Baking Supplies

Baking Supplies

Podignite svoju igru ​​pečenja uz BalkanFreshove Baking Products

Od visokokvalitetnog brašna do specijalnih sastojaka, BalkanFresh ima sve što vam je potrebno da ispečete kao profesionalac. U Balkan Freshu nudimo širok asortiman proizvoda za pečenje koji se sastoje od različitih vrsta proizvoda od brašna, karamel krema, različitih ukusa pudinga u prahu i još mnogo toga.

Svidjet će vam se različiti brendovi sa cijelog Balkana koje vam nudimo. Iz ovih beskrajnih kategorija pečenja moći ćete eksperimentirati sa svojim pečenjem. Lako je napraviti ukusne kolače, kolače i pite. Također možete napraviti tijesto u zavisnosti od našeg brašna za izradu različitih recepata.

Pečenje je i umjetnost i nauka, stoga pogledajte naše proizvode koji će vam odgovarati i impresionirati. Autentični i ukusni sastojci poreklom sa Mediterana i Evrope za vaše potrebe pečenja.

Podignite svoju igru ​​pečenja na višu razinu s našim širokim asortimanom uvezenih europskih i mediteranskih proizvoda za više inspiracije za pečenje.

KIM karamel krema - Tres Leches 500GR

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Pripremite slastice sa KIM karamel kremom. Napravljen je od različitih vrsta otopljenog šećera, savršen je preliv na sladoled. Možete ga koristiti i za poboljšanje okusa vašeg ukusnog pudinga. Naručite KIM karamel kremu kako bi vaši deserti bili ukusniji....
Prepare mouthwatering desserts with KIM Caramel Cream. It is made of different kinds of melted sugar, perfect topping on ice cream. You can also use it to enhance the flavour of your delicious pudding. Order KIM Caramel Cream to make your desserts yummier. This box of sweetness adds flavour to any sweet dish. Make sumptuous recipes and surprise your guests.

KIM karamel krema - Tres Leches 500GR

from $10.10 from 7910864421106
Alb Aroma Krem Karamela 500GR

Sold Out

Pripremite slatke slastice sa Krem karamelom. Pravi se od različitih vrsta rastopljenog šećera. Možete ga uzeti samostalno ili napraviti savršen preljev na sladoledu. Možete ga koristiti i za poboljšanje okusa vašeg ukusnog pudinga. Naručite Krem Caramel kako...
Prepare mouthwatering desserts with Krem Caramel. It is made of different kinds of melted sugar. You can have it on its own or make a perfect topping on ice cream. You can also use it to enhance the flavour of your delicious pudding. Order Krem Caramel to make your desserts yummier. This box of sweetness adds flavour to any sweet dish. Make sumptuous recipes and surprise your guests.

Alb Aroma Krem Karamela 500GR

from $6.67 from 4535090872395
Grah brat i sestra sa dimljenom govedinom 425GR


Ukusan, jednostavan i brzo pravljen recept, posebno koristan za one koji moraju da trče sa zauzetim rasporedom. Ovaj konzervirani pasulj sa dimljenom govedinom potrebno je zagrijati u tiganju i vaš obrok je spreman! Možete ga uzeti za...
Order this Aroy-D Coconut Cream and amaze your guest with delicious recipes.  Use it for making your sweet dessert. Add a splash to your favorite soups or rice. The possibilities are endless for this Aroy-D Coconut Cream. Order today and make a permanent place for it in your pantry!

Grah brat i sestra sa dimljenom govedinom ...

from $4.49 from 7915122393330
Karolina oblatne tort (listovi oblatne) 150GR

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Naručite ovaj hrvatski užitak kako biste pripremili ukusne recepte za deserte koji će oduševiti vaše goste! Oblatne torte se prave od pšeničnog brašna, kukuruznog škroba, biljnog ulja i soli. Svako pakovanje sadrži 5 listova. Možete napraviti hrskave i...
Order this Croatian delight to prepare delicious dessert recipes that will amaze your guests! Oblatne Tort is made of wheat flour, corn starch, vegetable oil and salt. Every package contains 5 sheets. You can make crispy and yummy wafer cakes by filling these sheets with suitable and your favourite ingredients. Oblatne Tort contains peanuts and hazelnuts. Order it today and explore your culinary skills.

Karolina oblatne tort (listovi oblatne) 150GR

from $3.33 from 1026767814699
Vincinni meki slojevi za torte (tamni) 400G

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Naručite ovaj makedonski užitak da brzo pripremite svoje omiljene kolače! Vincinni meki slojevi za kolače se prave od pšeničnog brašna, jaja, sredstava za dizanje i glukoznog sirupa. Pokušajte napraviti različite vrste kolača uz ovu ukusnu ponudu Vincinnija. Iznenadite...
Order this Macedonian delight to prepare your favourite cakes quickly! Vincinni Soft Cake Layers are made with wheat flour, eggs, raising agents and glucose syrup. Try making different types of cakes with this delicious offering of Vincinni. Surprise your guests with out-of-box recipes. Have it on your own or share it with your close ones. To experience the taste of Vincinni Soft Cake Layers, order soon!

Vincinni meki slojevi za torte (tamni) 400G

from $7.99 from 1866834083883
Vincinni meki slojevi za torte (Light) 400GR


Vincinni predstavlja ukusni makedonski užitak za brzu pripremu vaših omiljenih kolača! Ovi kolači se prave od pšeničnog brašna, jaja, dizanja i glukoznog sirupa. Pripremite različite vrste kolača uz ovu ukusnu ponudu Vincinnija. Iznenadite svoje goste gotovim receptima....
Vincinni presents delicious Macedonian delight to prepare your favourite cakes quickly! These cake layers are made with wheat flour, eggs, raising agents and glucose syrup. Prepare different types of cakes with this delicious offering of Vincinni. Surprise your guests with out-of-box recipes. Have it on your own or share it with your close ones. To experience the taste of Vincinni Soft Cake Layers, order soon!

Vincinni meki slojevi za torte (Light) 400GR

from $7.99 from 1666798387243
Franck Instant Palenta (Krupica) 450g

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Jednostavan recept iz zemlje Italije, palenta je ukusan obrok koji će vam uštedjeti vrijeme ako imate zauzet raspored. Franck Instant Palenta se može pripremiti i poslužiti kao kaša. Hranjiv obrok za bilo koju starosnu grupu. Možete dodati...
An easy recipe from the land of Italy, polenta is a delicious meal that will save you time if you have a busy schedule. Franck Instant Palenta can be prepared and served as a porridge. A nutritious meal for any age group. You can add butter and cheese to add extra flavour to it. It is best served with meat toppings and yummy with eggplant recipes. Franck Instant Palenta is made of premium quality corn grits and without any added chemicals.

Franck Instant Palenta (Krupica) 450g

from $2.22 from 4517721309259
Franck Instant Pšenična griz (Psenička Krupica) 400GR

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Sada je pripremanje doručka mnogo lakša uz ove Franck instant pšenične žgance! Potrebno je samo 2 minuta da se kuva i ukusna topla kaša je spremna za serviranje. Možete dodati sir ili puter da mu dodate ukus....
Now, making breakfast is much easier with these Franck Instant Wheat Grits! It just takes 2 minutes to cook and delicious warm porridge is ready to serve. You can add cheese or butter to add flavour to it. This delicious meal can also be served with meat and seafood. Try maple syrup or honey to make a yummy breakfast for your kids. Franck Instant Wheat Grits are made of premium quality wheat semolina with zero added chemicals.

Franck Instant Pšenična griz (Psenička Kru...

from $2.79 from 4470169469003
Dr. Oetker suhi kvasac (3 pakovanja) 21GR


Pravite ukusne i ukusne kolače, od sada sami! Naručite Dr. Oetker suhi kvasac da brzo pripremite svoje kolače. Ovaj suvi kvasac je upravo spreman za mešanje sa brašnom i ostalim začinima, a pogodite šta, vaš kolač je spreman!...
Make delicious and yummy cakes, from now on your own! Order Dr. Oetker Dry Yeast to prepare your cakes quickly. This dry yeast is just ready to mix with flour and other condiments, and guess what, your cake is ready! Make yummy pastries or large cakes with Dr. Oetker Dry Yeast. You do not need to dissolve the condiments previously, this instant yeast makes your work easier!

Dr. Oetker suhi kvasac (3 pakovanja) 21GR

from $2.22 from 4670912462923
Oetker prašak za pecivo 16GR (10 pakovanja)

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Ako imate strast za pečenje kolača, to je savršeni sastojak koji tražite. Dr. Oetker prašak za pecivo je bez glutena i odlično sredstvo za dizanje različitih recepata. Sadrži kukuruzni skrob, natrijum karbonate i difosfate. Ovaj prašak za pecivo...
If you have a passion for baking cakes, it is the perfect ingredient that you are searching for. Dr. Oetker Baking Powder is gluten-free and an excellent raising agent for various recipes. It contains maize starch, sodium carbonates, and diphosphates. You can use this baking powder to bake pastries and cakes. Order Dr. Oetker Baking Powder today and prepare yummy delicious recipes.

Oetker prašak za pecivo 16GR (10 pakovanja)

from $4.44 from 6573575405748
Dr. Oetker Cimet Šećer 8GR


Ako imate strast za pečenje kolača, to je savršeni sastojak koji tražite. Dr. Oetker Cimet šećer, koristite ga na vašim omiljenim kolačima i kolačima. Pospite svoje deserte ili toplu kašu. Obavezno držite nešto u ostavi. Naručite danas i pripremite...
If you have a passion for baking cakes, it is the perfect ingredient that you are searching for. Dr. Oetker Cinnamon Sugar, use it on your favorite pastries and cakes. Sprinkle on your desserts or warm porriage. Make sure to keep some in your pantry. Order today and prepare yummy delicious recipes.

Dr. Oetker Cimet Šećer 8GR

from $1.00 from 7847259635954
Oetker Classic Creme Brulee desert 105GR


Od sada ne morate ići u restoran po ukusan desert. Dr. Oetker Creme Classic Brulee desert je slatka poslastica koja će vam donijeti ukusan užitak! Slatki desert koji se lako priprema. Možete ga imati bilo gdje i...
From now on, you don’t have to go to a restaurant for a delicious dessert. Dr. Oetker Creme Classic Brulee Dessert is a sweet treat that will bring you yummy delight! A mouthwatering dessert that is easy to prepare. You can have it anywhere and at anytime. Don’t forget to share this savoury Dr. Oetker Creme Classic Brulee Dessert. Order soon and enjoy yourself alone or with your friends.

Oetker Classic Creme Brulee desert 105GR

from $2.22 from 6896170500276