Konzervirana i Jared hrana

Konzervirana i Jared hrana

Postoje trenuci kada jednostavno nemamo vremena da odemo do supermarketa po ono što nam je potrebno, a u drugim slučajevima naš raspored može biti čak i prezauzet da bismo pripremili svježe sastojke.

Konzervirana hrana, u ovim slučajevima, može biti pravi spas. U stvari, postoji i nekoliko recepata koji zahtijevaju da koristite konzerviranu i zapakovanu robu za najbolji rezultat.

S druge strane, ako tražite balkanski pasulj u konzervi i konzervirano povrće, BalkanFresh je najbolja online platforma za nabavku dobrih balkanskih konzervi za ponovno kreiranje autentičnog recepta uz autentični osjećaj Balkana.

Ako tražite ukusna balkanska jela u konzervi, povrće u teglama i konzervisanu robu, onda nema drugog mesta osim BalkanFresh-ove internet pijace da se opskrbite svime što vam je potrebno.

Brian's Gherkins Spears w/ Fefferoni 720GR


Sada uživajte u obrocima uz ove ukusne kornišone i feferone. Brian's Gherkins Spears w/ Fefferoni je napravljen od 100% prirodnih i svježih kornišona i blago ljutog feferona, sa prstohvatom mješavine začina. Možete praviti razne recepte dodavanjem koplja od...
Now enjoy your meals with these mouthwatering gherkins and fefferoni. Brian's Gherkins Spears w/ Fefferoni is made of 100% natural and fresh gherkins and slightly hot fefferoni, with a pinch of the spice blend. You can make various recipes by adding gherkins spears with fefferoni, which will make your recipes yummier. Enjoy your meals with a different flavour and your kids will definitely like this sweet and hot Brian's Gherkins Spears w/ Fefferoni.

Brian's Gherkins Spears w/ Fefferoni 720GR

from $5.00 from 1780663091243
Eva sardine u biljnom ulju sa limunom 115g

Sold Out

Ove Eva sardine u vegetanle ulju s limunom su ukusne i pružit će vam nevjerovatno iskustvo sa ukusnim ukusom! Eva sardine će postati glavna stvar u vašoj ostavi! Isprobajte različite nove recepte s ovim slatkim sardinama. Mogućnosti su beskrajne....
A rich source of omega-3 fatty acid lowers your blood pressure and keeps your heart healthy. It has anti-inflammatory agents and vitamin C that protect the blood vessels. Eva Sardines in Vegetable Oil With Lemon is also delicious and has a slightly sour flavour. You can make mouthwatering recipes with these sardines and surprise your guests with your culinary skills!

Eva sardine u biljnom ulju sa limunom 115g

from $3.33 from 6595952214196
Podravka srdačna povrtna supa s vrganjima i heljdom 70GR


Pripremite ovu ukusnu juhu koju ćete poslužiti uz večeru i iznenaditi svoje goste, Podravka srdačna povrtna juha s vrganjima i heljdom sadrži okus začinske mješavine, heljde, vrganja i povrća. Možete ga jesti i za doručak ili ručak. Ova...
Prepare this delicious soup to serve with your dinner and surprise your guests, Podravka Hearty Vegetable Soup With Porcini Mushrooms & Buckwheat contains a flavour of the spicy blend, buckwheat, porcini mushrooms and vegetables. You can also have it for your breakfast or lunch. This yummy soup tastes exactly like homemade soup. You can add your favourite condiments to enhance the flavour. Order right now and have a tasty delight.

Podravka srdačna povrtna supa s vrganjima ...

from $2.99 from 6754095104180
Podravka Fant začin za pljeskavice (Košani odrezak) 90GR


Pripremite srdačna jela s mljevenim mesom i Podravka začinima. Ova mješavina začina sadrži krušne mrvice, sušeno povrće, jaja u prahu i prepoznatljivu kombinaciju začina. Pomešajte sa mlakom vodom i mešajte da se kuva sa mesom. Takođe možete...
Prepare heartwarming dishes with minced meat and Podravka Seasoning. This seasoning mix contains breadcrumbs, dried vegetables, egg powder and a signature combination of spices. Mix it with lukewarm water and stir to cook with meat. You can also make meatloaves and fritters. Make delicious recipes easily and quickly. Try Podravka Seasoning For Meat Patties once and you will definitely order it again.

Podravka Fant začin za pljeskavice (Košani...

from $2.29 from 6685615653044
Podravka Plum Butter Spread 660G


A Croatian delight, Podravka Plum Butter Spread is an all-time favourite for any age group. Spread it on bread or make pudding, pies and different sweet recipes that will complete your meal with a sweet note. This delicious...
A Croatian delight, Podravka Plum Butter Spread is an all-time favourite for any age group. Spread it on bread or make pudding, pies and different sweet recipes that will complete your meal with a sweet note. This delicious plum butter spread is made of fresh fruit and no added preservatives. Have it alone or enjoy it with your friends and family. Podravka Plum Butter Spread is a storehouse of carbohydrates.

Podravka Plum Butter Spread 660G

from $10.00 from 8035231924466
Brian's Long Red Peppers 580GR


U potrazi za pojačivačima ukusa? Ovo je najbolji prirodni modifikator okusa koji ćete ikada pronaći. Ove ljute ljute paprike su apsolutno ukusne sa vašim osnovnim jelom. Probajte ovo kao preljev na sendvič sa sirom na žaru ili...
In search of flavour enhancers? This is the best natural flavour modifier you will ever find. These spicy hot red peppers are absolutely delicious with your staple. Try this as toppings on your grilled cheese sandwich or have it beside your lunch. You will find an amazing change of taste in your regular meals. So hurry and order these Brian's Long Red Peppers now and make your meals yummier

Brian's Long Red Peppers 580GR

from $4.44 from 6558937809076
Brian's mljevena blaga paprika 100GR

Sold Out

Odličan pojačivač okusa, blaga paprika se može koristiti za kuhanje raznih namirnica. Pruža nježnu crvenu boju hrani, a njena slatkoća čini hranu ukusnijom. Brian's Crushed Mild Paprika je napravljena od crvenih paprika vrhunskog kvaliteta. Ima blagi nivo začina,...
Excellent flavor enhancer, mild paprika can be used to cook various food items. It provides a gentle red colour to the food and it's sweetness makes the food yummier. Brian's Crushed Mild Paprika is made of premium quality red peppers. It has a mild spice level but helps to cook delicious food with the right amount. So order this Brian's Crushed Mild Paprika today and make your food yummier!

Brian's mljevena blaga paprika 100GR

from $5.00 from 7878740869362
Brat i sestra goveđi ručak (halal) 200GR


Prava pomoć za one koji imaju zauzet raspored i moraju da preskaču obroke, tako da ne brinite, od sada pa nadalje, ne morate da preskačete sastanke ili obroke! Ovaj ukusni goveđi ručak za brat i sestru je jednostavan obrok...
A true utility to those who have busy schedules and have to skip meals, so don’t worry, from now on, you don’t have to skip your meetings or meals! This delicious Brother & Sister Beef Luncheon is an easy on-the-go meal, have it for your breakfast, lunch, or dinner. You can have it on its own or try it with your favorite cheese sandwiches. An excellent source of proteins will keep you work all day long!

Brat i sestra goveđi ručak (halal) 200GR

from $6.00 from 7698204721394
Marco Polo Baby Cornichons 550GR


Napravite slanu supu ili gulaš sa Marco Polo Baby Cornichonsom. Ovi kornišoni su izuzetno hranljivi i imaju nekoliko zdravstvenih prednosti. Pomažu u regulaciji šećera u krvi i poboljšanju metabolizma u tijelu. Ovi kornišoni također...
Make savoury soup or stew with Marco Polo Baby Cornichons. These cornichons are extremely nutritious and have several health benefits. They help to regulate blood sugar and improve the metabolism rate of the body. These cornichons also aid in improving the functions of the digestive tract. A rich source of antioxidants and vitamins, order Marco Polo Baby Cornichons today.

Marco Polo Baby Cornichons 550GR

from $4.44 from 6698076111028
Podravka Forest Fruit Spread 320GR


Now add a little flavour to your breakfast order Podravka Forest Fruit Spread  and spread it on your bread, pancakes or croissant, you will be amazed by the heartwarming flavours of fresh fruits! You can also prepare yummy...
Now add a little flavour to your breakfast order Podravka Forest Fruit Spread  and spread it on your bread, pancakes or croissant, you will be amazed by the heartwarming flavours of fresh fruits! You can also prepare yummy desserts with this sweet delight. Order Podravka Forest Fruit Spread today and make your kid’s breakfast tastier!

Podravka Forest Fruit Spread 320GR

from $4.99 from 8038294356210
Alb paprika paradajz sa ukusom punjena sirom 990GR


Pune nutritivnih prednosti, ove paradajz paprike punjene sirom odličan su izvor proteina, vlakana i vitamina. Ove paprike možete jesti i samostalno ili sa njima praviti dirljive recepte. Ovo će se svidjeti i vašoj djeci u svojim obrocima. Jedite...
These tomato peppers stuffed with cheese are great addition to your meals. You can also have these peppers on their own or make heartwarming recipes with them. Your kids will love this in their meals too. Have it at any time of the day, on your sandwiches or beside meat recipes. Order these Tomato Peppers Stuffed with Cheese and experience the taste!

Alb paprika paradajz sa ukusom punjena sir...

from $13.33 from 7435992924402
Brian's Giardinera salata 1kg


Ukusna salata od mešanog povrća, napravljena od sveže šargarepe, krastavca, karfiola, pimentosa i celera u salamuri sirćeta. Možete ga jesti samostalno ili mu dodati malo posipanog sira. Ovo hrskavo jelo možete jesti i pored vašeg recepta za...
A mouthwatering salad of mixed vegetables, made of fresh carrot, cucumber, cauliflower, pimentos and celery in the brine of vinegar. You can have it on its own or add some sprinkled cheese to it. You can also have this crunchy dish beside your main course recipe. Giardinera is a rich source of vitamins, proteins and minerals. Enjoy it with your friends and family!

Brian's Giardinera salata 1kg

from $6.00 from 6559730466996