Balkan Drinks

Balkan Drinks

Ako ste probali pravu tursku kafu ili turski čaj, onda znate da nema osvrtanja. Bogat, karakterističan okus i intenzivna aroma govore sami za sebe.

Jeste li ikada probali bosansku kafu? To je isti slučaj. Jedini problem je što je do ovih proizvoda možda teško doći. Nabaviti čaj na mreži i naručiti kafu putem interneta možda i nije tako teško, ali pronalaženje ovih balkanskih pića može biti problematično ako ne znate gdje da tražite.

Ako ste ljubitelj evropskih brendova kafe, BalkanFresh se može udvostručiti kao vaša najbolja internet prodavnica kafe u kojoj možete pretraživati ​​najbolja bezalkoholna pića, čaj i kafu koje Balkan nudi.

Samo naručite kafu online, sačekajte da vam paket stigne i prepustite se karakterističnom i bogatom ukusu ovih balkanskih brendova koji će vas u tren oka vratiti na Stari kontinent.

Spezi Cola and Orange 1.5LT

Sold Out

Bezalkoholno piće koje možete koristiti za pravljenje različitih koktela. Obala Grupa Spezi, stalno piće za Vašu kućnu zabavu. I vaši gosti će uživati ​​u ovom slatkom i gaziranom napitku. Obala Grupa Spezi ne sadrži kofein. Utažit će...
Soft drink that you can use to make different cocktails. Obala Grupa Spezi, a constant drink for your house party. Your guests will enjoy this sweet and fizzy drink too. Obala Grupa Spezi is delicious. It will satisfy your thirst and leave a sweet aftertaste. Order it right now and refrigerate to enjoy a chilly drink with your favorite snacks!

Spezi Cola and Orange 1.5LT

from $5.79 from 7824591290610
Kiseljak mineralna voda 1.5LT (plastika)

Sold Out

Naručite ovu kiseljačku mineralnu vodu već danas i gledajte kako vaši gosti uživaju! Možete ga koristiti i za miješanje sa sokovima. Naručite mineralnu vodu Kiseljak odmah. Ne zaboravite uživati ​​u ohlađenom! **Za veće količine koristite chat da nas...
Order this Kiseljak Mineral Water today and watch your guests enjoy it! You can also use it to mix with juices. Order Kiseljak Mineral Water right now. Remember to enjoy it chilled!

Kiseljak mineralna voda 1.5LT (plastika)

from $2.22 from 6919072448692
Cedevita GO Bazga i limun 340ml

Sold Out

Da oživite svoju punu energiju, ovo je najbolje piće koje ćete ikada popiti. Ovo ukusno piće nije samo piće, već je i ukusno. Slatkastog je i gorkog ukusa. Zato utolite svoju žeđ ovim sočnim napitkom, Cedevita GO...
To revive your full energy, this is the best drink you will ever have. This tasty drink is not just a drink but it contains multiple vitamins to eliminate your fatigue. It has a sweet and tangy flavour. This energy revival Cedevita GO Elderberry Drink contains sodium bicarbonate, acacia gum, nicotinamide, citric acid, folic acid and sugar. So satisfy your thirst with this juicy drink.

Cedevita GO Bazga i limun 340ml

from $3.33 from 6857962029236
Aranxhata Exotic (Can) 330ML

Sold Out

A true delight for the juice-lovers! Aranxhata Exotic Can offers you perfect refreshment at any time and anywhere. It is a fruit-based soda that will quench your thirst and refresh you within a moment! Order Aranxhata Exotic Can...
A true delight for the juice-lovers! Aranxhata Exotic Can offers you perfect refreshment at any time and anywhere. It is a fruit-based soda that will quench your thirst and refresh you within a moment! Order Aranxhata Exotic Can and make your house parties extra refreshing!

Aranxhata Exotic (Can) 330ML

from $3.00 from 7964778627314
Amita Višnja 1L


Zdrav sok se sastoji od vitalnih nutrijenata, poput vitamina C i antioksidansa. Amita višnja također pomaže u sprječavanju upale i poznata je kao pojačivač sna. Ovo je hranljivi užitak od trešanja sa mediteranskog tla...
Dalmacia Cornelian Cherry Juice will become your new favorite drink. This delightful drink will having your family asking for more. You can have it on its own and it is also delightful with a splash of sparkling water or in iced tea or lemonade or as a base of the cocktail mixer. You can offer this sweet happiness to your guests on any occasion. Make sure to order extras!

Amita Višnja 1L

from $3.00 from 7917383516402
Kolinska Jupi Mandarina 1.5L


Ukusno osvježavajuće piće, Kolinska Jupi Tangerine je gazirani napitak s okusom mandarina bez kofeina, savršen užitak za vaše večeri. Ovo možete dodati kao osnovu miksera za koktele. Uživajte u ovome u bilo kojoj prilici i ne zaboravite...
A deliciously refreshing drink, Kolinska Jupi Tangerine is a caffeine-free mandarin flavored fizzy beverage, a perfect delight for your evenings. You can add this as a base of a cocktail mixer. Enjoy this on any occasion and don’t forget to share it with your friends. Kolinska Jupi Tangerine has a sweet and tangy flavor that will refresh you instantly. A constant juice in your refrigerator. Order today to enjoy anytime you like!

Kolinska Jupi Mandarina 1.5L

from $4.00 from 7824583131378
Relax Ledeni čaj od breskve 250 ml


Umirujuće osvježenje za dane vrućeg ljeta ili večeri! Ledeni čaj Relax Peach je napravljen od svježih i najkvalitetnijih breskvi. Uživat ćete uz ovaj sočni ledeni čaj. Nakon dugog dana stresnog rada, ovaj ledeni čaj će vam jasno oživjeti energiju!...
A soothing refreshment for the days of hot summer or evenings! Relax Peach Iced Tea is made of fresh and the finest quality peaches. You will enjoy a great time with this juicy iced tea. After a long day of stressful work, this iced tea will clearly revive your energy! It is a great source of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. So, order this delicious Relax Peach Iced Tea today and enjoy the summer!

Relax Ledeni čaj od breskve 250 ml

from $3.99 from 7716006494450
Aranxhata Rose (Can) 330ML


A true delight for the juice-lovers! Aranxhata Rose Can offers you perfect refreshment at any time and anywhere. It is a fruit-based soda that will quench your thirst and refresh you within a moment! Order Aranxhata Rose Can and make your...
A true delight for the juice-lovers! Aranxhata Rose Can offers you perfect refreshment at any time and anywhere. It is a fruit-based soda that will quench your thirst and refresh you within a moment! Order Aranxhata Rose Can and make your house parties extra refreshing!

Aranxhata Rose (Can) 330ML

from $3.00 from 7965003546866
Crodo Lemon Soda Mojito (Limenka) 330ML

Sold Out

Osvježite se ovom slatkom i ljutom sodom od limuna nakon dugog stresnog dana na poslu! Crodo Lemon Soda Mojito će vas trenutno osvježiti, utažiti žeđ i vratiti energiju. Možete ga koristiti kao osnovu za mikser za koktele....
Refresh yourself with this sweet and tangy lemon soda after a long stressful day of work! Crodo Lemon Soda Mojito  will instantly refresh you, satisfy your thirst, and bring your energy back. You can use it as the base of your cocktail mixer. A delicious drink that is caffeine-free and carbonated. Enjoy Crodo Lemon Soda Mojito  on any occasion and share it with your friends at your house parties.

Crodo Lemon Soda Mojito (Limenka) 330ML

from $3.00 from 7901157032178
Tamek sok od breskve 1L


Pravi užitak na vašem stolu za doručak! Tamek sok od grožđa napravljen je od svježih breskvi. Možete ga uzeti samostalno ili mu dodati gaziranu vodu. Tamek sok od grožđa daje sladak i pikantan okus soku koji je...
A true delight on your breakfast table! Tamek Peach Juice is made of fresh grapes. You can have it on its own or add sparkling water to it. Tamek Peach Juice adds a sweet and tangy flavor to the juice which is nutritious for your health. Also, you can add this as a base to your morning yogurt smoothie. You can also take it for a long trip with your friends and enjoy it with everyone!

Tamek sok od breskve 1L

from $3.99 from 7727514812658
Relax Natural 100% sok od breskve i jabuke 200 ml


Umirujuće osvježenje za dane vrućeg ljeta ili večeri! Relax prirodni sok od breskve i jabuke napravljen je od svježih i najkvalitetnijih breskvi i jabuka. Uživat ćete uz ovaj ukusni sok. Odličan je izvor antioksidansa, vitamina i minerala. Zato naručite...
A soothing refreshment for the days of hot summer or evenings! Relax Natural Peach and Apple Juice is made of fresh and the finest quality peaches and apples. You will enjoy a great time with this delicious juice. It is a great source of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. So, order this delicious Relax Natural Peach and Apple Juice today and enjoy the summer!

Relax Natural 100% sok od breskve i jabuke...

from $1.99 from 7716009705714
Jaffa Champion Green Apple (Can) - 250ML


 This delicious green apple juice is made of fresh green apples which have a sweet and tangy flavour. You can have this juice at your breakfast or have it with your evening snacks. Make sure you order extra of...
 This delicious green apple juice is made of fresh green apples which have a sweet and tangy flavour. You can have this juice at your breakfast or have it with your evening snacks. Make sure you order extra of this Jaffa Champion Green Apple because your kids will love it too!

Jaffa Champion Green Apple (Can) - 250ML

from $2.11 from 7947473486066