
Balkon Torta Tiramisu 400GR


Mekoća spolja i bogato punjenje iznutra, Balconi Torta Tiramisu pružiće vam ukusno zadovoljstvo u svakom zalogaju. To je baršunasta krema od mascarponea uklopljena u mekani čokoladni biskvit, užitak iz kuhinje Italije. Možete ga imati kao slatku poslasticu u svom...
Softness outside and a rich filling inside, Balconi Torta Tiramisu will give you delicious pleasure in every bite. It is a  velvety mascarpone cream enclosed in a soft chocolate sponge cake, a delight from the kitchen of Italy. You can have it as a sweet treat in your dessert. Enjoy this yummy Balconi Torta Tiramisu alone or with your friends. Hurry up and make your dessert sweeter than ever!

Balkon Torta Tiramisu 400GR

from $6.77 from 6596099440820
Brat i sestra dimljena goveđa kobasica (Bosanski sudžuk) 1LB

Sold Out

** **NY, NJ, CT, MA UPS SAMO ISPORUKA NA ZEMLJI** Sve ostale države MOLIM VAS IZABERITE BRZU DOSTAVU. NEĆEMO BITI ODGOVORNI ZA POkvarene PROIZVODE** Ukusni sočni recept iz zemlje Bosne. Bosanski sudžuk je napravljen...
A delicious juicy recipe from the land of Bosnia. Sabah Albanian Beef Sausage is made of the finest quality beef meat, cured and dried with a special blend of spices on the layer of sudzuk.  Our Albanski Sudzuk is a delightful. You can serve smoked beef sausage as a snack, with cheese, in a sandwich, or as part of a meal. Order this yummy smoked beef sausage today and prepare mouthwatering recipes with it.

Brat i sestra dimljena goveđa kobasica (Bo...

from $18.88 from 7931629109490
Todorić dimljena svinjska rebra (Svinjska rebra) 1 komad Težina varira

Sold Out

**NY, NJ, CT, MA UPS SAMO ISPORUKA NA ZEMLJI** Sve ostale države MOLIMO IZABERITE BRZU DOSTAVU. NEĆEMO BITI ODGOVORNI ZA POkvarene PROIZVODE** Trčite sa zauzetim rasporedom? Napravite brze recepte sa ovim ukusnim dimljenim svinjskim rebricama...
Running with a busy schedule? Make quick recipes with these delicious smoked pork shoulder from the house of Todoric. Suvi Vrat is prepared with the finest quality pork ribs and a special mix of spices. A great meat, George's Smoked Pork Shoulder are absolutely delicious. Order soon to surprise your guests with various recipes.

Todorić dimljena svinjska rebra (Svinjska ...

from $17.49 from 7911975747826
Balconi mini rolice sa filom od jagoda 180GR

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Mekoća spolja i slatko punjenje džema od jagoda iznutra, Balconi Mini Rolls će vam pružiti ukusno zadovoljstvo u svakom zalogaju. To je biskvit, užitak iz kuhinje Italije. Možete ga imati kao slatku poslasticu u svom desertu. Uživajte u ovim...
Softness outside and sweet strawberry jam filling inside, Balconi Mini Rolls will give you delicious pleasure in every bite of it. It is a sponge cake, a delight from the kitchen of Italy. You can have it as a sweet treat in your dessert. Enjoy this yummy Balconi Mini Rolls with Strawberry Filling alone or with your friends. Hurry up and make your dessert sweeter than ever!

Balconi mini rolice sa filom od jagoda 180GR

from $3.33 from 7874444722418
Pionir Jagoda Medna Srca 150GR

Sold Out

Slatki desert nakon svakog obroka, Pionir Strawberry Honey Hearts ima ukusan ukus koji će ostaviti u vama prijatan ukus. Ova torta koja se topi u ustima ima sloj čokolade izvana, prirodne arome meda i punjena je jagodama. Savršeno se uklapa...
A sweet dessert after every meal, Pionir Strawberry Honey Hearts has a delicious flavor that will leave a nice aftertaste within you. This mouth-melting cake has a layer of chocolate outside, a natural honey flavor and is filled with strawberry. A perfect match for your evening treat delight, or you can have it whenever you feel hungry. Order Pionir Strawberry Honey Hearts today to enjoy it with your guests.

Pionir Jagoda Medna Srca 150GR

from $3.29 from 7676484255986
Freez Strawberry- Case of 6 (staklo) 275ML

Sold Out

Doživite savršeno osvježenje uz Freez Strawberry. To je umirujući užitak uz lagane zalogaje u večernjim satima vrućeg ljeta ili ga možete uzeti uz doručak. Možete ga koristiti i kao osnovu za mikser za koktele. Uživajte u Freez Strawberryju...
Experience a perfect refreshment with Freez Strawberry. It is a soothing delight with light snacks on the evenings of hot summer or you can take it with your breakfast. You can also use it as the base of your cocktail mixer. Enjoy Freez Strawberry alone or with your friends at house parties. Hurry and order soon!

Freez Strawberry- Case of 6 (staklo) 275ML

from $14.14 from 7671756390642
Freez Berry- Case of 6 (staklo) 275ML

Sold Out

Doživite savršeno osvježenje uz Freez Berry. To je umirujući užitak uz lagane zalogaje u večernjim satima vrućeg ljeta ili ga možete uzeti uz doručak. Možete ga koristiti i kao osnovu za mikser za koktele. Uživajte u Freez...
Experience a perfect refreshment with Freez Berry. It is a soothing delight with light snacks on the evenings of hot summer or you can take it with your breakfast. You can also use it as the base of your cocktail mixer. Enjoy Freez Berry alone or with your friends at house parties. Hurry and order soon!

Freez Berry- Case of 6 (staklo) 275ML

from $14.14 from 7625662988530
Nescafe 3 u 1 instant kafa (jaka) pojedinačni paketići 476GR


Nikada ne propustite jutarnju kafu sa ovim Nescafe paketima instant kafe 3 u 1! Od sada kuvajte kafu u pokretu! Snažna mešavina prženih zrna kafe za savršen aromatičan ukus, ljubitelji kafe će biti oduševljeni posle šoljice ove ukusne...
Never miss your morning coffee with these Nescafe 3 in 1 Instant Coffee Packets! From now on make your coffee on the go! It is blended with roasted coffee beans and has the perfect aromatic taste, the coffee lovers will be amazed after having a cup of this delicious coffee. Serve it with your favorite snacks and make some memorable moments with your friends!

Nescafe 3 u 1 instant kafa (jaka) pojedina...

from $17.77 from 7573269807346
Dijeta bijeli kukuruzni obrok 1KG

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Bitna komponenta za pravljenje pržene piletine i kukuruznog hleba, takođe možete napraviti ukusne kekse sa Dieta White Corn Meal. Pomaže da napravite hrskavi sloj izvan vaših prženih recepata. Popularan sastojak za tradicionalne američke recepte. Dieta White Corn...
195.	Dieta White Corn Meal 1KG An essential component to make fried chicken and cornbread, you can also make delicious biscuits with Dieta White Corn Meal. It helps to make a crunchy layer outside your fried recipes. A popular ingredient for traditional American recipes. Dieta White Corn Meal makes your food yummier. So order this today and enjoy making crunchy and tasty dishes for your family.

Dijeta bijeli kukuruzni obrok 1KG

from $10.10 from 7496795783410
Krompir po komadu *** SAMO DOSTAVA ZA NYC***


Izuzetno hranljivo povrće, krompir nije samo dobar za vaše zdravlje, već možete i da učinite svoje filmsko veče ukusnim sa hrskavim pomfritom. Sa ovim 100% prirodnim, svježim krompirom pripremite ukusne namirnice. Pomaže u zaštiti vašeg tijela od...
Extremely nutritious vegetable, potato is not only good for your health but you can also make your movie-night delicious with crunchy french fries. With this 100% natural, fresh potato, prepare delicious food items. It helps to protect your body from heart diseases, controls blood sugar in your body, and is full of antioxidants. A rich source of proteins and fibre, potato also helps to lose weight.

Krompir po komadu *** SAMO DOSTAVA ZA NYC***

from $0.51 from 6890937385140
Patlidžan po komadu *** SAMO DOSTAVA ZA NYC***


Hranjivo povrće sadrži vitalne nutrijente poput vitamina C, B kompleksa i A, savršeno za dijabetičare. Takođe sadrži kalijum i tiamin, divan izvor vlakana i gvožđa, koji vam pomaže da smršate prirodnim putem. Od njega možete praviti ukusne recepte,...
Nutritious vegetable contains vital nutrients like vitamin C, B complex, and A, perfect for those who are diabetic. It also contains potassium and thiamine, a wonderful source of fibre and iron, helps you to lose weight naturally. You can make delicious recipes with it, bake or grill with different spices. Eggplant is full of antioxidants too. Order today and aid your health with the necessary nutrients!

Patlidžan po komadu *** SAMO DOSTAVA ZA NY...

from $3.33 from 6890922606772
Luk po komadu *** SAMO DOSTAVA ZA NYC***


Svježe povrće koje sadrži nekoliko nutritivnih prednosti, luk je skladište antioksidansa. Također smanjuje loš kolesterol iz vašeg tijela, reguliše dijabetes i štiti vaš probavni trakt. Luk također štiti srce od brojnih bolesti, smanjuje šanse za moždani udar....
A fresh vegetable that contains several nutritional benefits, onion is a storehouse of antioxidants. It also reduces bad cholesterol from your body, regulates diabetes and keeps your digestive tract protected. Onions also protect the heart from multiple diseases, decreases the chances of stroke. This vegetable is an excellent source of sulphur. You can make mouthwatering recipes with it too.

Luk po komadu *** SAMO DOSTAVA ZA NYC***

from $0.99 from 6890914873524