Konzervirana i Jared hrana

Konzervirana i Jared hrana

Postoje trenuci kada jednostavno nemamo vremena da odemo do supermarketa po ono što nam je potrebno, a u drugim slučajevima naš raspored može biti čak i prezauzet da bismo pripremili svježe sastojke.

Konzervirana hrana, u ovim slučajevima, može biti pravi spas. U stvari, postoji i nekoliko recepata koji zahtijevaju da koristite konzerviranu i zapakovanu robu za najbolji rezultat.

S druge strane, ako tražite balkanski pasulj u konzervi i konzervirano povrće, BalkanFresh je najbolja online platforma za nabavku dobrih balkanskih konzervi za ponovno kreiranje autentičnog recepta uz autentični osjećaj Balkana.

Ako tražite ukusna balkanska jela u konzervi, povrće u teglama i konzervisanu robu, onda nema drugog mesta osim BalkanFresh-ove internet pijace da se opskrbite svime što vam je potrebno.

Billur So (Krupna) 500GR


Važan nutrijent za ljudski organizam je so. Sadrži različite ione poput natrijuma, kalija i kalcijuma. Billur so je čista forma soli koja se sastoji od oko 40% natrijuma i 60% hlorida. Tačno odgovarajuća količina soli pomaže tijelu...
An important nutrient to the human body is salt. It contains different ions like sodium, potassium, and calcium. Billur salt is a pure form of salt that consists of about 40% of sodium and 60% of chloride. The exact right amount of salt helps the body to function properly. Besides adding flavour to your food, salt also aids the human body to maintain electrolyte balance and protects from malfunctions. Order Billur Salt to provide your body with proper nutrients.

Billur So (Krupna) 500GR

from $2.22 from 6600881995956
Edeka BBQ sos od dimljenog meda 300GR

Sold Out

Savršen sastojak za pripremu ukusnog roštilja kod kuće. Edeka BBQ sos od dimljenog meda čini vaš odrezak ukusnim i ukusnim. Ovo možete dodati za različite recepte, najbolje ide uz piletinu i kobasice. Dodaje ukus vašim jelima. Naručite još...
The perfect ingredient to make delicious BBQ at home. Edeka Smoked Honey BBQ Sauce makes your steak delicious and mouthwatering. You can add this to make different recipes, best goes with chicken and sausages. It adds flavour to your meals. Order this Edeka Smoked Honey BBQ Sauce today and prepare various savoury recipes that will amaze your guests!

Edeka BBQ sos od dimljenog meda 300GR

from $4.44 from 6896176234676
Eva sardine u biljnom ulju 115GR


Ove Eva sardine u vegetanle ulju su ukusne i pružit će vam nevjerovatno iskustvo sa ukusnim ukusom! Eva sardine će postati glavna stvar u vašoj ostavi! Isprobajte različite nove recepte s ovim slatkim sardinama. Mogućnosti su beskrajne.
These Briosa Sardines in Olive Oil are delicious and will give you an amazing experience with a yummy flavour! Briosa Sardines will become a staple in your pantry! Try different new recipes with these mouthwatering sardines. The possibilites are endless.

Eva sardine u biljnom ulju 115GR

from $5.89 from 8533182054642
Basak Instant Tomato Soup 20GR


Enjoy this warm delight with your friends and family. Basak Instant Tomato Soup is perfect for the winter nights or an after school snack for your kids. It is a perfect treat for vegetarians. You can have it...
Enjoy this warm delight with your friends and family. Basak Instant Tomato Soup is perfect for the winter nights or an after school snack for your kids. It is a perfect treat for vegetarians. You can have it with different recipes like pasta and noodles. It takes only 5 minutes to cook this delicious recipe. Order today and surprise your guests with Basak Instant Tomato Soup .

Basak Instant Tomato Soup 20GR

from $1.11 from 8040457076978
Basak Tiramisu 355GR


Experience this yummy tiramisu mix and you cannot resist ordering it again! A delicious sweet dish that is easy to prepare. Have this on any occasion and holidays. Your kids will love it too. Mouthwatering creamy dessert or you can...
Experience this yummy tiramisu mix and you cannot resist ordering it again! A delicious sweet dish that is easy to prepare. Have this on any occasion and holidays. Your kids will love it too. Mouthwatering creamy dessert or you can have it on chilly winter evenings. Order soon and get a package of sweetness that will make you smile!

Basak Tiramisu 355GR

from $5.49 from 8039363739890
Alb Flavor Cooked Lima Beans (Fasule Pllaqi) 295GR


Delicious, easy and quick made recipe, especially useful for those who have to run with a busy schedule. These lima beans with need to be heated in the pan and your meal is prepared! You can have it for...
Delicious, easy and quick made recipe, especially useful for those who have to run with a busy schedule. These lima beans with need to be heated in the pan and your meal is prepared! You can have it for your lunch. Alb Flavor Cooked Lima Beans is a yummy dish that is ready to be served. Your guests will love it and ask you for more.

Alb Flavor Cooked Lima Beans (Fasule Pllaq...

from $8.99 from 7986233999602
Grah brat i sestra sa dimljenom govedinom 425GR


Ukusan, jednostavan i brzo pravljen recept, posebno koristan za one koji moraju da trče sa zauzetim rasporedom. Ovaj konzervirani pasulj sa dimljenom govedinom potrebno je zagrijati u tiganju i vaš obrok je spreman! Možete ga uzeti za...
Order this Aroy-D Coconut Cream and amaze your guest with delicious recipes.  Use it for making your sweet dessert. Add a splash to your favorite soups or rice. The possibilities are endless for this Aroy-D Coconut Cream. Order today and make a permanent place for it in your pantry!

Grah brat i sestra sa dimljenom govedinom ...

from $4.49 from 7915122393330
Granny Secret Extra Jam kajsija 670GR


Želite li svom doručku dodati malo okusa? Naručite Granny Secret Extra Jam marelica i namažite je na svoj kruh, palačinke ili kroasan, imat ćete nalet svježeg džema od kajsije u ustima! Ovaj ukusni džem je napravljen od 100% prirodnih...
Want to add a little flavour to your breakfast? Order Mechaalany Apricot Jam and spread it on your bread, pancakes or croissant, you will have a burst of fresh apricot jam inside your mouth! This delicious jam is delicious! You can also prepare yummy desserts with this sweet delight. Order Mechaalany Apricot Jam today and make your kid’s breakfast ta

Granny Secret Extra Jam kajsija 670GR

from $12.00 from 7915119935730
Brian's Wild Rosehip Namaz 640GR


Ukusan i hranjiv namaz od šipka može se koristiti u različitim receptima. Vašoj djeci će se svidjeti u doručku stavljajući ih na tost ili sendviče. Odličan je izvor vitamina C. Brians Wild RoseHip Namaz je dobar i...
Delicious rosehip spread can be used in different recipes. Your kids will love it in their breakfast by putting them on toast or sandwiches. Vava Rosehip Spread is also good on sweet treats. So, hurry and order this yummy rosehip spread today and spread happiness on your bread!

Brian's Wild Rosehip Namaz 640GR

from $8.99 from 7911592657138
Vava paprike žute trešnje sa sirom 540GR


Istražite kulinarske mogućnosti ove Vavine ponude. Ovaj ukusni recept za žute paprike od trešnje sa sirom će napraviti ekstra slana jela kremaste teksture. Koristite ga kao preljev na vašoj omiljenoj pizzi ili skuvajte različite recepte s njim kako...
Explore the culinary possibilities of this offering of Vava. This mouthwatering recipe of yellow cherry peppers with cheese will make extra savoury meals with a creamy texture. Use it as the toppings on your favourite pizza or cook different recipes with it to add flavour to your meals.  Vava Yellow Cherry Peppers With Cheese is full of essential nutrients. Order it today and prepare heartwarming recipes for your guests.

Vava paprike žute trešnje sa sirom 540GR

from $15.99 from 7854119452914
MT. Taygetos sušeni bosiljak 80GR


Od sada će se ukusnije supe kuvati u vašoj kuhinji uz ovaj zdrav i ukusan MT. Taygetos sušeni bosiljak! Napravite tople napitke ili začinjeni sos, vaši gosti će biti zadivljeni vašim kulinarskim umećem. Osušeni bosiljak sadrži esencijalne nutrijente,...
From now on, yummier soups will be cooked in your kitchen with this healthy and tasty MT. Taygetos Dried Basil! Make warm beverages or spicy sauce, your guests will be amazed by your culinary skills. Dried basil contains essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals. It reduces blood sugar and relieves joint pain. A wonderful source of antioxidants, order MT. Taygetos Dried Basil today!

MT. Taygetos sušeni bosiljak 80GR

from $5.99 from 6713062719668
Segedinska piletina rub 141GR


Iznenadite svoje goste domaćim receptima od piletine, samo ne zaboravite da dodate segedinsku piletinu tokom kuvanja! Ova mješavina začina napravljena je od najkvalitetnijih sastojaka. Sadrži prepoznatljivu mješavinu začina i sušenog bijelog luka. Samo pomiješajte s uljem i limunovim...
Surprise your guests with homemade recipes of chicken, just don’t forget to add Szeged Chicken Rub while cooking! This spicy seasoning mix is made of the best quality ingredients. It contains a signature blend of spices and dried garlic. Just mix with oil and lemon juice, before brushing on chicken. Cook the marinated chicken however you prefer, you will experience a heartwarming flavour in every bite!

Segedinska piletina rub 141GR

from $5.89 from 6658967601332