A vegetarian delicacy made with fresh peas. You can have it with rice or pasta recipes. This delicious Takovo Posni Grasak is rich in proteins and fibre. It is made of a special blend that enhances the flavour of the recipe. Your guests will be amazed after having this savoury dish at your house party! Order Takovo Posni Grasak today and explore your culinary skills.

Takovo Posni Grasak 300g


Takovo Posni Grasak 300g Takovo Posni Grasak 300g becomes available.

Vegetarijanska poslastica napravljena od svježeg graška. Možete ga jesti uz recepte za pirinač ili testeninu. Ovaj ukusni Takovo Posni Grasak bogat je proteinima i vlaknima. Napravljen je od posebne mješavine koja pojačava okus recepta. Vaši gosti će biti zadivljeni nakon ovog ukusnog jela na vašoj kućnoj zabavi! Naručite Takovo Posni Grasak već danas i istražite svoje kulinarske vještine. Težina: 300g Bogata vlaknima i proteinima Odličan prilog


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Srodni proizvodi

Reis Baldo riža 1 kg


Doživite aromatičan ukus ovog italijanskog pirinča, a turska sorta ovog pirinča ima kremastu teksturu. Ova ukusna riža bogata je ugljikohidratima i odličan je izvor zdravih hranjivih tvari. Napravite ukusne recepte s njim, birijani ili rižoto, vaši gosti...
Experience the aromatic flavour of this Italian rice, and the Turkish variety of this rice has a creamy texture. This delicious rice is rich in carbohydrates and an excellent source of healthy nutrients. Make yummy recipes with it, biriyani or risotto, your guests will be surprised with your culinary skills. Reis Baldo Rice is also beneficial for maintaining a healthy digestive tract.

Reis Baldo riža 1 kg

from $8.29 from 4512860667979
Reis Pilavlik (Osmančik) Pirinač 1KG

Sold Out

Pirinač je glavna namirnica u različitim kulturama. Doživite divan ukus ovog turskog pirinča. Ova ukusna riža bogata je ugljikohidratima i odličan je izvor zdravih hranjivih tvari. Napravite ukusna jela sa njim, birijani ili rižoto i iznenadite svoje...
Rice is the main staple in different cultures. Experience the delightful taste of this Turkish rice. This delicious rice is rich in carbohydrates and an excellent source of healthy nutrients. Make yummy dishes with it, biriyani or risotto, and surprise your guests with the culinary possibilities of this aromatic rice. Reis Pilavlik contains a fair amount of antioxidants.

Reis Pilavlik (Osmančik) Pirinač 1KG

from $7.99 from 4525419266123
Levidia Gala Rice (Kocanski) 1KG

Sold Out

Probajte jednom ovu aromatičnu i aromatiziranu Levidia Gala rižu i napravite joj stalno mjesto u ostavi. Ova ukusna riža bogata je ugljikohidratima i odličan je izvor zdravih hranjivih tvari. Napravite ukusne recepte s njim, birijani ili rižoto,...
Try this aromatic and flavoured Levidia Gala Rice once and make a permanent place for it in the pantry. This delicious rice is rich in carbohydrates and an excellent source of healthy nutrients. Make yummy recipes with it, biriyani or risotto, your guests will be surprised with your culinary skills. Levidia Gala Rice is also beneficial for maintaining a healthy digestive tract.

Levidia Gala Rice (Kocanski) 1KG

from $6.00 from 1866832904235
Levidia smeđa riža (integralna) 1 kg


Probajte jednom ovu aromatičnu i aromatiziranu Levidia smeđu rižu i napravite joj stalno mjesto u ostavi. Ova ukusna riža bogata je ugljikohidratima i odličan je izvor zdravih hranjivih tvari. Napravite ukusne recepte s njim, vaši gosti će biti iznenađeni...
Try this aromatic and flavored Levidia Brown Rice once and make a permanent place for it in the pantry. This delicious rice is rich in carbohydrates and an excellent source of healthy nutrients. Make yummy recipes with it, your guests will be surprised with your culinary skills. Levidia Brown Rice is also beneficial for maintaining a healthy digestive tract.

Levidia smeđa riža (integralna) 1 kg

from $5.55 from 7854086455538
Krinos Baldo riža 1kg


Doživite aromatičan ukus ovog italijanskog pirinča, a turska sorta ovog pirinča ima kremastu teksturu. Ova ukusna riža bogata je ugljikohidratima i odličan je izvor zdravih hranjivih tvari. Napravite ukusne recepte s njim, birijani ili rižoto, vaši gosti će biti...
Experience the aromatic flavor of this Italian rice, and the Turkish variety of this rice has a creamy texture. This delicious rice is rich in carbohydrates and an excellent source of healthy nutrients. Make yummy recipes with it, biriyani or risotto, your guests will be surprised with your culinary skills. Krinos Baldo Rice is also beneficial for maintaining a healthy digestive tract.

Krinos Baldo riža 1kg

from $6.49 from 7699944505586
Duru Osmancik riža 1kg


Pirinač je glavna namirnica u različitim kulturama. Doživite predivan ukus ovog ukusnog pirinča. Ova ukusna riža bogata je ugljikohidratima i odličan je izvor zdravih hranjivih tvari. Napravite ukusna jela sa njim, birijani ili rižoto i iznenadite svoje...
Rice is the main staple in different cultures. Experience the delightful taste of this delicious rice. This delicious rice will be the staple to make yummy dishes with it,. Try some biriyani or risotto, and surprise your guests with the culinary possibilities of this aromatic rice. Duru Osmancik Rice will earn a spot in your pantry!

Duru Osmancik riža 1kg

from $7.77 from 7801239437554