Tomato is a rich source of vital nutrients. It contains vitamin B, C and E. Tomatoes protect your health from free radicals and generate antioxidants to prevent several diseases. Tomatoes also have potassium and lycopene that boost your immunity system. You can also prepare heartwarming recipes with tomatoes like soups and salads. Order tomatoes today and prepare healthy meals for your family.

Vineripe paradajz po komadu *** SAMO DOSTAVA ZA NYC***


Vineripe paradajz po komadu *** SAMO DOSTAVA ZA NYC*** Vineripe paradajz po komadu *** SAMO DOSTAVA ZA NYC*** becomes available.

Paradajz je bogat izvor vitalnih hranljivih materija. Sadrži vitamine B, C i E. Paradajz štiti vaše zdravlje od slobodnih radikala i stvara antioksidanse za prevenciju nekoliko bolesti. Paradajz takođe sadrži kalijum i likopen koji jačaju vaš imunološki sistem. Takođe možete pripremiti dirljive recepte sa paradajzom kao što su supe i salate. Naručite paradajz danas i pripremite zdrava jela za svoju porodicu. Sveže povrće Pun hranljivih materija Bogat izvor antioksidansa


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Žuta paprika po komadu*** SAMO DOSTAVA ZA NYC***


Napravite ukusne salate ili svoje omiljene recepte sa ovim svježim žutim paprikama. Ove paprike su odličan izvor vitamina A i C, a bogate su i kalijumom. Žuta paprika djeluje kao antikoagulantna supstanca u vašem tijelu i smanjuje...
Make yummy salads or your favourite recipes with these fresh yellow bell peppers. These bell peppers are excellent sources of vitamin A and C, these are also rich in potassium. Yellow bell peppers act as an anticoagulant substance in your body and reduce the risk of heart diseases. Full of antioxidants, yellow bell peppers contain fibre and iron. It also regulates the blood pressure in the human body.

Žuta paprika po komadu*** SAMO DOSTAVA ZA ...

from $1.49 from 6921965928628
Salata Romaine *** SAMO DOSTAVA ZA NYC***


Pripremite nevjerovatne salate sa ovom 100% prirodnom i svježom salatom Romaine. Odličan je izvor nekoliko esencijalnih nutrijenata, sadrži vitamin C, vlakna i minerale. Zelena salata je takođe korisna za održavanje zdravih kostiju i održavanje snažnog imunološkog sistema. Pomaže...
Prepare amazing salads with this 100% natural and fresh Romaine Lettuce. It is a great source of several essential nutrients, contains vitamin C, fibre and minerals. Lettuce is also helpful to keep your bones healthy and maintain a strong immune system. It helps for the growth of muscle and nerve functions. Since it is a low-calorie diet, you can consume Romaine Lettuce daily.

Salata Romaine *** SAMO DOSTAVA ZA NYC***

from $2.99 from 6921964847284
Gomila brokule *** SAMO DOSTAVA ZA NYC***


Hranjivo povrće, bogatstvo vitamina C, vitamina A i cinka. Brokula takođe sadrži beta karoten i lutein. Čini vašu kožu mekšom i glatkom, a takođe je štiti od određenih vrsta oksidativnih oštećenja. Bogat izvor vlakana, prekomjerna konzumacija može...
A nutritious vegetable, resources of vitamin C, vitamin A and zinc. Broccoli also contains beta carotene and lutein. It makes your skin softer and smoother, also protects it from certain kinds of oxidative damage. Rich source of fibre, excess consumption can cause digestion issues. You can have it by adding in vegetable salad, with a pinch of salt and pepper and olive oil.

Gomila brokule *** SAMO DOSTAVA ZA NYC***

from $4.59 from 6921963798708
Glavica kupusa po komadu *** SAMO DOSTAVA ZA NYC***


Izuzetno hranljivo povrće, glavice kupusa su dobre za vaše zdravlje. 100% prirodan, svjež kupus, od njega možete napraviti ukusne namirnice. Pomaže u zaštiti vašeg tijela od srčanih bolesti, povećava razinu luteina, beta karotena u vašem tijelu i...
159.	Cabbage Head Per Piece *** NYC DELIVERY ONLY*** Extremely nutritious vegetable, cabbage heads are good for your health. 100% natural, fresh cabbages, you can make delicious food items with it. It helps to protect your body from heart diseases, increases the levels of lutein, beta carotene in your body, and is full of antioxidants. Decreases inflammation and oxidized LDL. These fresh cabbages also contain vitamin C and vitamin K.

Glavica kupusa po komadu *** SAMO DOSTAVA ...

from $7.95 from 6894521188532
Krompir po komadu *** SAMO DOSTAVA ZA NYC***


Izuzetno hranljivo povrće, krompir nije samo dobar za vaše zdravlje, već možete i da učinite svoje filmsko veče ukusnim sa hrskavim pomfritom. Sa ovim 100% prirodnim, svježim krompirom pripremite ukusne namirnice. Pomaže u zaštiti vašeg tijela od...
Extremely nutritious vegetable, potato is not only good for your health but you can also make your movie-night delicious with crunchy french fries. With this 100% natural, fresh potato, prepare delicious food items. It helps to protect your body from heart diseases, controls blood sugar in your body, and is full of antioxidants. A rich source of proteins and fibre, potato also helps to lose weight.

Krompir po komadu *** SAMO DOSTAVA ZA NYC***

from $0.51 from 6890937385140
Limun po komadu *** SAMO DOSTAVA ZA NYC***


Svježi limun, hranljivo kiselo voće, čini vaše recepte ukusnim. Ima nekoliko nutritivnih prednosti, bogat je izvor vitamina C i antioksidansa, poboljšava funkciju bubrega i sprječava stvaranje kamenca. Limun također smanjuje mogućnost raka i štiti vaše zdravlje od...
Fresh lemon, a nutritious tangy fruit, makes your recipes delicious. It has several nutritious benefits, is a rich source of vitamin C and antioxidants, improves kidney functions and prevents stone. Lemons also decrease the possibility of cancer and protect your health from anaemia. A yummy immunity booster that also takes care of your digestive tract.

Limun po komadu *** SAMO DOSTAVA ZA NYC***

from $0.66 from 6890934272180