
Franck mljevena crvena paprika (paprika mljevena) 100GR

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Savršen pojačivač okusa, Franck mljevena crvena paprika (paprika mljevena) je neophodan začin za svako jelo kako bi bilo ukusno. Ova crvena paprika vašem receptu daje crvenu boju i sa tačno odgovarajućom količinom čini vaš recept ukusnijim. Franck...
A perfect flavour enhancer, Franck Ground Red Pepper (Paprika Mljevena) is an essential condiment for every meal to make it delicious. This red paprika brings a red colour to your recipe and with the exact right amount it makes your recipe yummier. Franck Ground Red Pepper is made of 100% natural and fresh red paprika, with zero added preservatives. Order it today and prepare mouthwatering recipes.

Franck mljevena crvena paprika (paprika ml...

from $2.00 from 6919069139124
Krastavac po komadu *** SAMO DOSTAVA ZA NYC***


Ako ste svjesni zdravlja, morate jesti krastavac svaki dan. Snižava krvni pritisak, povećava hidrataciju u vašem telu. Krastavac sadrži veliku količinu antioksidansa. Takođe je odličan izvor vitamina K, kalijuma, magnezijuma, smanjuje priličnu količinu lošeg holesterola ako se...
If you are health-conscious, you must eat a cucumber every day. It lowers blood pressure, increases hydration in your body. Cucumber contains a high amount of antioxidants. It is also a great source of vitamin K, potassium, magnesium, reduces a fair amount of bad cholesterol if taken regularly. You can make delicious pickles with cucumber which is a yummy side dish.

Krastavac po komadu *** SAMO DOSTAVA ZA NY...

from $1.11 from 6890916118708
Tottis Waves paradajz i paprika 250GR

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Počastite se ovom hrskavom ponudom Tottis Waves Tomato & Paprika napravljeni su od najkvalitetnijeg krompira i začinjeni paradajzom i paprikom. Možete ga popiti uz omiljeni napitak ili jesti kad god osjetite glad. Vašoj djeci će se također svidjeti ovaj...
Treat yourself with this crunchy offering of Tottis Waves Tomato & Paprika are made from the best quality potatoes and seasoned with tomato and paprika. You can have it with your favorite beverage or munch whenever you feel hungry. Your kids will also love this savory delight in their lunchbox. Order Tottis Waves Tomato & Paprika today and experience the taste of yummy snacks.

Tottis Waves paradajz i paprika 250GR

from $6.49 from 6747950448820
Poklon kartica


Kupujete za nekog drugog, ali niste sigurni šta da mu nabavite? Dajte im poklon po izboru sa BalkanFresh poklon karticom. Poklon kartice se isporučuju e-poštom i sadrže upute za njihovo korištenje prilikom plaćanja. Naše poklon kartice nemaju dodatne naknade za...
Shopping for someone else but not sure what to get them? Give them the gift of choice with a BalkanFresh gift card.  Gift cards are delivered by email and contain instructions to redeem them at checkout. Our gift cards have no additional processing fees.

Poklon kartica

from $25.00 from 1694515626027
Vava zelena trešnja paprika sa sirom 540GR

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Napravite recepte izvan kutije uz ovu ukusnu ponudu Vave. Ovaj slani pripravak od zelene paprike od trešnje sa sirom učinit će ekstra slane recepte kremaste teksture. Koristite ga kao preljev na vašoj omiljenoj pizzi ili skuvajte različite recepte...
Make out-of-box recipes with this delicious offering of Vava. This savoury preparation of green cherry peppers with cheese will make extra savoury recipes with a creamy texture. Use it as the toppings on your favourite pizza or cook different recipes with it to add flavour to your meals. Vava Green Cherry Peppers W/ Cheese is full of essential nutrients. Order it today and explore different recipes.

Vava zelena trešnja paprika sa sirom 540GR

from $12.99 from 1666794913835
Ferrero Rocher Diamond Poklon kutija (48kom) 600GR


Proslavite svaku priliku uz ove ukusne čokolade. Ferrero Rocher Diamond Gift Box je savršen poklon za sve starosne grupe. Možete ih uzeti za večernje užine ili ponoćne želje. Također možete pokušati napraviti neke ukusne deserte s Ferrero...
Celebrate every occasion with these delicious chocolates. Ferrero Rocher Diamond Large will be also loved by your kids, a sweet present for all age groups. You can have them for your evening snacks or midnight cravings. You can also try making some yummy desserts with Ferrero Rocher Diamond Large. Order it today and make your everyday special with this delightful treat.

Ferrero Rocher Diamond Poklon kutija (48ko...

from $21.21 from 1313871986731
Jaffa Donuts Choco Cream 75GR


Meke krofne, divan užitak za svako doba. Jaffa Donuts Choco Cream je savršena užina za vašu popodnevnu želju. Možete ga jesti i nakon ručka ili večere, uz sladoled po želji. Vaša djeca će također obožavati ove ukusne...
Soft donuts, lovely delight for any time. Jaffa Donuts Choco Cream is a perfect snack for your afternoon cravings. You can also have it after your lunch or dinner, with your preferred ice cream. Your kids will also love these yummy soft choco cream donuts. Order this sweet package and bring a smile to your kid’s face.

Jaffa Donuts Choco Cream 75GR

from $1.11 from 7863532486898
Vegeta Natur mješavina začina za roštilj 80GR


Iznenadite svoje goste nevjerovatnim domaćim receptima za roštilj, samo dodavanjem Vegeta Natur mješavine začina za roštilj! Pripremite jela od svinjetine ili govedine, ova nevjerovatna mješavina začina će poboljšati okus vaših recepata. Vegeta Natur mješavina začina za roštilj sadrži...
Surprise your guests with amazing homemade barbecue recipes, just by adding Vegeta Natur Seasoning Mix for BBQ! Prepare dishes of pork or beef, this amazing seasoning mix will enhance the flavor of your recipes. Vegeta Natur Seasoning Mix for BBQ contains a signature blend of spices that make your recipes flavorsome! Order today and enjoy heartwarming dishes.

Vegeta Natur mješavina začina za roštilj 80GR

from $4.49 from 7802841661682
Duboki pleh za pečenje Emo emajl 28cm

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Sada pokažite svoje kulinarske vještine tako što ćete napraviti ukusne kolače i sufle u ovoj nevjerojatnoj okrugloj dubokoj tepsiji. Ova tepsija se brže kuva jer je napravljena od emajla i ravnomerno raspoređuje smesu po svojoj površini. Pripremite ukusne...
Now show your culinary skills by making delicious cakes and souffles in this amazing round deep baking tray. This tray cooks faster as it is made of enamel and spreads the mixture equally on its surface. Prepare yummy recipes like pies and cakes in it and amaze your guests. Emo Enamel Deep Baking Tray is perfect to make lasagna too, so don’t wait, order it soon!

Duboki pleh za pečenje Emo emajl 28cm

from $27.77 from 7698253840626
Bash Domaći EXTRA Ljuti Ajvar 680GR

Sold Out

Bash Domaći EXTRA vrući ajvar je divan užitak iz zemlje Makedonije. Ovo možete imati za ručak, lagan obrok u pokretu, posebno koristan za one koji imaju zauzet raspored. Uzmite ovu namirnicu samostalno ili kao prilog prema receptu. Hranljiva...
Bash Homemade EXTRA Hot Ajvar is a wonderful delight from the land of Macedonia. You can have this for your lunch, an easy on-the-go meal, especially useful for those who have busy schedules. Have this staple on its own or as a side dish recipe. A chemical-free, nutritious food that you have ever dreamed of. Order this EXTRA Hot Ajvar soon and enjoy it with your family and friends.

Bash Domaći EXTRA Ljuti Ajvar 680GR

from $12.22 from 7625578873074
Uvozna italijanska Nutella čokolada (staklo) 725GR

Sold Out

Ukusni namaz na kruh ili sendviče. Nutella čokoladni namaz od lješnjaka ima ukusnu aromu lješnjaka. Umočite u njega svoje omiljene kolačiće ili napravite slatka jela za desert, vaša djeca će se zaljubiti u ovaj nevjerovatni čokoladni namaz. Možete...
A yummy spread on your bread or sandwiches. Nutella Chocolate Hazelnut Spread has a delicious hazelnut flavour. Dip your favourite cookies in it or make sweet dessert dishes, your kids will fall in love with this amazing chocolate spread. You can also have it with your preferred ice cream or simply have it on its own! Order Nutella Chocolate Hazelnut Spread and explore its culinary possibilities.

Uvozna italijanska Nutella čokolada (stakl...

from $20.00 from 7544897732850
Milka Choc Jaffa čokoladni mousse 128GR

Sold Out

Savršen spoj uz mlijeko ili kafu. Milka Choc Jaffa Chocolate Mousse . Naručite ovo jednom i vaša djeca će se zaljubiti u njega. Vaši gosti će biti oduševljeni ovim ukusnim kolačićima uz šoljicu tople kafe. Slatke deserte možete napraviti...
A perfect match for milk or coffee. Milka Choc Jaffa Chocolate Mousse . Order this once and your kids will fall in love with it. Your guests will be amazed to have these delicious cookies with a cup of hot coffee. You can also make sweet desserts by crumbling these cookies over your favorite ice cream.

Milka Choc Jaffa čokoladni mousse 128GR

from $3.75 from 7526003015922