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Oetker Classic Creme Brulee desert 105GR


Od sada ne morate ići u restoran po ukusan desert. Dr. Oetker Creme Classic Brulee desert je slatka poslastica koja će vam donijeti ukusan užitak! Slatki desert koji se lako priprema. Možete ga imati bilo gdje i...
From now on, you don’t have to go to a restaurant for a delicious dessert. Dr. Oetker Creme Classic Brulee Dessert is a sweet treat that will bring you yummy delight! A mouthwatering dessert that is easy to prepare. You can have it anywhere and at anytime. Don’t forget to share this savoury Dr. Oetker Creme Classic Brulee Dessert. Order soon and enjoy yourself alone or with your friends.

Oetker Classic Creme Brulee desert 105GR

from $2.22 from 6896170500276
Edeka BBQ sos od dimljenog meda 300GR

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Savršen sastojak za pripremu ukusnog roštilja kod kuće. Edeka BBQ sos od dimljenog meda čini vaš odrezak ukusnim i ukusnim. Ovo možete dodati za različite recepte, najbolje ide uz piletinu i kobasice. Dodaje ukus vašim jelima. Naručite još...
The perfect ingredient to make delicious BBQ at home. Edeka Smoked Honey BBQ Sauce makes your steak delicious and mouthwatering. You can add this to make different recipes, best goes with chicken and sausages. It adds flavour to your meals. Order this Edeka Smoked Honey BBQ Sauce today and prepare various savoury recipes that will amaze your guests!

Edeka BBQ sos od dimljenog meda 300GR

from $4.44 from 6896176234676
Franck šipak (šipak) vrećice čaja 60GR


Ako volite različite okuse čaja, probajte jednom Franck šipak i nećete moći odoljeti još jednom! Franck kesice čaja od šipka postat će osnovni proizvod u vašoj ostavi. Naručite ga sada i pijte svakodnevno. Croatia,Franck Rose Hip (Sipak) Tea Bags,Snap Eligible,Tea
If you love different flavours of tea, try Franck Rose Hip once and you cannot resist another drink of it! Franck Rose Hip Tea Bags will become a staple in your pantry. Order it now and drink daily.

Franck šipak (šipak) vrećice čaja 60GR

from $2.22 from 6915808198836
Franck šumsko voće (Šumsko voće) kesice čaja 55GR


Ako volite biljni čaj, ovo je najkvalitetniji čaj koji će zadovoljiti vašu žeđ! Ovaj ukusni čaj je mješavina listova biljnog čaja, listova kupine, šipka i cvijeta hibiskusa. Ovi listovi su razlozi za aromatičnu aromu ovog zdravog napitka. Bogat...
If you have a taste for herbal tea, this is the finest quality tea and will satisfy your thirst! This delicious tea is a blend of herbal tea leaves, blackberry leaves, rosehips, and hibiscus flowers. These leaves are the reasons behind the aromatic flavour of this tea. You can have this tea warm or with ice. Franck Forest Fruit (Šumsko Voće) will make your mornings and evenings always special.

Franck šumsko voće (Šumsko voće) kesice ča...

from $4.00 from 6915813933236
Franck mljevena crvena paprika (paprika mljevena) 100GR

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Savršen pojačivač okusa, Franck mljevena crvena paprika (paprika mljevena) je neophodan začin za svako jelo kako bi bilo ukusno. Ova crvena paprika vašem receptu daje crvenu boju i sa tačno odgovarajućom količinom čini vaš recept ukusnijim. Franck...
A perfect flavour enhancer, Franck Ground Red Pepper (Paprika Mljevena) is an essential condiment for every meal to make it delicious. This red paprika brings a red colour to your recipe and with the exact right amount it makes your recipe yummier. Franck Ground Red Pepper is made of 100% natural and fresh red paprika, with zero added preservatives. Order it today and prepare mouthwatering recipes.

Franck mljevena crvena paprika (paprika ml...

from $2.00 from 6919069139124
Kiseljak mineralna voda 1.5LT (plastika)

Sold Out

Naručite ovu kiseljačku mineralnu vodu već danas i gledajte kako vaši gosti uživaju! Možete ga koristiti i za miješanje sa sokovima. Naručite mineralnu vodu Kiseljak odmah. Ne zaboravite uživati ​​u ohlađenom! **Za veće količine koristite chat da nas...
Order this Kiseljak Mineral Water today and watch your guests enjoy it! You can also use it to mix with juices. Order Kiseljak Mineral Water right now. Remember to enjoy it chilled!

Kiseljak mineralna voda 1.5LT (plastika)

from $2.22 from 6919072448692
Podravka jetrena pašteta 95GR


Ugodite svojim nepcima ukusnom Podravka jetrenom paštetom! Namažite ga na kruh ili istražite svoje kulinarske vještine i napravite ukusne recepte za svoje goste. Lagana užina, ova jetrena pašteta učiniće vaša jela ukusnijima! Naručite Podravka jetrenu paštetu već danas...
Indulge your tastebuds with mouthwatering Podravka Liver Pate! Spread it on bread or explore your culinary skills and make delicious recipes for your guests. An easy snack, this liver pate will make your dishes yummier! Order Podravka Liver Pate today and enjoy your meals.

Podravka jetrena pašteta 95GR

from $2.49 from 6919101317300
Podravka Tea Time Pašteta 100GR

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Savršena kombinacija goveđeg i svinjskog mesa, začinjena mješavinom začina, ova ukusna pašteta je ono o čemu ste ikada sanjali za svoje tostove ili sendviče. Ova Podravka pašteta za čaj je korisnija kada morate imati gust raspored. Spremite svoja...
A perfect combination of beef and pork meat, seasoned with a spicy blend, this mouthwatering pate is what you have ever dreamed of for your toasts or sandwiches. This Podravka Tea Time Pate is more useful when you have to maintain a busy schedule. Make your meals quickly, you can also have it as an appetizer. Zero added colours and full of rich ingredients. Order this delicious Podravka Tea Time Pate today and spread happiness in your meals!

Podravka Tea Time Pašteta 100GR

from $2.29 from 6919102562484
Takovo kutija za banane 252GR

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Neverovatan užitak za vaše večernje poslastice pored šoljice tople kafe ili vašeg omiljenog napitka. Takovo Banana Box je punjen čokoladnim mousseom od banane koji će se topiti u ustima. Možete ga jesti kad god osjetite glad ili pripremiti...
An amazing delight for your evening treats beside a cup of hot coffee or your favourite beverage. Takovo Banana Box is filled with chocolate-coated banana mousse that will melt in your mouth. You can have it whenever you feel hungry or prepare delicious desserts with these chocolaty bananas. Order Takovo Banana Box today and experience the double delight!

Takovo kutija za banane 252GR

from $4.99 from 6919105544372
Zvečevo Volim Trešnja, jagoda i malina 100GR

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Klasična čokoladica, punjena svježim i prirodnim trešnjama, jagodama i malinama. Ova mliječna čokolada koja grije srce izuzetno je ukusna i hranljiva za zdravlje. Sadrži proteine, minerale, vitamine i ugljikohidrate. Možete ga uzeti kad god osjetite glad. Sveukupni favorit za...
A classic chocolate bar, filled with fresh and natural cherry, strawberry and raspberry. This heartwarming milk chocolate is extremely delicious and nutritious for health. It contains proteins, minerals, vitamins and carbohydrates. You can have it whenever you feel hungry. An all-time favourite for any age group. You can also prepare yummy desserts with Svecevo Volim Cherry & Strawberry With Raspberry.

Zvečevo Volim Trešnja, jagoda i malina 100GR

from $3.00 from 6931479953588
Zvecevo Volim ljesnik, badem i karamela 100GR


Tradicionalni užitak Hrvatske, Svečevo predstavlja ukusnu čokoladicu punjenu lješnjacima, bademima i karamelom. Možete ga uzeti kad god osjetite glad. Sveukupni favorit za bilo koju starosnu grupu. Ova ukusna čokoladica napravljena je od najfinijih sastojaka i sadrži nekoliko vitalnih...
A traditional delight from the land of Croatia, Svecevo presents a delicious chocolate bar filled with hazelnuts, almonds and caramel. You can have it whenever you feel hungry. An all-time favourite for any age group. This yummy chocolate bar is made with the finest ingredients and contains several vital nutrients like proteins, vitamins and carbohydrates. You can also prepare mouthwatering desserts with Svecevo Volim Hazelnut with Almond & Caramel.

Zvecevo Volim ljesnik, badem i karamela 100GR

from $3.00 from 6931481788596
Zvečevo mlečna čokolada sa jagodom (Samo Ti Jagoda) 100GR


Prepustite se slatkim s ovim klasičnim užitkom iz zemlje Hrvatske. Zvečevska mlečna čokolada sa jagodama je slatka poslastica koju možete da pojedete kad god osetite glad. Napravljen je od najkvalitetnijih sastojaka i savršeno se uklapa u vaš...
Indulge your sweet tooth with this classic delight from the land of Croatia. Zvecevo Milk Chocolate with Strawberry is a sweet treat that you can munch whenever you feel hungry. It is made of the finest quality ingredients and a perfect match for your favourite ice cream. You can also have it after your lunch or dinner. Order this milk chocolate bar and experience the double delight of chocolate and strawberry!

Zvečevo mlečna čokolada sa jagodom (Samo T...

from $3.00 from 6931483295924