
Devolli Prince turska kafa 500GR


Ako volite jači ukus kafe, ovo je najbolja tradicionalna kafa za vas! Ova turska kafa je čista mešavina originalnih zrna kafe vrhunskog kvaliteta. Možete imati ovu crnu sa ukusnom kremom na njoj, sloj kreme drži temperaturu vaše...
If you are fond of a stronger taste of coffee, this is the best traditional coffee for you ever! This Turkish coffee is a pure blend of original premium-quality coffee beans. You can have this black with a delicious cream on it, the layer of cream holds the temperature of your coffee. The taste of Devolli Prince Turkish Coffee will make your mornings fresh and aromatic. Try it once and you cannot resist ordering it again!

Devolli Prince turska kafa 500GR

from $13.33 from 1048480841771
Energetski napitak Zlatni orao (limenka) 250ML

Sold Out

Oživite energiju uz ovaj slatko-kiseli, zdravi energetski napitak. Ako ste fitnes entuzijasta ili sportista, to će vam pružiti dovoljno energije za održavanje na terenu. Energetski napitak Zlatni orao napravljen je od vode i šećera sa raznim vitalnim nutrijentima kao što...
Enjoy this energy drink today.Golden Eagle Energy Drink will become the drink you always reach for. Enjoy it chilled for an even better experience. Your guests will be asking for more at your next gathering. Order today because we sell out quick!

Energetski napitak Zlatni orao (limenka) 2...

from $2.22 from 4350554570827
Krusha Domaci Ajvar Namaz od pecene paprike (Kosovo) 720GR

Sold Out

Odličan recept za glavno jelo sa Kosova. Ovaj ukusni blagi ajvar napravljen je od svježih patlidžana i paprika, začinjen prepoznatljivom mješavinom ljutih začina. Jednostavan obrok u pokretu, ovaj ukusan recept bez hemikalija možete jesti kao glavno jelo ili...
Mouthwatering main course recipe from the land of Kosovo. This delicious mild Ajvar is made of fresh eggplants and bell peppers, seasoned with a signature blend of hot spices. Easy on-the-go meal, you can have this chemical-free, yummy recipe as a main course or as a side dish, at any time from morning to evening. Flavourful Krusha Ajvar is nutritious too. To enjoy alone or with your friends, order soon!

Krusha Domaci Ajvar Namaz od pecene paprik...

from $14.00 from 7530516578546
Vipa kečap čips 75GR

Sold Out

Počastite svoju večernju žudnju ovim hrskavim užitkom. Vipa kečap čips napravljen je od svežeg krompira i začinjen posebnom mešavinom začina. Možete ga imati gde god želite. Spakujte ovaj čips u kutiju za ručak svoje djece i učinite ih...
Treat your evening cravings with this crunchy delight. Vipa Ketchup Potato Chips are made of fresh potatoes and seasoned with a special blend of spices. You can have it wherever you want. Pack these chips in your kids’ lunchbox and make them happy. A perfect match for your favourite beverage. Try this sweet and spicy offering of Vipa once and you will make a permanent place for it in the pantry!

Vipa kečap čips 75GR

from $2.49 from 7530569171186
Vipa Chilli Pepper čips 75GR

Sold Out

Probajte jednom ovaj vrući čips i zaljubit ćete se u njih! Vipa Hot Potato Chips se dobija od najkvalitetnijeg krompira i prepoznatljive mešavine začina. Možete ga popiti uz omiljeni napitak ili jesti ovaj hrskavi užitak kad god...
Try these hot potato chips once and you will fall in love with them! Vipa Hot Potato Chips are derived from the best quality potatoes and a signature blend of spices. You can have it with your favourite beverage or munch this crunchy delight whenever you feel hungry. This delicious offering of Vipa contains carbohydrates that will satisfy your hunger. Order Vipa Hot Potato Chips and taste the difference!

Vipa Chilli Pepper čips 75GR

from $2.49 from 7530561569010
Vipa Origano čips 140GR

Sold Out

Počastite se ovim hrskavim kolačićima kad god osjetite glad! Vipa Origano čips napravljen je od svežeg krompira i začinjen origanom. Savršena užina za vaš večernji užitak. Pokušajte ovo jednom i nećete moći odoljeti da ga ponovo naručite....
Treat yourself with these crunchy munchies whenever you feel hungry! Vipa Oregano Potato Chips are made of fresh potatoes and seasoned with oregano. A perfect snack for your evening delight. Try this once and you cannot resist ordering it again. These potato chips have a sweet and spicy flavour. Munch it with your favourite beverage. Order Vipa Oregano Potato Chips soon to experience the best quality chips!

Vipa Origano čips 140GR

from $2.69 from 7530575331570
Krusha Domaci Ajvar Namaz od ljute pecene paprike (Kosovo) 720GR

Sold Out

Odličan recept za glavno jelo sa Kosova. Ovaj ukusni ljuti ajvar napravljen je od svježih patlidžana i paprika, začinjen prepoznatljivom mješavinom ljutih začina. Jednostavan obrok u pokretu, ovaj ukusan recept bez hemikalija možete jesti kao glavno jelo...
Mouthwatering main course recipe from the land of Kosovo. This delicious Hot Ajvar is made of fresh eggplants and bell peppers, seasoned with a signature blend of hot spices. Easy on-the-go meal, you can have this chemical-free, yummy recipe as a main course or as a side dish, at any time from morning to evening. Flavourful Krusha Ajvar is nutritious too. To enjoy alone or with your friends, order soon!

Krusha Domaci Ajvar Namaz od ljute pecene ...

from $14.00 from 7530528637170
Pitajte Domaći vrući ajvar 300GR


Ovo ukusno jelo je napravljeno od svježih paprika i patlidžana, pečenih i pečenih na roštilju, pasteriziranih. To je domaći recept i apsolutno bez hemikalija. Možete ga jesti za ručak, lagan obrok u pokretu, uzeti ga kao glavno...
This delicious dish is made of fresh bell peppers and eggplants, roasted and grilled, pasteurized. It is a homemade recipe and absolutely chemical-free. You can have it for your lunch, easy on-the-go meal, take it as a main dish or a side one, nutritious food. So, why waiting? Order Ask Homemade Hot Ajvar and add flavor to your meals!

Pitajte Domaći vrući ajvar 300GR

from $6.88 from 7563942134002
Jaffa Plus sok od borovnice 2L


Zaista užitak za ljubitelje sokova, ovaj ukusni sok od borovnice napravljen je od slatkih borovnica. Možete ga koristiti kao slanu osnovu za jutarnji smoothie od jogurta ili voćni smoothie. Jaffa Plus sok od borovnice...
Indeed a delight for juice lovers, this delicious blueberry juice is made of sweet blueberries. You can use it as the savory base for your morning yogurt smoothie or fruit smoothie. Jaffa Plus blueberry Juice consists of important nutrients, vitamins and minerals. The sweetness adds a different piquancy to the juice. You can have it on its own and also with a splash of sparkling water.

Jaffa Plus sok od borovnice 2L

from $7.00 from 7854128136434
Relax Ledeni čaj od breskve 250 ml


Umirujuće osvježenje za dane vrućeg ljeta ili večeri! Ledeni čaj Relax Peach je napravljen od svježih i najkvalitetnijih breskvi. Uživat ćete uz ovaj sočni ledeni čaj. Nakon dugog dana stresnog rada, ovaj ledeni čaj će vam jasno oživjeti energiju!...
A soothing refreshment for the days of hot summer or evenings! Relax Peach Iced Tea is made of fresh and the finest quality peaches. You will enjoy a great time with this juicy iced tea. After a long day of stressful work, this iced tea will clearly revive your energy! It is a great source of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. So, order this delicious Relax Peach Iced Tea today and enjoy the summer!

Relax Ledeni čaj od breskve 250 ml

from $3.99 from 7716006494450
Vipa Classic Potato Chips 75GR


Have these crunchy munchies whenever you feel hungry! Vipa Classic Potato Chips are made of fresh potatoes and a special blend of spices. A perfect snack for your evening delight. Try this once and you cannot resist ordering...
Have these crunchy munchies whenever you feel hungry! Vipa Classic Potato Chips are made of fresh potatoes and a special blend of spices. A perfect snack for your evening delight. Try this once and you cannot resist ordering it again. These potato chips have a sweet and spicy flavour. Munch it with your favourite beverage. Order Vipa Classic Potato Chips soon to experience the best quality chips!

Vipa Classic Potato Chips 75GR

from $2.49 from 8039030128882
Relax Natural 100% sok od breskve i jabuke 200 ml


Umirujuće osvježenje za dane vrućeg ljeta ili večeri! Relax prirodni sok od breskve i jabuke napravljen je od svježih i najkvalitetnijih breskvi i jabuka. Uživat ćete uz ovaj ukusni sok. Odličan je izvor antioksidansa, vitamina i minerala. Zato naručite...
A soothing refreshment for the days of hot summer or evenings! Relax Natural Peach and Apple Juice is made of fresh and the finest quality peaches and apples. You will enjoy a great time with this delicious juice. It is a great source of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. So, order this delicious Relax Natural Peach and Apple Juice today and enjoy the summer!

Relax Natural 100% sok od breskve i jabuke...

from $1.99 from 7716009705714