Balkan Drinks

Balkan Drinks

Ako ste probali pravu tursku kafu ili turski čaj, onda znate da nema osvrtanja. Bogat, karakterističan okus i intenzivna aroma govore sami za sebe.

Jeste li ikada probali bosansku kafu? To je isti slučaj. Jedini problem je što je do ovih proizvoda možda teško doći. Nabaviti čaj na mreži i naručiti kafu putem interneta možda i nije tako teško, ali pronalaženje ovih balkanskih pića može biti problematično ako ne znate gdje da tražite.

Ako ste ljubitelj evropskih brendova kafe, BalkanFresh se može udvostručiti kao vaša najbolja internet prodavnica kafe u kojoj možete pretraživati ​​najbolja bezalkoholna pića, čaj i kafu koje Balkan nudi.

Samo naručite kafu online, sačekajte da vam paket stigne i prepustite se karakterističnom i bogatom ukusu ovih balkanskih brendova koji će vas u tren oka vratiti na Stari kontinent.

Fructal Breskva Superior nektar 1L


Pravi užitak na vašem stolu za doručak! Fructal Peach Superior Nectar je napravljen od svježih breskvi. Možete ga uzeti samostalno ili mu dodati gaziranu vodu. Fructal Breskva Superior Nectar dodaje sladak i pikantan okus soku koji je hranjiv...
A true delight on your breakfast table! Fructal Peach Superior Nectar is made of fresh peaches. You can have it on its own or add sparkling water to it. Fructal Peach Superior Nectar adds a sweet and tangy flavour to the juice which is nutritious for your health. Also, you can add this as a base to your morning yogurt smoothie. You can also take it for a long trip with your friends and enjoy it with everyone!

Fructal Breskva Superior nektar 1L

from $4.00 from 1026048819243
Kolinska Jupi narandža 1.5L


Ukusno osvježavajuće piće, Kolinska Jupi je gazirani napitak s okusom narandže bez kofeina, savršen užitak za vaše večeri. Ovo možete dodati kao osnovu miksera za koktele. Uživajte u ovome u bilo kojoj prilici i ne zaboravite to podijeliti...
A deliciously refreshing drink, Kolinska Jupi is a caffeine-free orange flavoured fizzy beverage, a perfect delight for your evenings. You can add this as a base of a cocktail mixer. Enjoy this on any occasion and don’t forget to share it with your friends. Kolinska Jupi has a sweet and tangy flavour that will refresh you instantly. A constant juice in your refrigerator. Order today to enjoy anytime you like!

Kolinska Jupi narandža 1.5L

from $4.00 from 1048571314219
Franck kesice čaja od kamilice 20GR


Da li ste ljubitelj čaja? Ako jeste, ovo je najbolji čaj koji ste ikada pomislili da pijete! Isprobajte ukusne Franck kesice čaja od kamilice i učinite svoje večeri posebnim. Bogat je izvor antioksidansa i efikasan napitak za bolove...
Are you a tea-lover? If yes, this is the best tea you have ever thought to have! Try delicious Franck Chamomile Tea Bags and make your evenings special. It is a rich source of antioxidants and an effective drink for stomach aches. You can also have this tea if you are suffering from insomnia. Aromatic chamomile tea will make your mornings brighter. Order Franck Chamomile Tea Bags and relax with a cup of warm tea.

Franck kesice čaja od kamilice 20GR

from $2.00 from 4417112899659
Jupi Cockta 1.5LT

Sold Out

Slovenačko bezalkoholno piće koje možete koristiti za pravljenje različitih koktela. Jupi Cockta je napravljena od 11 različitih vrsta bilja, šipka, narandže i limuna. Stalno piće za vašu kućnu zabavu. I vaši gosti će uživati ​​u ovom slatkom...
Slovenian soft drink that you can use to make different cocktails. Jupi Cockta is made of 11 different kinds of herbs, dog rosehip, orange and lemon. A constant drink for your house party. Your guests will enjoy this sweet and fizzy drink too. Jupi Cockta does not contain caffeine. It will satisfy your thirst and leave a sweet aftertaste. Order it right now and refrigerate to enjoy a chilly drink with your favourite snacks!

Jupi Cockta 1.5LT

from $4.00 from 1281199177771
B52 Energetski napitak 250ML


Odličan pojačivač energije, piće vrhunskog kvaliteta, najbolje se servira kada se ohladi sa jednom kriškom narandže. B52 Energetski napitak pomaže vam da radite cijeli dan. Ako ste fitnes entuzijasta, pomaže u povećanju fizičke snage, stimulira brzinu metabolizma. Ovo...
Excellent quality drink, best served when chilled with a single slice of orange. B52 Energy Drink will become your got to drink. Keep some at work, in your bag and even at home. Serve some up at your next party. Order B52 Energy Drink today and boost your energy to bring out the best performance of yours!

B52 Energetski napitak 250ML

from $3.00 from 4484373938251
Bravo jagoda (limenka) - 250ML


Hranjivi slatki užitak za vaš doručak, ovaj Bravo sok od jagoda napravljen je od svježih visokokvalitetnih jagoda. Slatka poslastica za svaku priliku, svidjet će se i vašoj djeci. Ovaj ukusni sok od jagoda ne sadrži dodane hemikalije...
A nutritious sweet delight for your breakfast, this Bravo Strawberry juice is made with fresh high-quality strawberries. A sweet treat for any occasion, your kids will love it too. This delicious strawberry juice contains zero added chemicals and it has several essential nutrients like vitamins and fibre which will take good care of your health. Bravo Strawberry juice is a wonderful refreshment after a long busy day. Hurry and try this taste of sweetness soon!

Bravo jagoda (limenka) - 250ML

from $2.00 from 1652132020267
Schweppes soda od gorkog limuna 1.5LT


Ova ponuda Schweppesa neće samo utažiti vašu žeđ već ćete se u potpunosti oporaviti od umora! Schweppes Bitter Lemon Soda sadrži kinin i svježi sok od limuna koji će vas potpuno osvježiti i moći ćete duže funkcionirati. Ovo...
This offering of Schweppes will not just quench your thirst but you will fully recover from your tiredness! Schweppes Bitter Lemon Soda contains quinine and fresh lemon juice that will fully refresh you, and you’ll be able to function for a longer time. You can add this tangy fizzy drink to cocktails or simply dilute it in syrup to enjoy with light snacks. Try this delicious lemon drink and satisfy your thirst.

Schweppes soda od gorkog limuna 1.5LT

from $7.49 from 1088255721515
Schweppes Bitter Lemon (Limenka) 330ML


Schweppes pića zadovoljavaju vašu žeđ još od 1783. Ovo gazirano piće priprema se s kininom i svježim limunom. Ako više volite gorko-slatki okus, Schweppes limenka gorkog limuna je savršeno osvježenje za vas. Ovo ljuto gazirano piće možete dodati...
Schweppes drinks have been satisfying your thirst since 1783. This carbonated drink is prepared with quinine and fresh lemons. If you prefer a bittersweet taste, Schweppes Bitter Lemon Can is the perfect refreshment for you. You can add this tangy fizzy drink to cocktails or simply dilute it in syrup to enjoy with light snacks. Order Schweppes Bitter Lemon Can right now and experience the taste of it!

Schweppes Bitter Lemon (Limenka) 330ML

from $3.99 from 1866813243435
Freedea limun soda (limenka) 330ML


Osvježite se ovom slatkom i ljutom sodom od limuna nakon dugog stresnog dana na poslu! Freedea limun soda će vas trenutno osvježiti, utažiti žeđ i vratiti energiju. Možete ga koristiti kao osnovu za mikser za koktele. Ukusno piće...
Refresh yourself with this sweet and tangy lemon soda after a long stressful day of work! Freedea Lemon Soda will instantly refresh you, satisfy your thirst, and bring your energy back. You can use it as the base of your cocktail mixer. A delicious drink that is caffeine-free and carbonated. Enjoy Freedea Lemon Soda on any occasion and share it with your friends at your house parties.

Freedea limun soda (limenka) 330ML

from $3.33 from 6062034780340
Sale Amita nektar breskve 250 ml
Amita nektar breskve 250 ml

$2.22 $3.99

Ovo je ono o čemu ste ikada sanjali za jutarnji voćni smoothie! Ovaj ukusni sok dobija se od zrelih breskvi iz Grčke. Sadrži bogate minerale i vitamine. Možete ga koristiti i kao osnovu za...
Amita Peach Nectar will become your new favorite drink. This delight is full of peach flavor. You can have it on its own and it is also delightful with a splash of sparkling water or in iced tea or lemonade or as a base of the cocktail mixer. You can offer this sweet happiness to your guests on any occasion.

Amita nektar breskve 250 ml

from $2.22 from 1086088708139
Fructal nektar od kruške 1L


Osjećate se umorno nakon dugog stresnog dana? Probajte Fructal Pear Nectar samostalno ili dodajte malo gazirane vode. Odmah će vam utažiti žeđ i osjećat ćete se potpuno osvježeno. Uz to možete pojesti kolačiće da utolite glad. Fructal...
Feeling tired after a long stressful day? Try Fructal Pear Nectar on its own or add a splash of sparkling water. It will instantly quench your thirst and you will feel absolutely refreshed. You can have some cookies with it to satisfy your hunger. Fructal Pear Nectar makes an excellent base for yogurt smoothies or fruit smoothies. It has several nutritional benefits and a delicious flavour. Enjoy it with your friends and family.

Fructal nektar od kruške 1L

from $4.00 from 1674908368939
Fanta Orange (Limenka) 330ML

Sold Out

Savršen užitak za ljetne večeri! Otvorite konzervu Fanta Orange sa grickalicama i potpuno se osvježite za trenutak! Napravljen od 100% prirodne arome i sode, ovo gazirano piće ne sadrži kofein, savršena je osnova za vaš mikser za koktele...
A perfect delight for summer evenings! Open a can of Fanta Orange with some snacks and get absolutely refreshed within a moment! Made with 100% natural flavour and soda, this carbonated drink is caffeine-free, a perfect base for your cocktail mixer or a morning smoothie. This yummy orange flavoured juice is a constant for any house party.

Fanta Orange (Limenka) 330ML

from $3.33 from 4113072095275