
Freez Pomegranate- Case of 6 (staklo) 275ML

Sold Out

Doživite savršeno osvježenje uz Freez nar. To je umirujući užitak uz lagane zalogaje u večernjim satima vrućeg ljeta ili ga možete uzeti uz doručak. Možete ga koristiti i kao osnovu za mikser za koktele. Uživajte u Freez Pomegranateu...
Experience a perfect refreshment with Freez Pomegranate. It is a soothing delight with light snacks on the evenings of hot summer or you can take it with your breakfast. You can also use it as the base of your cocktail mixer. Enjoy Freez Pomegranate alone or with your friends at house parties. Hurry and order soon!

Freez Pomegranate- Case of 6 (staklo) 275ML

from $14.14 from 7625698279666
Balconi Rollino kakao (čokolada) 222GR

Sold Out

Mekoća spolja i bogato čokoladno punjenje iznutra, Balconi Rollino Cacao Dessert će vam pružiti ukusno zadovoljstvo u svakom zalogaju. To je biskvit, užitak iz kuhinje Italije, preliven slanom čokoladom. Možete ga imati kao slatku poslasticu u svom desertu. Uživajte...
Softness outside and rich chocolate filling inside, Balconi Rollino Cacao Dessert will give you delicious pleasure in every bite of it. It is a sponge cake, a delight from the kitchen of Italy, topped with savory chocolate. You can have it as a sweet treat in your dessert. Enjoy this yummy Balconi Rollino Cacao Dessert alone or with your friends. Hurry up and make your dessert sweeter than ever!

Balconi Rollino kakao (čokolada) 222GR

from $4.33 from 7544874467570
Limun po komadu *** SAMO DOSTAVA ZA NYC***


Svježi limun, hranljivo kiselo voće, čini vaše recepte ukusnim. Ima nekoliko nutritivnih prednosti, bogat je izvor vitamina C i antioksidansa, poboljšava funkciju bubrega i sprječava stvaranje kamenca. Limun također smanjuje mogućnost raka i štiti vaše zdravlje od...
Fresh lemon, a nutritious tangy fruit, makes your recipes delicious. It has several nutritious benefits, is a rich source of vitamin C and antioxidants, improves kidney functions and prevents stone. Lemons also decrease the possibility of cancer and protect your health from anaemia. A yummy immunity booster that also takes care of your digestive tract.

Limun po komadu *** SAMO DOSTAVA ZA NYC***

from $0.66 from 6890934272180
Vincinni Jumbo Swiss Roll krema prelivena čokoladom 300GR

Sold Out

Ako tražite slatke zalogaje, prestanite sa skrolovanjem odmah! Ove ukusne švajcarske rolnice su omiljeni za sve uzraste. Uzmite ga nakon ručka ili večere, zadovoljit će vaše sladokusce svakim zalogajem. Ova švicarska rolnica je puna kremaste čokolade. Jumbo švajcarska rola...
If you are searching for sweet munchies, stop scrolling right now! These delicious swiss rolls are an all-time favorite for any age group. Have it after your lunch or dinner, it will satisfy your sweet tooth with every bite. This swiss roll is full of creamy chocolate. Vincinni Chocolate Covered Cream Filled Jumbo Swiss Roll is made of the best quality ingredients. So order today to experience the taste of it.

Vincinni Jumbo Swiss Roll krema prelivena ...

from $3.99 from 6860717588660
Hodja Kakao Halva Premium 350G


Doživite ovaj slatki užitak nakon ručka ili večere ili ovu ukusnu Hodža čokoladnu halvu Premium možete pojesti u bilo koje doba dana. Ova ukusna halva priprema se sa šećerom, susamom i čokoladom. Možete ga uzeti i za večernju...
Experience this sweet delight after your lunch or dinner, or you can have this delicious Hodja Chocolate Halva Premium at any time of the day. This yummy halva is prepared with sugar, sesame and chocolate. You can also have it for your evening snack. This sweet dish contains several nutrients like vitamin B and E, zinc, phosphorus and calcium. Hodja Chocolate Halva Premium is a rich source of antioxidants.

Hodja Kakao Halva Premium 350G

from $5.55 from 6609724637364
Jami Mini Somun Bread (Sarajevski) 400GR- **NY, NJ, CT, MA Delivery ONLY**

Sold Out

**NY, NJ, CT, MA UPS GROUND DELIVERY ONLY** All Other States PLEASE CHOOSE EXPEDITED SHIPPING. WE WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SPOILED PRODUCTS** Make delicious sandwiches for yourself or your family with this soft flatbread. You...
Jami Mini Somun Bread (Sarajevski) 400GR- **NY, NJ, CT, MA Delivery ONLY**

Jami Mini Somun Bread (Sarajevski) 400GR- ...

from $4.49 from 8158899470578
Kras Bajadera Chocolate 500GR

Sold Out

If you find happiness in chocolate, this is the best and finest one you have ever dreamed of! Kras Bajadera Chocolate tastes sweet and delicious, a favorite for all age groups. Treat yourself with it whenever hunger bites! You can also...
If you find happiness in chocolate, this is the best and finest one you have ever dreamed of! Kras Bajadera Chocolate tastes sweet and delicious, a favorite for all age groups. Treat yourself with it whenever hunger bites! You can also make yummy desserts with it. Kras Bajadera Chocolate is full of calories. Hurry and order soon to enjoy it with your friends or alone!

Kras Bajadera Chocolate 500GR

from $19.99 from 7940264100082
Black Bull Polupecene Kore Fillo (djelimično pečen) 480G- **NY, NJ, CT, MA SAMO DOSTAVA**

Sold Out

**NY, NJ, CT, MA UPS SAMO ISPORUKA NA ZEMLJI** Sve ostale države MOLIMO IZABERITE BRZU DOSTAVU. NEĆEMO BITI ODGOVORNI ZA POkvarene PROIZVODE** Ovi tanki listovi tijesta su ono o čemu ste ikada sanjali. Ako volite...
These thin sheets of dough are what you have dreamed of ever. If you like to make recipes with phyllo but have a busy lifestyle, this Omur Square Jufka is a perfect thing to work on. You can make delicious dishes with it, such as pies and pastries or main course dishes with ground meat and cheese. Your kids will also love your recipes made with Kore. It is a frozen item and popular among the Balkans and the Middle East.

Black Bull Polupecene Kore Fillo (djelimič...

from $4.99 from 7931625832690
KIM karamel krema - Tres Leches 500GR

Sold Out

Pripremite slastice sa KIM karamel kremom. Napravljen je od različitih vrsta otopljenog šećera, savršen je preliv na sladoled. Možete ga koristiti i za poboljšanje okusa vašeg ukusnog pudinga. Naručite KIM karamel kremu kako bi vaši deserti bili ukusniji....
Prepare mouthwatering desserts with KIM Caramel Cream. It is made of different kinds of melted sugar, perfect topping on ice cream. You can also use it to enhance the flavour of your delicious pudding. Order KIM Caramel Cream to make your desserts yummier. This box of sweetness adds flavour to any sweet dish. Make sumptuous recipes and surprise your guests.

KIM karamel krema - Tres Leches 500GR

from $10.10 from 7910864421106
Milka Tender Moo Torte 140GR

Sold Out

Savršen spoj uz mlijeko ili kafu. Milka Moo kolači su ukusni i zabavni za jelo. Naručite ovo jednom i vaša djeca će se zaljubiti u njega. Lagana užina u pokretu i za vašu djecu! Vaši gosti...
A perfect match for milk or coffee. Milka Moo Cakes are delicious and fun to eat. Order this once and your kids will fall in love with it. Your guests will be amazed to have these delicious they are with a cup of hot coffee. Easy on the go snack for your kids too!

Milka Tender Moo Torte 140GR

from $5.79 from 7903924060402
Balconi Mini Tiramisu 300GR

Sold Out

Mekoća spolja i bogato mascarpone kremasto punjenje iznutra, Balconi Mini Tiramisu će vam pružiti ukusno zadovoljstvo u svakom zalogaju. To je biskvit, užitak iz kuhinje Italije. Možete ga imati kao slatku poslasticu u svom desertu. Uživajte u ovom ukusnom...
Softness outside and rich mascarpone cream filling inside, Balconi Mini Tiramisu will give you delicious pleasure in every bite of it. It is a sponge cake, a delight from the kitchen of Italy. You can have it as a sweet treat in your dessert. Enjoy this yummy Balconi Mini Tiramisu alone or with your friends. Hurry up and make your dessert sweeter than ever!

Balconi Mini Tiramisu 300GR

from $5.55 from 7874435645682
Jaffa Plus sok od borovnice 2L


Zaista užitak za ljubitelje sokova, ovaj ukusni sok od borovnice napravljen je od slatkih borovnica. Možete ga koristiti kao slanu osnovu za jutarnji smoothie od jogurta ili voćni smoothie. Jaffa Plus sok od borovnice...
Indeed a delight for juice lovers, this delicious blueberry juice is made of sweet blueberries. You can use it as the savory base for your morning yogurt smoothie or fruit smoothie. Jaffa Plus blueberry Juice consists of important nutrients, vitamins and minerals. The sweetness adds a different piquancy to the juice. You can have it on its own and also with a splash of sparkling water.

Jaffa Plus sok od borovnice 2L

from $7.00 from 7854128136434