
Podravka Vegeta vrećica (bez MSG) 250GR


Napravite slana jela samo dodavanjem Podravke Vegete u svoje omiljene recepte. Pripremite salate, tjesteninu, supu ili bilo koje recepte koji sadrže meso, posipajte Vegetu dok kuhate i osjetit ćete zadivljujući okus u svom obroku. Ovo možete dodati...
Make savoury dishes just by adding Podravka Vegeta to your favourite recipes. Prepare salads, pasta, soup or any recipes containing meat, sprinkle Vegeta while cooking and you will experience a mouthwatering taste in your meal. You can add this to any recipe and your preparations will be yummier! Podravka Vegeta Bag does not contain any artificial flavour enhancer.

Podravka Vegeta vrećica (bez MSG) 250GR

from $4.99 from 7543967219954
Franck menta kesice čaja 20gr


Ako volite različite okuse čaja, probajte jednom Franck Mint Tea Bags i nećete moći odoljeti još jednom! Franck kesice čaja od nane postat će glavna stvar u vašoj ostavi. Naručite ga sada i pijte svakodnevno.
If you love different flavours of tea, try Franck Mint Tea Bags once and you cannot resist another drink of it! Franck Mint Tea Bags will become a staple in your pantry. Order it now and drink daily.

Franck menta kesice čaja 20gr

from $2.22 from 1027210018859
Podravka ljute feferoni paprike 630GR


Istražite svoje kulinarske vještine uz ove 100% prirodne i svježe ljute feferoni paprike. Sa ovim paprikama možete pripremiti ukusna jela ili ih dodati u sendviče kako biste poboljšali okus. Ove feferoni paprike su odlični izvori vitamina A, B, C i...
Explore your culinary skills with these 100% natural and fresh hot feferoni peppers. You can prepare mouthwatering meals with these peppers, or add them to sandwiches to enhance the flavour. These feferoni peppers are excellent sources of vitamins A, B, C, and E; they also contain a fair amount of minerals. Order Podravka Hot Feferoni Peppers once and you will definitely arrange a permanent space for it in the pantry!

Podravka ljute feferoni paprike 630GR

from $8.99 from 1027231842347
Podravka juha sa kuglicama od povrća i griza (Juha Povrtnim I Gris) 56GR


Pripremite ovu ukusnu juhu koju ćete poslužiti uz večeru i iznenaditi svoje goste, Podravka juha od povrća s kuglicama od griza sadrži okus začinjene mješavine, pšeničnog griza, junećeg mesa i povrća. Možete ga jesti i za doručak ili...
Prepare this delicious soup to serve with your dinner and surprise your guests, Podravka Vegetable Soup w/ Semolina Balls contains a flavour of the spicy blend, wheat semolina, beef meat and vegetables. You can also have it for your breakfast or lunch. This yummy soup tastes exactly like homemade soup. You can add your favourite condiments to enhance the flavour. Order right now and have a tasty delight.

Podravka juha sa kuglicama od povrća i gri...

from $2.49 from 6559752224948
Karolina Jadro vafle kokos i čokolada 430GR

Sold Out

Isprobajte ukusne Karolina Jadro Wafers Coconut & Chocolate i nikada više nećete moći odoljeti da naručite! Ove ukusne napolitanke punjene su čokoladom i kokosom. Savršen zalogaj za veče, ili ga možete pojesti za lagani griz u pokretu....
Try delicious Karolina Jadro Wafers Coconut & Chocolate and you will never be able to resist ordering again! These delicious wafers are filled with chocolate and coconut. A perfect snack for the evening, or you can have it for an easy on-the-go munch. Don’t forget to share! Order Karolina Jadro Wafers Coconut & Chocolate today and enjoy it with your friends over a cup of hot coffee.

Karolina Jadro vafle kokos i čokolada 430GR

from $6.00 from 1225947152427
Podravka Dolcela puding lješnjaci 40G


Odmah napravite svoj omiljeni desert uz Podravka puding od lješnjaka. Može se pripremiti jednostavno i brzo, samo pomiješajte sa sastojcima i slatko jelo je spremno za posluživanje! Možete mu dodati sirup da poboljšate njegov ukus. Ukusni puding...
Podravka Dolcela Pudding Hazelnut 40G - BalkanFresh

Podravka Dolcela puding lješnjaci 40G

from $1.75 from 1254906593323
Podravka krem ​​juha od rajčice 60GR


Uživajte u ovom toplom užitku sa svojim prijateljima i porodicom. Podravka krem ​​juha od rajčice napravljena je od pšeničnog brašna, pojačivača okusa, kukuruznog škroba i sušenih rajčica. Savršena je poslastica za vegetarijance. Možete ga imati uz različite...
Enjoy this warm delight with your friends and family. Podravka Cream of Tomato Soup is made of wheat flour, flavour enhancers, corn starch and dried tomatoes. It is a perfect treat for vegetarians. You can have it with different recipes like pasta and noodles. It takes only 5 minutes to cook this delicious recipe. Order today and surprise your guests with Podravka Cream of Tomato soup.

Podravka krem ​​juha od rajčice 60GR

from $2.66 from 6081814331572
Dem Minas Gold mljevena kafa 500GR

Sold Out

Savršeno otkriće za ljubitelje kafe! Prava mješavina zrna kafe Minas učinit će vaše jutro aromatičnim i ukusnim. Ova mljevena kafa ima tačnu količinu kofeina koja će vam pomoći da radite cijeli dan. Sa ovom Dem Minas Gold mljevenom...
The perfect discovery for coffee lovers! A true blend of Minas coffee beans will make your morning aromatic and flavourful. This ground coffee has the exact right amount of caffeine that will help you to work all day long. You can prepare appropriate Balkan-style coffee with this Dem Minas Gold Ground Coffee. So, hurry and order it today to make your mornings bright and flavoursome!

Dem Minas Gold mljevena kafa 500GR

from $9.00 from 1025980530731
Kras Frondi Maxi vafla limun 250GR

Sold Out

Dodajte dodatnu slatkoću svojim večernjim užicima! Kras Frondi Maxi Lemon Wafer će vam ponuditi dva puta ukusno zadovoljstvo, hrskava oblanda sa ukusom limuna punjena bogatom kremom od limuna. Možete ga jesti samostalno ili umočiti u svoju omiljenu kremu,...
Add extra sweetness to your evening delights! Kras Frondi Maxi Lemon Wafer will offer you delicious pleasure twice, crunchy lemon flavoured wafer filled with rich lemon cream. You can have it on its own or dip it in your favourite cream, a yummy snack that will satisfy your hunger any time. Don’t forget to share! Order Kras Frondi Maxi Lemon Wafer and enjoy with your friends and family.

Kras Frondi Maxi vafla limun 250GR

from $4.00 from 6734114488500
Kras Pepermint bombon 100GR


Neverovatan osveživač daha, punjen kremom od čokolade i lešnika. Kras Pepermint Candy ima čvrsti premaz peperminta spolja i kremasti užitak iznutra! Uzmite ga nakon svakog obroka kako biste doživjeli ovaj kremasti užitak poslije obroka s okusom peperminta. Ovi...
An amazing breath freshener, filled with chocolate and hazelnut cream. Kras Peppermint Candy has a solid coating of peppermint outside and creamy pleasure inside! Have it after every meal to experience this creamy after-meal delight with peppermint flavour. These delicious candies are made of natural flavours and are free of genetically modified organisms.

Kras Pepermint bombon 100GR

from $2.49 from 6081825439924
Kras Frondi Maxi vanila vafla 250GR


Ako volite hrskave vafle, probajte ovu ukusnu Kras Frondi Maxi Vanilla Wafer. To je najbolja grickalica, punjena bogatom kremom od vanile, savršeno se uklapa u večernju kafu. Možete ga napraviti i kao preljev na vašem omiljenom sladoledu. Ne...
If you like crunchy wafers, try this yummy Kras Frondi Maxi Vanilla Wafer. It is the best snack, filled with rich vanilla cream, a perfect match for your evening coffee. You can also make it a topping on your favourite ice cream. Don’t forget to share this dual delight with your friends. Order Kras Frondi Maxi Vanilla Wafer once and you will definitely make a space in your pantry for it forever!

Kras Frondi Maxi vanila vafla 250GR

from $4.00 from 6734119927988
Kras Nougat Napolitanke Oblatne 330GR

Sold Out

Ovaj slatki užitak je savršen za žvakanje kad god poželite grickalice! Kras Nougat Wafers Napolitanke se prave od pšeničnog brašna, kakao praha, šećera i nugata. Možete ga uzeti takvog kakav jeste ili probati ovo sa sladoledom po želji....
This sweet delight is perfect to munch whenever you are craving snacks! Kras Nougat Wafers Napolitanke is made with wheat flour, cocoa powder, sugar and nougat. You can have it as it is or try this with your preferred ice cream. These amazing wafers will satisfy your hunger and leave a sweet aftertaste within you! Order Kras Nougat Wafers Napolitanke today and enjoy the experience.

Kras Nougat Napolitanke Oblatne 330GR

from $3.33 from 1647903834155