Softness outside and a rich filling inside, Balconi Torta Tiramisu will give you delicious pleasure in every bite. It is a  velvety mascarpone cream enclosed in a soft chocolate sponge cake, a delight from the kitchen of Italy. You can have it as a sweet treat in your dessert. Enjoy this yummy Balconi Torta Tiramisu alone or with your friends. Hurry up and make your dessert sweeter than ever!

Balkon Torta Tiramisu 400GR

Sold Out

Balkon Torta Tiramisu 400GR Balkon Torta Tiramisu 400GR becomes available.

Mekoća spolja i bogato punjenje iznutra, Balconi Torta Tiramisu pružiće vam ukusno zadovoljstvo u svakom zalogaju. To je baršunasta krema od mascarponea uklopljena u mekani čokoladni biskvit, užitak iz kuhinje Italije. Možete ga imati kao slatku poslasticu u svom desertu. Uživajte u ovom ukusnom Balconi Torta Tiramisuu sami ili sa prijateljima. Požurite i učinite svoj desert slađim nego ikad! Težina: 14,1 oz (400 g) Mascarpone krem ​​fil Delicious desert


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7 Days čokoladni kroasan 75GR

Sold Out

Kada glad ugrize, počastite se ovim ukusnim zalogajem. 7 Days čokoladni kroasan je napravljen od tijesta i bogatog čokoladnog fila. Ovaj genetski modificirani kroasan bez organizama otopit će se u ustima, a pogodite šta će se dalje dogoditi!...
When hunger bites, treat yourself with this mouthwatering snack. 7 Days chocolate croissant is made of dough and rich chocolate filling. This croissant will melt in your mouth, and guess what happens next! A burst of chocolate inside. A single bite of this chocolate croissant will leave a sweet taste in your mouth. So, make your every day better with 7 Days Chocolate Croissant.

7 Days čokoladni kroasan 75GR

from $2.22 from 1780673380395
Crevenka Jaffa Torte Narandža 300GR

Sold Out

Ugodan užitak za utažiti glad u bilo kom trenutku. Ukusni troslojni kolačići nalik na tortu, spužvasti sloj spolja, žele od narandže prevučen čokoladnim slojem iznutra daje vam slatki njam-njam u svakom zalogaju. Odličan je večernji zalogaj uz toplu...
A yummy delight to satisfy your hunger at any time. Delicious three-layered cake-like cookies, spongy layer outside, orange jelly coated with a chocolate layer inside gives you a sweet yum-yum in every bite. It is an excellent evening snack with hot or cold coffee. Crevenka Jaffa Cakes Orange is made of wheat flour, cocoa powder, syrup, eggs and sugar. Enjoy this and make your days sweeter!

Crevenka Jaffa Torte Narandža 300GR

from $5.55 from 1026921463851
Crevenka Jaffa Torte Narandža 150GR

Sold Out

Ne dozvolite da vas glad više grize! Uzmite ove ukusne kolačiće nalik na tortu, punjene želeom od narandže i slojem čokolade kako biste sebi priuštili slatku poslasticu kad god ste gladni. Ovi ukusni kolačići napravljeni su od pšeničnog...
Don’t let hunger bite you anymore! Have these delicious cake-like cookies, filled with orange jelly and a layer of chocolate to give yourself a sweet treat whenever you are hungry. These delicious cookies are made of wheat flour, eggs, cocoa powder, sugar, and syrup. Order these yummy Crevenka Jaffa Cakes Orange to make your evening snacks sweeter and don’t forget to share!

Crevenka Jaffa Torte Narandža 150GR

from $3.00 from 1713075486763
Jaffa Munchmallow Classic (plava)105GR

Sold Out

Mekani i ukusni kolačići, premazani čokoladnim slojem i filom od belog sleza, orašastih plodova, susama iznutra. Savršen spoj za jutarnju ili večernju kafu. Ovaj ukusni slatki užitak napravljen je od pšeničnog brašna, sojinog lecitina, bjelanjka, kakao praha i...
Soft and delicious cookies, coated with chocolate layer and marshmallow, nuts, sesame filling inside. A perfect match for your morning or evening coffee. This yummy sweet delight is made of wheat flour, soya lecithin, egg white, cocoa powder and vegetable fat. You can have these tasty cookies at any time of the day. Order it today to enjoy with your family and friends. Crvenka Munchmallow Classic (Blue) may contain preservatives.

Jaffa Munchmallow Classic (plava)105GR

from $2.22 from 1027134750763
Jaffa Munchmallow Double Munch 133GR

Sold Out

U potrazi za slatkim poslasticama? Ako jeste, ovo je najbolji slatki užitak o kojem ste ikada sanjali! Probajte ovaj ukusni Jaffa Munchmallow Double Munch, dupli keksići čokoladni sloj spolja i mekani marshmallow sa orasima i susamom iznutra daće...
In search of sweet treats? If yes, this is the best sweet delight you have ever dreamed of! Try this yummy Crvenka Munchmallow Duo, double biscuits chocolate layer outside and soft marshmallow with nuts and sesame inside will give the sweetest taste on the earth. Don’t forget to share. Crvenka Munchmallow Duo is a perfect match with your morning or evening coffee.

Jaffa Munchmallow Double Munch 133GR

from $2.22 from 4443192721483