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Desina Ballkan Džem od jagoda 800GR


Napravite ukusan doručak sa ovim slatkim Desina Ballkan džemom od jagoda. Napravljen je od 100% prirodnih i svježih jabuka. Vaša djeca će se zaljubiti u ovaj slatki džem. Možete ga namazati na hljeb, palačinke ili kroasan, a možete...
Desina Ballkan Džem od jagoda 800GR

Desina Ballkan Džem od jagoda 800GR

from $5.00 from 7584263864562
Podravka Vegeta Organic 280GR

Sold Out

Pripremite ukusne recepte samo dodavanjem Podravka Vegete Organic svojim omiljenim jelima. Napravite salate, tjesteninu, supu ili bilo koji recept koji sadrži meso, posipajte Vegetom dok kuhate i doživite prirodne okuse vaših recepata. Sastoji se od 30% sušenog povrća poput...
Prepare mouthwatering recipes just by adding Podravka Vegeta Organic to your favorite dishes. Make salads, pasta, soup or any recipes containing meat, sprinkle Vegeta while cooking and experience the natural tastes of your recipes. It consists of 30% dried vegetables like carrots, onions, leeks and garlic. Podravka Vegeta Organic does not contain any artificial flavor enhancer.

Podravka Vegeta Organic 280GR

from $10.10 from 7593229779186
Takovo Evrokrem Lešnik Bar Blok 100GR


Od jutra do večeri, ovaj ukusni bar blok će vam učiniti dan slađim. Ukusni slojevi premazani mliječnom čokoladom spojeni su kremom s okusom lješnjaka i vanile. Savršen užitak za večernju užinu, ili desert nakon obroka, ili ga...
From morning to evening, this mouthwatering bar blok will make your day sweeter. Delicious milk chocolate coated layers are joined with hazelnut and vanilla flavoured cream. A perfect delight for your evening snack, or dessert after a meal, or you can have it whenever you feel hungry. So, don’t wait, order this Takovo Eurocream Hazelnut Bar Blok today and have the perfect dessert.

Takovo Evrokrem Lešnik Bar Blok 100GR

from $1.99 from 7593262743794
SL Griski štapići sa kikirikijem 200G


Počastite se ovim hrskavim kolačićima kad god glad ujede! Ovi slani štapići pereca punjeni su kikirikijem. Swiss Lion Griski štapići sa kikirikijem savršena su kombinacija za večernju kafu ili čaj. Možete ga uzeti i za brzi užitak....
Treat yourself with these crunchy munchies whenever hunger bites! These savoury  pretzel sticks are filled with peanuts. Swiss Lion Griski Sticks With Peanuts are a perfect combination for evening coffee or tea. You can also have it for a quick delight. These  sticks are also nutritious and rich sources of fibers. So, order Swiss Lion Griski Sticks With Peanuts today and don’t forget to share with your friends.

SL Griski štapići sa kikirikijem 200G

from $1.79 from 7593316385010
Duru Pure & Natural Classic Sapun 4x150G


Evo najboljeg sapuna za intenzivnu njegu vaše kože. Ovaj sapun ima regulisanu pH vrednost tako da ne iritira kožu. Osim toga, ima prekrasnu blagu aromu. Ovaj klinički odobren sapun ima tačnu količinu glicerina koji štiti kožu od grube. Stoga, požurite...
Here is the best soap to take intensive care of your skin. This soap has a regulated pH value so it does not irritate the skin. Besides, it has a beautiful mild aroma. This clinically approved soap has the exact right amount of glycerine that protects the skin to become rough. So, hurry up and order Duru Pure & Natural Classic Soap today to make your skin softer.

Duru Pure & Natural Classic Sapun 4x150G

from $3.33 from 7595588616434
Donat MG mineralna voda 1L

Sold Out

Mineralna voda Donat MG, nova ukusna mineralna voda u kojoj ćete uživati. Možete ga koristiti i za miješanje sa sokovima.. Savršeno osvježenje bilo kada i bilo gdje. Naručite Donat MG mineralnu vodu već danas.
  • Balkanfresh,Donat MG Mineral Water,Slovenia,Snap Eligible
  • Donat MG Mineral Water, a new tasty mineral water that you will enjoy. You can also use it to mix with juices.. A perfect refreshment anytime anywhere. Order Donat MG Mineral Water today.

    Donat MG mineralna voda 1L

    from $6.00 from 7595592777970
    Musina goveđa kobasica na albanski način blaga 1lb

    Sold Out

    **NY, NJ, CT, MA UPS SAMO ISPORUKA NA ZEMLJI** Sve ostale države MOLIMO IZABERITE BRZU DOSTAVU. NEĆEMO BITI ODGOVORNI ZA POkvarene PROIZVODE** Sočne i dimljene goveđe kobasice su napravljene od junećeg mesa vrhunskog kvaliteta i...
    Juicy and smoked beef sausages are made of premium-quality beef and seasoned with a pinch of blended spices. It is an Albanian recipe that makes these sausages savory and delicious. A high resource of protein, Musa's Albanian Style Beef Sausage can be used to cook different recipes. You can have the dishes made of these sausages at any time of the day. So try this with family and friends and order it again to enjoy more.

    Musina goveđa kobasica na albanski način b...

    from $19.99 from 7613320298738
    Musina goveđa kobasica na albanski ljuta 1lb

    Sold Out

    **NY, NJ, CT, MA UPS SAMO ISPORUKA NA ZEMLJI** Sve ostale države MOLIMO IZABERITE BRZU DOSTAVU. NEĆEMO BITI ODGOVORNI ZA POkvarene PROIZVODE** Sočne i dimljene goveđe kobasice su napravljene od junećeg mesa vrhunskog kvaliteta i...
    Juicy and smoked beef sausages are made of premium-quality beef and seasoned with a pinch of blended spices. It is an Albanian recipe that makes these sausages savory and delicious. A high resource of protein, Musa's Albanian Style Beef Sausage can be used to cook different recipes. You can have the dishes made of these sausages at any time of the day. So try this with family and friends and order it again to enjoy more.

    Musina goveđa kobasica na albanski ljuta 1lb

    from $19.99 from 7613324132594
    Stark Choco Smoki 40G

    Sold Out

    Klasični užitak Balkana! Ovi Choco Smoki su napravljeni od napuhanog kikirikija i hrskavog čokoladnog premaza izvana. Naručite ovo jednom i vaša djeca će se zaljubiti u ove ukusne kolače. Možete ga popiti uz večernju kafu ili kad god želite....
    A classic delight of the Balkans! These Choco Smoki s are made with puffed peanuts and crispy chocolate coatings outside. Order this once and your kids will fall in love with these yummy munchies. You can have it with evening coffee or whenever you like. Stark Choco Smoki are rich in fibre and protein, so this package of delicious treats not only satisfy your hunger but is also nutritious for your health.

    Stark Choco Smoki 40G

    from $1.59 from 7613393273074
    Podravka Lino Medolino 200GR


    Pripremite ukusan obrok za svoju djecu uz Podravka Medolino. Samo prokuhajte u vodi i zdrav obrok za vaše dijete je pripremljen! Podravka Medolino sadrži vitamine, folnu kiselinu, niacin i kalcij. Sadrži pire keks i pšenični griz, punomasno...
    Prepare a delicious meal for your kids with Podravka Medolino. Just boil in water and a healthy meal for your kid is prepared! Podravka Medolino contains vitamins, folic acid, niacin and calcium. It contains mashed biscuits and wheat grits, whole milk powder, butter and wheat semolina. This yummy and healthy meal is perfect for your kid’s growth and development.

    Podravka Lino Medolino 200GR

    from $5.99 from 7620397727986
    Grand Instant kafa 3 u 1 (pojedinačna pakovanja) 400GR


    Nikada ne propustite jutarnju kafu sa ovim paketima Grand Instant kafe 3 u 1! Od sada kuvajte kafu u pokretu! Pomešana je sa prženim zrnima kafe i savršenog je aromatičnog ukusa, a ljubitelji kafe biće oduševljeni posle šoljice...
    Never miss your morning coffee with these Grand Instant Coffee 3 in 1 Packets! From now on make your coffee on the go! It is blended with roasted coffee beans and has the perfect aromatic taste, the coffee lovers will be amazed after having a cup of this delicious coffee. Perfect combination of coffee, milk and sugar. Serve it with your favorite snacks and make some memorable moments with your friends!

    Grand Instant kafa 3 u 1 (pojedinačna pako...

    from $10.49 from 7620404740338
    Grand Instant kafa 2 u 1 (pojedinačna pakovanja) 320GR

    Sold Out

    Nikada ne propustite jutarnju kafu sa ovim paketima Grand Instant kafe 2 u 1! Od sada kuvajte kafu u pokretu! Pomešana je sa prženim zrnima kafe i savršenog je aromatičnog ukusa, a ljubitelji kafe biće oduševljeni posle...
    Never miss your morning coffee with these Grand Instant Coffee 2 in 1 Packets! From now on make your coffee on the go! It is blended with roasted coffee beans and has the perfect aromatic taste, the coffee lovers will be amazed after having a cup of this delicious coffee. Perfect combination of coffee and milk. Serve it with your favorite snacks and make some memorable moments with your friends!

    Grand Instant kafa 2 u 1 (pojedinačna pako...

    from $10.49 from 7620409164018