
Gavrilović čaj Svinjska pašteta (Cajna) 100GR

Sold Out

Ugodite svojim nepcima ukusnom svinjskom paštetom Gavrilović čaja! Sadrži 30% svinjskog mesa, vodu, kuhinjsku so i savršenu mešavinu začina. Namažite ga na kruh ili istražite svoje kulinarske vještine i napravite ukusne recepte za svoje goste. Odličan izvor...
Indulge your tastebuds with mouthwatering Gavrilovic Tea Pork Pate! It contains 30% pork, water, table salt and a perfect blend of spices. Spread it on bread or explore your culinary skills and make delicious recipes for your guests. A great source of protein, this pork pate will make your dishes yummier! Order Gavrilovic Tea Pork Pate today and enjoy your meals.

Gavrilović čaj Svinjska pašteta (Cajna) 100GR

from $3.33 from 7563838095602
Vegeta Natur Pileći bujon kocke 120GR


Od sada će vaši domaći recepti imati ukus klasičnih jela iz tradicionalnog restorana! Dodajte Podravka pileće bulion kocke svojim omiljenim jelima i učinite ih još ukusnijim. Možete posipati svoje recepte tokom kuvanja i to će poboljšati ukus recepata. Također, s...
From now on, your homemade recipes will taste like classic cuisines from a traditional restaurant! Add Podravka Chicken Bullion Cubes to your favourite dishes and make them more delicious. You can sprinkle on your recipes while cooking and it will enhance the flavour of the recipes. Also, prepare soups and stews with it, Podravka Chicken Bullion Cubes will never disappoint you. Order to experience the taste!

Vegeta Natur Pileći bujon kocke 120GR

from $3.33 from 6640267886772
Podravka pašteta za ručak od svinjetine 200GR


Istražite kulinarske mogućnosti ovog ukusnog kolača od svinjetine za ručak. Namažite ga na hljeb ili uz sendviče, uz povrće i meso ili prelijte salate, uz njega možete isprobati neke ukusne recepte. Ovaj ukusni namaz napravljen je od...
Explore the culinary possibilities of this mouthwatering Pork Luncheon Patty Loaf. Spread it on bread or have it with sandwiches, also have it with veggies and meats or topping on salads, you can try some delicious recipes with it. This yummy spread is made of premium quality pork, corn starch, pork skin, milk, and a special blend of spices. Order Pork Luncheon Patty Loaf today and make your meal yummier!

Podravka pašteta za ručak od svinjetine 200GR

from $4.99 from 4487229767755
Podravka Fant mješavina za začinke za mesne okruglice (Cufte) 60GR


Priprema ukusnih mesnih okruglica sada je lakša uz Podravka Fant mješavinu začina! Samo razblažite u mlakoj vodi i pomešajte sa mesom, skuvajte u sosu od paradajza i poslužite svojim gostima po ovom ukusnom receptu! Možete ga jesti...
Preparing delicious meatballs is easier now with Podravka Fant Seasoning Mix! Just dilute in lukewarm water and mix with the meat, cook in tomato sauce and serve this mouthwatering recipe to your guests! You can have it with rice or on its own. Podravka Fant Seasoning Mix is made with corn starch, wheat flour, garlic, dried onions, a special blend of spices and flavour enhancer. Order today to enjoy heartwarming recipes with your friends and family.

Podravka Fant mješavina za začinke za mesn...

from $1.99 from 6685624434868
Kras Sara Mix čajni keksi 350GR


Posebno uživajte uz večernji čaj, Sara Mix biscuit sadrži različite ukuse keksa u jednom pakovanju. Ovi keksi se prave od brašna, obranog mleka u prahu, pojačivača ukusa, kakao praha i biljne masti. Ukusni hrskavi keksi, možete ih koristiti...
Have a special delight with your evening tea, Sara Mix Biscuit contains different flavours of biscuits in a single package. These biscuits are made of flour, skimmed milk powder, flavour enhancers, cocoa powder and vegetable fat. Delicious crunchy biscuits, you can also use them as topping on your favourite ice cream. A quick snack that will satisfy your hunger any time.

Kras Sara Mix čajni keksi 350GR

from $5.00 from 1079431102507
Kras Domacica Tamna Čajni biskvit od tamne čokolade 275GR

Sold Out

U potrazi za keksima? Naručite Kras tamnu čokoladu Domacica tamna keks, idealan za čaj. Možete ga jesti kad god poželite, učinite svoje dane ukusnijima uz ove čokoladne kekse. Ovi keksi se prave od pšeničnog brašna, šećera, putera i crne čokolade....
In search of biscuits? Order Kras Dark Chocolate Domacica Tamna Biscuit, an ideal match for tea. You can have it whenever you like, make your days yummier with these chocolate biscuits. These biscuits are made of wheat flour, sugar, butter and dark chocolate. In every bite, you will get a burst of dark chocolate inside your mouth. Order Kras Dark Chocolate Domacica Tamna Biscuit today and enjoy it with your favourite drink.

Kras Domacica Tamna Čajni biskvit od tamne...

from $5.00 from 4678852706379
Kras Rum Napolitanke Vafle 330GR

Sold Out

Savršen spoj za vašu večernju kafu, Kras Rum Wafer Napolitanke je savršen užitak nakon svakog obroka. Ova hranjiva grickalica sadrži slojeve vafla i bogatu kremu. Možete uživati ​​sami ili podijeliti sa prijateljima. Ove ukusne napolitanke odmah će utažiti...
A perfect match for your evening coffee, Kras Rum Wafer Napolitanke is a perfect delight after every meal. This nutritious snack contains layers of wafers and rich cream inside. You can enjoy it alone or share it with your friends. These delicious wafers will satisfy your hunger instantly. Order this once and it will definitely get a permanent place in your pantry!

Kras Rum Napolitanke Vafle 330GR

from $3.99 from 1038560297003
Zvecevo Volim ljesnik, badem i karamela 100GR


Tradicionalni užitak Hrvatske, Svečevo predstavlja ukusnu čokoladicu punjenu lješnjacima, bademima i karamelom. Možete ga uzeti kad god osjetite glad. Sveukupni favorit za bilo koju starosnu grupu. Ova ukusna čokoladica napravljena je od najfinijih sastojaka i sadrži nekoliko vitalnih...
A traditional delight from the land of Croatia, Svecevo presents a delicious chocolate bar filled with hazelnuts, almonds and caramel. You can have it whenever you feel hungry. An all-time favourite for any age group. This yummy chocolate bar is made with the finest ingredients and contains several vital nutrients like proteins, vitamins and carbohydrates. You can also prepare mouthwatering desserts with Svecevo Volim Hazelnut with Almond & Caramel.

Zvecevo Volim ljesnik, badem i karamela 100GR

from $3.00 from 6931481788596
Podravka namaz od šipka 670GR

Sold Out

Naručite ovaj ukusni namaz već danas i napravite svoja omiljena slatka jela uz Podravka džem od šipka. Možete ga i namazati na kruh ili pripremiti biskvit za svoje goste. Ovaj ukusni voćni namaz ne samo da će vaše recepte učiniti...
Order this delicious spread today and make your favorite sweet dishes with Podravka Rose Hip Jam. You can also have it spreading on bread or prepare sponge cake for your guests. This yummy fruity spread will not only make your recipes yummier but is also a rich source of vitamins and minerals. Podravka Rose Hip Jam is made of natural and fresh fruits with zero added flavors and colors.

Podravka namaz od šipka 670GR

from $8.29 from 7698188271858
Eva sardine u biljnom ulju 115GR


Ove Eva sardine u vegetanle ulju su ukusne i pružit će vam nevjerovatno iskustvo sa ukusnim ukusom! Eva sardine će postati glavna stvar u vašoj ostavi! Isprobajte različite nove recepte s ovim slatkim sardinama. Mogućnosti su beskrajne.
These Eva Sardines in vegetanle Oil are delicious and will give you an amazing experience with a yummy flavour! Eva Sardines will become a staple in your pantry! Try different new recipes with these mouthwatering sardines. The possibilites are endless.

Eva sardine u biljnom ulju 115GR

from $3.33 from 6595940810932
Zvečevska mliječna čokolada sa lješnjakom (Samo Ti Lješnjak) 100GR


Ako volite slatko, prestanite da skrolujete odmah! Ovo je savršeni desert za kojim ste oduvijek tražili! Zvečevo predstavlja ovu mliječnu čokoladu punjenu ukusnom kremom od lješnjaka. Uzmite ga kad god osjetite glad ili ga stavite kao preljev na...
If you have a sweet tooth, stop scrolling right now! This is the perfect dessert you have always searched for! Zvecevo presents this milk chocolate bar, filled with yummy hazelnut cream. Have it whenever you feel hungry or put it as a topping on your favourite ice cream. Order Zvecevo Milk Chocolate with Hazelnut today and experience this Croatian delicacy.

Zvečevska mliječna čokolada sa lješnjakom ...

from $3.00 from 6931484049588
Podravka Dolcela Slag Krema Čokolada (šlag od čokolade) 60GR


Naručite Podravka Slag Krema čokoladu već danas! Pomaže pri pravljenju laganog krema ili fila za torte. Pripremite dirljive deserte ili slatke recepte sa ovim umućenim preljevom u prahu. Podravka Slag Krema čokolada je napravljena od glukoznog sirupa,...
Podravka Dolcela Slag Krema Čokolada (šlag od čokolade) 60GR

Podravka Dolcela Slag Krema Čokolada (šlag...

from $2.59 from 6559757107380