Tradicionalni slatkiši

Tradicionalni slatkiši
Kral Kutu Gullac 400G

Sold Out

Slatko i pečeno jelo, omiljeni recept za sve uzraste. Savršen je za jelo nakon svakog obroka ili za užinu, polivajući ga medom ili toplim sirupom. Kral Kutu Gullac je savršena poslastica sa prijateljima uz šoljicu kafe ili...
A sweet and baked dish, favorite recipe for any age group. It is perfect to have after every meal or you can have it for snacks, pouring honey or hot syrup on it. Kral Kutu Gullac is the perfect treat with your friends over a cup of coffee or tea. It will also satisfy your midnight hunger, so keep it in your pantry to enjoy it anytime. Order today!

Kral Kutu Gullac 400G

from $14.44 from 7626812358898