
Carnex Grill kobasica (govedina i svinjetina) 900GR

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**NY, NJ, CT, MA UPS SAMO ISPORUKA NA ZEMLJI** Sve ostale države MOLIMO IZABERITE BRZU DOSTAVU. NEĆEMO BITI ODGOVORNI ZA POkvarene PROIZVODE** Predivan izvor proteina, napravljen od najkvalitetnijeg goveđeg i svinjskog mesa, mariniranog posebnom mješavinom...
A wonderful source of protein, made with the finest quality beef and pork, marinated with a special mix of spices. You can have them at any time of the day, will keep your energy to work all day long. You can also make different dishes with it but best served with grilled cheese and loaf. Order this yummy and juicy Carnex Grill Sausage today and enjoy with your friends and family.

Carnex Grill kobasica (govedina i svinjeti...

from $8.88 from 6682477068468
Vitaminka vrući kečap 300GR

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Vitaminka predstavlja ukusni topli kečap, napravljen od svježeg paradajza, čili papričica i prepoznatljive mješavine začina. Pripremite slane recepte sa ovim vrućim užitkom. Namažite ga na sendvič ili uživajte u svom omiljenom pomfritu umačenom u njega. Uz ovaj...
Vitaminka presents delicious hot ketchup, made with fresh tomatoes, chilli peppers and a signature blend of spices. Prepare savoury recipes with this hot delight. Spread it on a sandwich or relish your favourite fries dipping in it. You can also explore your culinary skills with this hot sauce. Order Vitaminka Hot Ketchup today and make grilled meat or fish recipes with it.

Vitaminka vrući kečap 300GR

from $3.29 from 4455322517579
Zvečevo Volim Trešnja, jagoda i malina 100GR


Klasična čokoladica, punjena svježim i prirodnim trešnjama, jagodama i malinama. Ova mliječna čokolada koja grije srce izuzetno je ukusna i hranljiva za zdravlje. Sadrži proteine, minerale, vitamine i ugljikohidrate. Možete ga uzeti kad god osjetite glad. Sveukupni favorit za...
A classic chocolate bar, filled with fresh and natural cherry, strawberry and raspberry. This heartwarming milk chocolate is extremely delicious and nutritious for health. It contains proteins, minerals, vitamins and carbohydrates. You can have it whenever you feel hungry. An all-time favourite for any age group. You can also prepare yummy desserts with Svecevo Volim Cherry & Strawberry With Raspberry.

Zvečevo Volim Trešnja, jagoda i malina 100GR

from $3.00 from 6931479953588
Pionir Višnja Med Srca 350GR

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Slatki desert nakon svakog obroka, Pionir Cherry Honey Hearts ima divan ukus koji će ostaviti prijatan ukus u vama. Ova torta koja se topi u ustima ima sloj čokolade izvana, prirodne arome meda i punjena je višnjom. Savršeno se...
A sweet dessert after every meal, Pionir Cherry Honey Hearts has a delicious flavor that will leave a nice aftertaste within you. This mouth-melting cake has a layer of chocolate outside, a natural honey flavor and is filled with sour cherry. A perfect match for your evening treat delight, or you can have it whenever you feel hungry. Order Pionir Cherry Honey Hearts today to enjoy it with your guests.

Pionir Višnja Med Srca 350GR

from $7.49 from 6559756091572
Brian's Paradajz paprike punjene kupusom 1KG

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Ovo je izuzetno hranjiv i ukusan recept koji možete koristiti za kuhanje raznih recepata. Ove paradajz paprike punjene kupusom možete imati i same. Bogat izvor vitamina i vlakana. Ovo će se svidjeti i vašoj djeci u svojim obrocima. Možete ga...
This is an extremely nutritious and mouthwatering recipe that you can use to cook various recipes. You can also have these tomato peppers stuffed with cabbage on their own. A rich source of vitamins and fibre. Your kids will love this in their meals too. You can have it at any time of the day. Order this Brian’s Tomato Peppers Stuffed with Cabbage today to add flavours to your favourite recipes.

Brian's Paradajz paprike punjene kupusom 1KG

from $8.00 from 6558967333044
Gjirofarm ovčiji sir 900GR

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**NY, NJ, CT, MA UPS SAMO ISPORUKA NA ZEMLJI** Sve ostale države MOLIMO IZABERITE BRZU DOSTAVU. NEĆEMO BITI ODGOVORNI ZA POkvarene PROIZVODE** Ako volite malo ljutkastog ukusa sira, naručite Gjirofarm ovčiji feta sir. Ukusna je i ima izrazitu aromu....
If you like a little tangy flavor in cheese, order Gjirofarm Sheep Feta Cheese. It is delicious and has a distinct aroma. This cheese is derived from the fresh and 100% natural milk of sheep in Gjirokastra region. Prepare yummy Albanian recipes and your favorite dishes with Gjirofarm Sheep Feta Cheese.

Gjirofarm ovčiji sir 900GR

from $25.55 from 7693498024178
SL Griski štapići sa kikirikijem 200G


Počastite se ovim hrskavim kolačićima kad god glad ujede! Ovi slani štapići pereca punjeni su kikirikijem. Swiss Lion Griski štapići sa kikirikijem savršena su kombinacija za večernju kafu ili čaj. Možete ga uzeti i za brzi užitak....
Treat yourself with these crunchy munchies whenever hunger bites! These savoury  pretzel sticks are filled with peanuts. Swiss Lion Griski Sticks With Peanuts are a perfect combination for evening coffee or tea. You can also have it for a quick delight. These  sticks are also nutritious and rich sources of fibers. So, order Swiss Lion Griski Sticks With Peanuts today and don’t forget to share with your friends.

SL Griski štapići sa kikirikijem 200G

from $1.79 from 7593316385010
Dr. Oetker suhi kvasac (3 pakovanja) 21GR


Pravite ukusne i ukusne kolače, od sada sami! Naručite Dr. Oetker suhi kvasac da brzo pripremite svoje kolače. Ovaj suvi kvasac je upravo spreman za mešanje sa brašnom i ostalim začinima, a pogodite šta, vaš kolač je spreman!...
Make delicious and yummy cakes, from now on your own! Order Dr. Oetker Dry Yeast to prepare your cakes quickly. This dry yeast is just ready to mix with flour and other condiments, and guess what, your cake is ready! Make yummy pastries or large cakes with Dr. Oetker Dry Yeast. You do not need to dissolve the condiments previously, this instant yeast makes your work easier!

Dr. Oetker suhi kvasac (3 pakovanja) 21GR

from $2.22 from 4670912462923
Bomboni Kras jednorog punjeni voćem 275GR


Raširite slatke osmijehe ovim slatkim slatkim bombonima! Ovi čvrsti obloženi bomboni punjeni su želeom i odličnog su ukusa. Slatkiši Kras Unicorn Fruit Fluit Candy imaju različite ukuse bombona, preferiraju se za sve starosne grupe. Od ovih aromatiziranih bombona možete...
Spread sweet smiles with these yummy sweet candies! These solid coated candies are filled with jelly and have a delicious taste. Kras Unicorn Fruit Filled Candy has different flavors of candies, a preference for all age groups. You can make tasty desserts with these flavored candies or have your evening delight with your favorite drink. Don’t forget to share! Order Kras Unicorn Fruit Filled Candy today.

Bomboni Kras jednorog punjeni voćem 275GR

from $4.00 from 1027160178731
Krinos grčki organski feta sir 400GR

Sold Out

**NY, NJ, CT, MA UPS SAMO ISPORUKA NA ZEMLJI** Sve ostale države MOLIMO IZABERITE BRZU DOSTAVU. NEĆEMO BITI ODGOVORNI ZA POkvarene PROIZVODE** Klasični užitak sa planina Grčke, ovaj mlečni sir je napravljen...
Krinos grčki organski feta sir 400GR

Krinos grčki organski feta sir 400GR

from $13.13 from 7654629769458
Vincinni Štrudla Miješano voće 240G kutija

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Ugodite svojim sladokuscima uz Vincinni štrudlu miješano voće. Ovi mekani kolačići nalik na tortu punjeni su bogatom voćnom kremom. Napravljen je od sastojaka vrhunskog kvaliteta. Naručite ovo jednom i zaljubićete se u ovaj ukusni desert. Savršeno se uklapa...
Indulge your sweet tooth with Vincinni Strudel Mixed Fruit. These soft cake-like cookies are filled with rich fruity cream. It is made with premium quality ingredients. Order this once and you will fall in love with this yummy dessert. A perfect match for a cup of hot coffee or you can relish it with your favourite beverage. Order Vincinni Strudel Mixed Fruit today to enjoy with your friends and family.

Vincinni Štrudla Miješano voće 240G kutija

from $3.99 from 4503470702667
Evropa Krem kutija za banane 150gr

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Savršena užina za vaše večernje želje! Evropa Krem Banana Box sadrži ukusne marshmallows. U svakom zalogaju okusit ćete marshmallows prelivene čokoladom s okusom banane. Napravljeni su od pravog voćnog praha i 100% prirodne boje. Slatki užitak za...
Perfect snack for your evening cravings! Evropa Krem Banana Box contains delicious marshmallows. In every bite, you will taste chocolate-coated banana flavoured marshmallows. These are made of real fruit powder and 100% natural colour. A sweet delight for all age groups. Order this yummy Evropa Krem Banana Box today and share happiness with your friends.

Evropa Krem kutija za banane 150gr

from $4.00 from 7854118502642