
Brat i sestra Halal dimljena govedina 1,3 LB


** **NY, NJ, CT, MA UPS SAMO DOSTAVA KRENOM** Sve ostale države MOLIMO ODABERITE BRZU DOSTAVU. NE SNOSIMO ODGOVORNOST ZA POKVARENE PROIZVODE**Tradicionalni recept za glavno jelo Hrvatske, Srbije i Bosne, dimljena junetina ili Suho Meso ukusno je jelo...
A traditional main course recipe of Croatia, Serbia and Bosnia, smoked beef or Suho Meso is a delicious dish that can be served with cheese sandwiches or you can have this juicy beef with stew. This dried, cured, high-quality smoked beef is a rich source of proteins, seasoned with a signature blend of spices. You can also make yummy recipes with this Brother & Sister Halal Smoked Beef, so order this now and have mouthwatering dishes with your friends and family.

Brat i sestra Halal dimljena govedina 1,3 LB

from $28.88 from 4511414485067
Brother & Sister Goveda 2.5LB


**NY, NJ, CT, MA UPS SAMO DOSTAVA KRENOM** Sve ostale države MOLIMO ODABERITE BRZU DOSTAVU. NE SNOSIMO ODGOVORNOST ZA POKVARENE PROIZVODE**Goveda je soljeno i dimljeno kozje meso vrhunske kvalitete. Možete ga jesti sa sirom i sendvičima, a s...
Goveda is salted and smoked, premium-quality goat meat. You can have it with cheese and sandwiches, also make mouthwatering recipes with it. An excellent source of protein and fibre. Have it for your heavy breakfast or for lunch, delicious food for any occasion. Don’t forget to share this juicy meat with your close ones. Order Brother & Sister Goveda soon and enjoy a savoury meal.

Brother & Sister Goveda 2.5LB

from $57.57 from 1027277586475
Fanta Exotic (Limenka) 330ML

Sold Out

Pravi užitak za ljubitelje sokova! Fanta Exotic Can vam nudi savršeno osvježenje u bilo koje vrijeme i bilo gdje. Ima više od 180 okusa diljem svijeta. Riječ je o sodu na bazi voća koji će utažiti žeđ i osvježiti vas...
A true delight for the juice-lovers! Fanta Exotic Can offers you perfect refreshment at any time and anywhere. It has more than 180 flavours all over the world. It is a fruit-based soda that will quench your thirst and refresh you within a moment! Order Fanta Exotic Can and make your house parties extra refreshing!

Fanta Exotic (Limenka) 330ML

from $3.33 from 4643887448139
Kras Kiki Tutti Frutti voćni karamele 400GR

Sold Out

Ponudite ovaj ukusni Kras Kiki Tutti Frutti voćni karamele svojoj djeci i razveselite ih. Ove karamele napravljene su od prirodnog voćnog soka, voćnog praha, glukoznog sirupa i prirodnih aroma. Svako pakiranje sadrži bombone različitih okusa. Svevremenski favorit za sve dobne...
Kras Kiki Tutti Frutti Fruit Toffee

Kras Kiki Tutti Frutti voćni karamele 400GR

from $6.67 from 1144299356203
Golden Eagle energetski napitak (limenka) 250ML

Sold Out

Uživajte u ovom energetskom napitku već danas. Energy Drink Golden Eagle postat će piće za kojim uvijek posežete. Uživajte ohlađeno za još bolji doživljaj. Vaši će gosti tražiti više na vašem sljedećem okupljanju. Naručite danas jer se brzo rasprodamo!
Enjoy this energy drink today.Golden Eagle Energy Drink will become the drink you always reach for. Enjoy it chilled for an even better experience. Your guests will be asking for more at your next gathering. Order today because we sell out quick!

Golden Eagle energetski napitak (limenka) ...

from $2.22 from 4350554570827
Kras Bananko Krem Banana (1 kom) - 30G


Ukusna čokolada, punjena kremom od banane. U svakom zalogaju ovoga, imat ćete nalet čokolade i banane u ustima! Kras Bananko Krem Banana osigurat će vam visoku količinu kalorija. Uzmite jedan kad god ste gladni. Možete ga koristiti i za pripremu...
Delicious chocolate, filled with banana cream. In every bite of this, you will have a burst of chocolate and banana inside your mouth! Kras Bananko Krem Banana will provide you a high amount of calories. Grab one whenever you are hungry. You can also use it to prepare sweet desserts. A perfect yum-yum for midnight cravings. Order Kras Bananko Krem Banana and get a package of sweetness!

Kras Bananko Krem Banana (1 kom) - 30G

from $1.00 from 1636834738219
Stark Prima slani štapići Classic 220GR

Sold Out

Kušajte ove hrskave i tanke perece i učinite svoju večer još ugodnijom. Ove slane i slane užitke možete uživati u svom domu ili vani. Uvijek će zadovoljiti vašu želju za zalogajima. Savršen spoj uz kavu ili čaj. Pokušajte pripremiti slastice...
Taste these crunchy and thin pretzel sticks and make your evening more delightful. You can have these salty and savoury on-the-go delights at your home or outside. It will always satisfy your craving for munchies. A perfect match for coffee or tea. Try preparing mouthwatering dessert recipes and make the topping with Stark Prima Salted Sticks Classic. Order soon and enjoy it with your friends.

Stark Prima slani štapići Classic 220GR

from $3.33 from 1144350441515
Takovo Eurocrem namaz od lešnika 500GR

Sold Out

Učinite svoj doručak slatkim uz ovaj ukusni Takovo Eurocrem namaz od lješnjaka. Možete ga namazati na kruh ili napraviti bogate kremaste sendviče za svoju djecu. Također možete istražiti kulinarske mogućnosti ovog ukusnog užitka. Pripremite nevjerojatne slastice i iznenadite svoje goste...
Make your breakfast sweeter with this yummy Takovo Eurocrem Hazelnut Spread. You can spread it on bread or make rich creamy sandwiches for your kids. You can also explore the culinary possibilities of this mouthwatering delight. Prepare amazing desserts and surprise your guests with your creativity. Order Takovo Eurocrem Hazelnut Spread now and enjoy a sweet meal.

Takovo Eurocrem namaz od lešnika 500GR

from $8.99 from 1027204284459
Podravka proljetna juha 60GR

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Ljuti užitak sadrži esencijalne hranjive sastojke, pun je povrća i ukusan je recept za konzumiranje u bilo kojem trenutku! Podravka proljetna juha puna je mrkve, poriluka, celera, češnjaka, crvene paprike, luka i krumpira. Savršena juha za vegetarijance. Za pripremu ove...
A hot delight contains essential nutrients, full of vegetables and is a yummy recipe to consume any time! Podravka Spring Soup is full of, carrot, leek, celeriac, garlic, red pepper, onions, and potato. A perfect soup for vegetarians. It takes only 10 minutes to prepare this delicious soup. A quick recipe and your kids will definitely love this warm treat on their breakfast table.

Podravka proljetna juha 60GR

from $1.99 from 1026100887595
Kraš Čajni kolutići Keksi Čajni Kolutići 500GR

Sold Out

Savršena poslastica uz jutarnji čaj. Fini su i ukusni ovi Kraševi čajni kolutići Čajni Kolutići. Keksi u obliku prstena, pečeni na točno određenoj temperaturi. Klasičan spoj za čaj. Ove kekse možete pojesti i za večernje užine ili bilo gdje u...
A perfect treat with your morning tea. These Kras Tea Rings Biscuits Cajni Kolutici are delicious and tasty. Ring-shaped biscuits, baked at the exact right temperature. A classic match for tea. You can also have these biscuits for your evening snacks, or anywhere at any time. Have it alone or share it with your friends, these biscuits will satisfy your hunger in a yummy way. Hurry and order soon!

Kraš Čajni kolutići Keksi Čajni Kolutići 5...

from $5.55 from 1026917072939
Podravka Dolcela Puding od vanilije 37GR

Sold Out

Probajte jednom ovaj ukusni puding od mješavine vanilije i nikada više nećete odoljeti naručiti ga! Podravka Dolcela puding od vanilije priprema se brzo. Ovaj ukusni recept će vam se topiti u ustima, a vaša djeca će se zaljubiti u njega...
Podravka Dolcela Vanilla Mix Pudding 37GR - BalkanFresh

Podravka Dolcela Puding od vanilije 37GR

from $1.75 from 1254893289515
Pionir karamele sa lješnjacima 100GR


Iznenadite svoje mališane Pionir karamelom s lješnjakom i bit će oduševljeni ovom slatkom poslasticom. Ovaj slatkiš napravljen je od punomasnog mlijeka u prahu, biljne masti, glukoznog sirupa, umjetnih aroma i lješnjaka. Ukusna karamela i lješnjak u sredini pravi su užitak...
Surprise your kids with Pionir Toffee With Hazelnut and they will be overwhelmed with this sweet treat. This candy is made with whole milk powder, vegetable fat, glucose syrup, artificial flavours and hazelnut. Caramel coated tasty toffee and hazelnut in the centre is a true delight after every meal. Order Pionir Toffee With Hazelnut and enjoy it alone or with your friends.

Pionir karamele sa lješnjacima 100GR

from $3.19 from 1027161653291