Konzervirana i Jared hrana

Konzervirana i Jared hrana

Postoje trenuci kada jednostavno nemamo vremena da odemo do supermarketa po ono što nam je potrebno, a u drugim slučajevima naš raspored može biti čak i prezauzet da bismo pripremili svježe sastojke.

Konzervirana hrana, u ovim slučajevima, može biti pravi spas. U stvari, postoji i nekoliko recepata koji zahtijevaju da koristite konzerviranu i zapakovanu robu za najbolji rezultat.

S druge strane, ako tražite balkanski pasulj u konzervi i konzervirano povrće, BalkanFresh je najbolja online platforma za nabavku dobrih balkanskih konzervi za ponovno kreiranje autentičnog recepta uz autentični osjećaj Balkana.

Ako tražite ukusna balkanska jela u konzervi, povrće u teglama i konzervisanu robu, onda nema drugog mesta osim BalkanFresh-ove internet pijace da se opskrbite svime što vam je potrebno.

Brian's pečene crvene paprike 580GR


Ovo je prekrasan pojačivač okusa kada ga dodate u recepte za kuhanje s mesom i sirom. Možete ga koristiti i kao preljev za omiljenu picu ili sendviče sa sirom na žaru. Brian's Roasted Red Peppers su napravljene...
This is a wonderful flavour enhancer when you add it to cook recipes with meat and cheese. You can also use it as toppings on your favourite pizza or grilled cheese sandwiches. Brian's Roasted Red Peppers are made of fresh red peppers, seasoned with a blend of spices before roasting them. 100% natural and delicious Brian's Roasted Red Peppers will make your meals yummier than ever.

Brian's pečene crvene paprike 580GR

from $6.77 from 1780663779371
Brian's Hot Fefferoni 580GR

Sold Out

Učinite svoje obroke ukusnijim uz ovaj ukusni Brian's Fefferoni Hot. Ovaj vrući feferoni možete dodati raznim receptima ili ga možete koristiti kao preljev na svoje omiljene sendviče. Pravi se od svježeg ljutog feferona i začinjen začinima. Uzmite ga...
Make your meals tastier with this delicious Brian's Fefferoni Hot. You can add this hot fefferoni to various recipes or you can also have it as a topping on your favourite sandwiches. It is made with fresh hot fefferoni and seasoned with spices. Have it beside your main course meal and make it extra flavourful. Try this 100% natural Brian's Fefferoni Hot once and it will be a regular item in your pantry!

Brian's Hot Fefferoni 580GR

from $5.55 from 4399624519755
Vava pečene crvene paprike sa belim lukom 550GR


Oduševite svoje goste pripremajući slane recepte sa Vava pečenim crvenim paprikama sa belim lukom! Ova ukusna ponuda Vave je odličan izvor antioksidansa. Ove paprike sadrže prirodne pojačivače ukusa i čine vašu hranu izuzetno ukusnom. Pečene paprike sadrže vitamine,...
Amaze your guests by preparing savoury recipes with Vava Roasted Red Peppers w/ Garlic! This delicious offering of Vava is an excellent source of antioxidants. These peppers contain natural flavour enhancers and make your food extra delicious. Roasted peppers contain vitamins, fibre, calcium and potassium. Explore your culinary creativity with this amazing preparation.

Vava pečene crvene paprike sa belim lukom ...

from $7.99 from 4528764158027
Vispak mljevena slatka crvena paprika (paprika) 100GR

Sold Out

Napravite dirljiva jela sa Vispak mlevenom slatkom crvenom paprikom. Ova slatka paprika ne samo da dodaje ukus vašim receptima, već i daje ukusnu teksturu u vašem obroku. Samo dodajte prstohvat u svoje omiljene supe ili napravite meso sa...
Make heartwarming dishes with Vispak Ground Sweet Red Pepper. This sweet pepper not only adds flavour to your recipes but also produce a mouthwatering texture in your meal. Just add a pinch to your favourite soups or make grilled meat with this red pepper and experience the taste of it. Order this 100% natural and fresh ground red pepper to make your recipes yummier.

Vispak mljevena slatka crvena paprika (pap...

from $2.69 from 1027191865387
Podravka Vegeta Shaker za začin 170GR

Sold Out

Idealan začin za poboljšanje ukusa vaših recepata. Podravka Vegeta Shaker za začin sadrži sušeno povrće i mješavinu začina. Ne samo da čini vaša jela ukusnijima već sadrži i zdrave hranljive materije. Pripremite svoje ukusne salate, ljupke juhe ili...
An ideal condiment to enhance the taste of your recipes.  Podravka Vegeta Seasoning Shaker contains dried vegetables and a mixture of spices. It not only makes your dishes tastier but it also consists of healthy nutrients. Prepare your delicious salads, heartwarming soups or yummy pasta recipes,  Podravka Vegeta Seasoning Shaker brings out the natural flavour of the dishes.

Podravka Vegeta Shaker za začin 170GR

from $5.89 from 1861512626219
Podravka Cikla crvena cvekla 660G

Sold Out

Naručite Podravka Cikla Crvenu ciklu i imat ćete brzu i laku grickalicu. Koristite ga kao prilog ili ga uključite u svoje recepte. Mogućnosti su beskrajne s ovom Podravka ciklom crvene repe. Obećavamo da će vaši gosti biti...
Order Podravka Cikla Red Beets and you will have a quick and easy snack. Use it as a side dish or incorporate it into your recipes. The possibilities are endless with this Podravka Cikla Red Beets. We promise, your guests will be impressed! This will become your families favorite.

Podravka Cikla crvena cvekla 660G

from $6.99 from 4426982195275
Svijezda tradicionalni majonez 165GR (tube)

Sold Out

Pripremite dirljive recepte s ovim tradicionalnim hrvatskim užitkom. Svijezda tradicionalna majoneza se pravi od svježeg suncokretovog ulja i žumanjaka. Sadrži vitamine i proteine. Savršeno predjelo sa krekerima, ili u njega možete umočiti pomfrit. Svijezda tradicionalna majoneza ne sadrži...
Prepare heartwarming recipes with this traditional delight of Croatia. Zvijezda Traditional Mayonnaise is made with fresh sunflower oil and egg yolks. It contains vitamins and proteins. A perfect appetizer with crackers, or you can dip french fries in it. Zvijezda Traditional Mayonnaise, order today to experience the taste of it.

Svijezda tradicionalni majonez 165GR (tube)

from $4.29 from 4400905814091
Vava crvena trešnja paprika sa sirom 540GR

Sold Out

Istražite kulinarske mogućnosti ove Vavine ponude. Ovaj ukusni recept za crvene paprike od trešnje sa sirom će napraviti ekstra slana jela kremaste teksture. Koristite ga kao preljev na vašoj omiljenoj pizzi ili skuvajte različite recepte s njim kako...
Explore the culinary possibilities of this offering of Vava. This mouthwatering recipe of red cherry peppers with cheese will make extra savoury meals with a creamy texture. Use it as the toppings on your favourite pizza or cook different recipes with it to add flavour to your meals.  Vava Red Cherry Peppers With Cheese is full of essential nutrients. Order it today and prepare heartwarming recipes for your guests.

Vava crvena trešnja paprika sa sirom 540GR

from $13.99 from 1648586948651
Vava Somborka 900GR

Sold Out

Savršen recept za pripremu ukusnih salsa ili salata od povrća, ova ukusna somborka ne samo da će dodati ukus vašim jelima već je puna nutritivnih vrednosti. Vava Somborka je napravljena od sveže žute banane paprike i začinjena posebnom...
A perfect recipe to prepare mouthwatering salsas or vegetable salads, this delicious somborka will not only add flavour to your meals but is full of nutritional values. Vava Somborka is made of fresh yellow banana peppers and seasoned with a special blend of spices. It is good for the digestive system and prevents ulceration in the stomach. It also increases the rate of metabolism in your body.

Vava Somborka 900GR

from $8.99 from 4454659260491
Vava Domaća ljuta pečena paprika ajvar 520GR


Ova specijalna ponuda Vave napravljena je od svježe crvene paprike, feferona, patlidžana, bijelog luka i prepoznatljive mješavine začina. Ukusna poslastica vašim receptima, ovaj vrući ajvar može se koristiti za kuhanje različitih recepata kako biste dodali ukuse. Ovo možete...
This special offering of Vava is made of fresh red peppers, fefferoni, eggplants, garlic and a signature mix of spices. A savoury treat to your recipes, this hot Ajvar can be used to cook different recipes in order to add flavours. You can also try this with meat and cheese or spread it on crusty bread. Try this delicious Macedonian food once and you will order it again.

Vava Domaća ljuta pečena paprika ajvar 520GR

from $13.99 from 1624813436971
Thomy Čaša za majonez 250GR

Sold Out

Sada učinite svoje recepte za tjesteninu ukusnijima uz Thomy Mayonnaise Glass. Sa njim možete pripremati i ukusne salate i mesne recepte. Ova majoneza je napravljena od najboljih sastojaka kao što su žumance, suncokretovo ulje, senf i...
Now, make your pasta recipes yummier with Thomy Mayonnaise Glass. You can also prepare delicious salads and meat recipes with it. This mayonnaise is made with the best ingredients like egg yolk, sunflower oil, mustard and a special blend of spices. A savoury Swiss preparation, popular among the European countries will add extra flavour to your meals.

Thomy Čaša za majonez 250GR

from $9.49 from 6573608009908
Podravka Vegeta Natural 300GR


Pripremite ukusne recepte samo dodavanjem Podravka Vegete Natural svojim omiljenim jelima. Napravite salate, tjesteninu, supu ili bilo koji recept koji sadrži meso, posipajte Vegetom dok kuhate i doživite prirodne okuse vaših recepata. Sastoji se od 30% sušenog povrća poput...
Prepare mouthwatering recipes just by adding Podravka Vegeta Natural to your favourite dishes. Make salads, pasta, soup or any recipes containing meat, sprinkle Vegeta while cooking and experience the natural tastes of your recipes. It consists of 30% dried vegetables like carrots, onions, leeks and garlic. Podravka Vegeta Natural does not contain any artificial flavour enhancer.

Podravka Vegeta Natural 300GR

from $8.88 from 1026006548523