700GR- **NY, NJ, CT...

from $12.99 from 7496835268850
Podravka Fant mješavina za začinke za mesne okruglice (Cufte) 60GR


Priprema ukusnih mesnih okruglica sada je lakša uz Podravka Fant mješavinu začina! Samo razblažite u mlakoj vodi i pomešajte sa mesom, skuvajte u sosu od paradajza i poslužite svojim gostima po ovom ukusnom receptu! Možete ga jesti...
Preparing delicious meatballs is easier now with Podravka Fant Seasoning Mix! Just dilute in lukewarm water and mix with the meat, cook in tomato sauce and serve this mouthwatering recipe to your guests! You can have it with rice or on its own. Podravka Fant Seasoning Mix is made with corn starch, wheat flour, garlic, dried onions, a special blend of spices and flavour enhancer. Order today to enjoy heartwarming recipes with your friends and family.

Podravka Fant mješavina za začinke za mesn...

from $1.99 from 6685624434868
BalkanFresh mljevena crvena paprika 30GR


Ova mljevena crvena paprika će vašim receptima dodati pikantnu aromu uz zadivljujući miris. Možete ih dodati tokom kuvanja ili ih posipati po vrhu dok ukrašavate. Crvene paprike vrhunskog kvaliteta se ručno beru i suše kroz dug proces. Ove...
This crushed red pepper will add a spicy flavour to your recipes with a mouthwatering aroma. You can add them while cooking or sprinkle them on top while garnishing. The premium quality red peppers are handpicked and dried through a long process. These peppers contain a fair amount of protein and regulate the level of sugar in the blood. Also, these are natural sources of iron and nourishes the immune system of the body.

BalkanFresh mljevena crvena paprika 30GR

from $1.11 from 6097704059060
Kras Domacica Tamna Čajni biskvit od tamne čokolade 275GR

Sold Out

U potrazi za keksima? Naručite Kras tamnu čokoladu Domacica tamna keks, idealan za čaj. Možete ga jesti kad god poželite, učinite svoje dane ukusnijima uz ove čokoladne kekse. Ovi keksi se prave od pšeničnog brašna, šećera, putera i crne čokolade....
In search of biscuits? Order Kras Dark Chocolate Domacica Tamna Biscuit, an ideal match for tea. You can have it whenever you like, make your days yummier with these chocolate biscuits. These biscuits are made of wheat flour, sugar, butter and dark chocolate. In every bite, you will get a burst of dark chocolate inside your mouth. Order Kras Dark Chocolate Domacica Tamna Biscuit today and enjoy it with your favourite drink.

Kras Domacica Tamna Čajni biskvit od tamne...

from $5.00 from 4678852706379
Kras Sara Mix čajni keksi 350GR


Posebno uživajte uz večernji čaj, Sara Mix biscuit sadrži različite ukuse keksa u jednom pakovanju. Ovi keksi se prave od brašna, obranog mleka u prahu, pojačivača ukusa, kakao praha i biljne masti. Ukusni hrskavi keksi, možete ih koristiti...
Have a special delight with your evening tea, Sara Mix Biscuit contains different flavours of biscuits in a single package. These biscuits are made of flour, skimmed milk powder, flavour enhancers, cocoa powder and vegetable fat. Delicious crunchy biscuits, you can also use them as topping on your favourite ice cream. A quick snack that will satisfy your hunger any time.

Kras Sara Mix čajni keksi 350GR

from $5.00 from 1079431102507
Bijeli sir Katun od kravljeg mlijeka 800GR

Sold Out

**NY, NJ, CT, MA UPS SAMO ISPORUKA NA ZEMLJI** Sve ostale države MOLIMO IZABERITE BRZU DOSTAVU. NEĆEMO BITI ODGOVORNI ZA POkvarene PROIZVODE** Meki, bijeli sir od čistog kravljeg mlijeka, klasičan užitak turskih kuhinja. Katunski kravlji bijeli...
Soft, white cheese derived from pure milk of cow, a classic delight from the kitchens of Turkey. Katun Cow's Milk White Cheese has a slightly tangy flavor. You can make delicious cuisines with it, like Menemen or Meze platters. You can have this yummy cheese with bread and roasted vegetables. An essential ingredient to pasta recipes.

Bijeli sir Katun od kravljeg mlijeka 800GR

from $22.22 from 1072393027627
Korca bijeli grah (Fasule) 1KG

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Pripremite ukusne supe ili druge recepte sa ovim bijelim pasuljem. Bijeli grah Korča je pun nutritivnih vrijednosti. Sadrži veliku količinu proteina i ugljikohidrata. Ovaj grah je takođe odlično skladište antioksidanata i vlakana. Sadrži nekoliko esencijalnih minerala, magnezijum i...
Prepare yummy soups or other recipes with these white beans. Korca White Beans are full of possibilities. Use them for soups or prepared them as a side dish. Order nutty flavoured Korca White Beans and make delicious meals for you and your family.

Korca bijeli grah (Fasule) 1KG

from $8.88 from 7496799420658
Brat i sestra dimljena govedina (Suho Meso) 1.1LB

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** **NY, NJ, CT, MA UPS SAMO ISPORUKA NA ZEMLJI** Sve ostale države MOLIM VAS IZABERITE BRZU DOSTAVU. NEĆEMO BITI ODGOVORNI ZA POkvarene PROIZVODE** Napravljena od najkvalitetnijeg junećeg mesa, začinjena posebnom mešavinom začina, dimljena govedina...
Made of the finest quality beef, seasoned with a special blend of spices, hickory-smoked beef is juicy and mouthwatering. You can have this delicious meat with a grilled cheese sandwich or you can prepare different styles of recipes with it. This results in mouthwatering flavor and juicy texture. Suho Meso offers more than just snacks and sandwiches. You can also use it as an ingredient in a wide variety of recipes. Plus, a topping for pizza adds a tasty touch.

Brat i sestra dimljena govedina (Suho Meso...

from $20.00 from 7931628355826
Pitajte Domaći vrući ajvar 300GR


Ovo ukusno jelo je napravljeno od svježih paprika i patlidžana, pečenih i pečenih na roštilju, pasteriziranih. To je domaći recept i apsolutno bez hemikalija. Možete ga jesti za ručak, lagan obrok u pokretu, uzeti ga kao glavno...
This delicious dish is made of fresh bell peppers and eggplants, roasted and grilled, pasteurized. It is a homemade recipe and absolutely chemical-free. You can have it for your lunch, easy on-the-go meal, take it as a main dish or a side one, nutritious food. So, why waiting? Order Ask Homemade Hot Ajvar and add flavor to your meals!

Pitajte Domaći vrući ajvar 300GR

from $6.88 from 7563942134002
Skenderbeu Albanska kafa 250GR

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Najbolji način da započnete dan, popijte gutljaj turske kafe Skenderbeg i učinite svoj dan posebnim! Napravljena je od kvalitetnih zrna kafe. Tačno tačna količina kofeina pružit će vam dovoljno energije da možete raditi cijeli dan. Zrna kafe su...
The best way to start your day, have a sip of Skenderbeg Turkish Coffee and make your day special! It is made of rich quality coffee beans. The exactly right amount of caffeine will provide you sufficient energy so that you can work all day long. The coffee beans are roasted to bring out the rich aroma from it. The fragrance of this coffee will make your every morning brighter, so don't wait, order it now!

Skenderbeu Albanska kafa 250GR

from $10.89 from 7430929514738
Luk po hrpi *** SAMO DOSTAVA ZA NYC***


Ako ste u potrazi za zdravim i ukusnim povrćem, mladi luk je apsolutno savršen za pripremu salate ili ukrašavanje vaših recepata sa roštilja. Ovaj svježi mladi luk odličan je izvor vitamina B-kompleksa, vitamina C i nekoliko vitalnih...
If you are searching for a healthy and tasty vegetable, Scallions are absolutely perfect to prepare a salad or garnish your grilled recipes. These fresh scallions are great sources of vitamin B-complex, vitamin C and several vital vitamins. Full of antioxidants, scallions protect your bones and muscles. This vegetable is rich in fibre. Order Scallions today and prepare nutritious recipes.

Luk po hrpi *** SAMO DOSTAVA ZA NYC***

from $1.99 from 6890924179636