
Jaffa lješnjak (Lesnik) Napolitanke napolitanke 187GR


Volite li hrskave vafle? Ako jeste, naručite još danas napolitanke Jaffa lješnjak (Lesnik) i učinite svoje večernje grickalice ukusnijim! Ove ukusne napolitanke pripremljene su od pšeničnog brašna, glukoznog sirupa, kakao praha, kukuruznog skroba, sojinog lecitina i lešnika....
Do you like crunchy wafers? If yes, order Jaffa Hazelnut Napolitanke Wafers today and make your evening snacks yummier! These delicious wafers, you can have this anytime, in your home or at work. It will satisfy your hunger with its sweet taste. Have it on your own or enjoy it with your friends.

Jaffa lješnjak (Lesnik) Napolitanke napoli...

from $2.00 from 6640264937652
Akel Aluminijumska posuda za poslužavnik 38CM- **SAMO DOSTAVA NY**

Sold Out

Volite li kuhati deserte i peciva? Ako jeste, ovo je najbolja posuda za kuhanje vaših omiljenih desertnih jela. Akel aluminijumski pleh je okruglog oblika i ovde se lako kuva. Ova posuda ne sadrži kancerogene materijale. Oblik i materijal...
Do you love to cook dessert items and pastries? If yes, this is the best tray pan to cook your favourite dessert dishes. Akel aluminium tray is round-shaped and easy to cook in here. This tray contains zero carcinogenic material. The shape and the material of this pan also help to spread heat equally on its surface and quickly cook your food. You can also use it as a tray to serve food to your guests.

Akel Aluminijumska posuda za poslužavnik 3...

from $18.88 from 1639754203179
Todorić dimljena svinjska rebra (Svinjska rebra) 1 komad Težina varira


**NY, NJ, CT, MA UPS SAMO ISPORUKA NA ZEMLJI** Sve ostale države MOLIMO IZABERITE BRZU DOSTAVU. NEĆEMO BITI ODGOVORNI ZA POkvarene PROIZVODE** Trčite sa zauzetim rasporedom? Napravite brze recepte sa ovim ukusnim dimljenim svinjskim rebricama...
Soft and spicy pork, a perfect treat with bread and scallions. This delicious offering from the kitchen of George is traditionally wood smoked, made of pork loin, a mix of spices and sodium nitrate. You can prepare heartwarming recipes with this perfectly smoked pork loin. This juicy meat is an excellent addition for your next party. Order George's Smoked Pork Loin and explore different recipes with it.

Todorić dimljena svinjska rebra (Svinjska ...

from $18.88 from 7931627077874
Mjesečna raznovrsna balkanska kutija za grickanje (mjesečna pretplata)


Ova kutija sadrži mješavinu egzotičnih grickalica i balkanskih grickalica koje će biti novi artikli svakog mjeseca!
Mjesečna raznovrsna balkanska kutija za grickanje (mjesečna pretplata)

Mjesečna raznovrsna balkanska kutija za gr...

from $35.55 from 7900972515570
Albanska teleća kobasica (Salcice Vici) 454GR

Sold Out

** **NY, NJ, CT, MA UPS SAMO ISPORUKA NA ZEMLJI** Sve ostale države MOLIMO IZABERITE BRZU DOSTAVU. NEĆEMO BITI ODGOVORNI ZA POkvarene PROIZVODE** Sočna i dimljena albanska teleća kobasica je napravljena od junećeg mesa vrhunskog kvaliteta...
Juicy and smoked Albanian Veal Links Sausage are made of premium-quality beef and seasoned with a pinch of blended spices. A high resource of protein, Albanian Veal Links Sausage can be used to cook different recipes. You can have the dishes made of these sausages at any time of the day. So try this with family and friends and order it again to enjoy more.

Albanska teleća kobasica (Salcice Vici) 454GR

from $14.44 from 7573792686322
Hodja Plain Halva Premium 350G

Sold Out

Ovaj ukusni slatki desert je bogat izvor antioksidansa. Možete ga jesti za desert nakon bilo kog obroka ili za doručak ili večernje užine. Delicious Hodja Plain Halva Premium sadrži šećer i susam, vitalne nutrijente poput kalcijuma, cinka...
This yummy sweet dessert is a rich source of antioxidants. You can have it for dessert after any meal, or have it for your breakfast or evening snacks. Delicious Hodja Plain Halva Premium contains sugar and sesame, vital nutrients like calcium, zinc and phosphorus. Enjoy this sweet treat with your family and friends. Order Hodja Plain Halva Premium today and make a permanent place for it in your pantry.

Hodja Plain Halva Premium 350G

from $5.00 from 6137843417268
Vitaminka Choco Stobi Flips 60GR

Sold Out

Klasični užitak Balkana! Ovi Vitaminka Choco Stobi Flips napravljeni su od hrskavog čokoladnog premaza izvana. Naručite ovo jednom i vaša djeca će se zaljubiti u ove ukusne kolače. Možete ga popiti uz večernju kafu ili kad god želite. Vitaminka...
A classic delight of the Balkans! These Vitaminka Choco Stobi Flips are made with a crispy chocolate coating outside. Order this once and your kids will fall in love with these yummy munchies. You can have it with evening coffee or whenever you like. Vitaminka Choco Stobi Flips are rich in fibre and protein, so this package of delicious treats not only satisfy your hunger but is also nutritious for your health.

Vitaminka Choco Stobi Flips 60GR

from $1.59 from 7815580614898
Vegeta Natur mješavina začina za krompir 60GR


Iznenadite svoje goste nevjerovatnim domaćim receptima, samo dodavanjem Vegeta Natur mješavine začina za krompir! Priprema jela sa ovom neverovatnom mešavinom začina će poboljšati ukus vaših recepata. Vegeta Natur mješavina začina za krompir sadrži prepoznatljivu mješavinu začina koji...
Surprise your guests with amazing homemade barbecue recipes, just by adding Vegeta Natur Seasoning Mix for Potato! Prepare dishes with this amazing seasoning mix will enhance the flavor of your recipes. Vegeta Natur Seasoning Mix for Potato contains a signature blend of spices that make your recipes flavorsome! Order today and enjoy heartwarming dishes.

Vegeta Natur mješavina začina za krompir 60GR

from $4.49 from 7802845266162
Stark Choco Smoki 40G

Sold Out

Klasični užitak Balkana! Ovi Choco Smoki su napravljeni od napuhanog kikirikija i hrskavog čokoladnog premaza izvana. Naručite ovo jednom i vaša djeca će se zaljubiti u ove ukusne kolače. Možete ga popiti uz večernju kafu ili kad god želite....
A classic delight of the Balkans! These Choco Smoki s are made with puffed peanuts and crispy chocolate coatings outside. Order this once and your kids will fall in love with these yummy munchies. You can have it with evening coffee or whenever you like. Stark Choco Smoki are rich in fibre and protein, so this package of delicious treats not only satisfy your hunger but is also nutritious for your health.

Stark Choco Smoki 40G

from $1.59 from 7613393273074
Mulliri Vjeter Turska kafa 200GR

Sold Out

Savršeno otkriće za ljubitelje kafe! Prava mješavina prženih zrna kafe učinit će vaše jutro aromatičnim i ukusnim. Sadrži tačnu količinu kofeina koja će vam pomoći da radite cijeli dan. Uz ovu Mulliri Vjeter kafu možete pripremiti odgovarajuću...
The perfect discovery for coffee lovers! A true blend of roasted coffee beans will make your morning aromatic and flavourful. It has the exact right amount of caffeine that will help you to work all day long. You can prepare appropriate Turkish-style coffee with this Mulliri Vjeter Coffee. So, hurry and order it today to make your mornings bright and flavoursome!

Mulliri Vjeter Turska kafa 200GR

from $6.49 from 7573312962802
Cedevita GO napitak od limuna 345ML


Ovaj napitak od limuna neće samo utažiti vašu žeđ već ćete se u potpunosti oporaviti od umora! Cedevita GO napitak od limuna sadrži razne vitamine i minerale koji će vam vratiti energiju i moći ćete duže funkcionirati. Sadrži...
This  Cedevita GO Lemon Drink is atrue delight for juice-lovers. This fun drink will also become your childrens favorite. Order it today and your kids will thank you! Try this delicious lemon drink and satisfy your thirst.

Cedevita GO napitak od limuna 345ML

from $3.33 from 1861520162859
Pionir Medena srca od narandže 150GR

Sold Out

Slatki desert nakon svakog obroka, Pionir Orange Honey Hearts ima prekrasan ukus koji će ostaviti u vama prijatan okus. Ova torta koja se topi u ustima ima sloj čokolade izvana, prirodne arome meda i punjena je narandžom. Savršeno se...
A sweet dessert after every meal, Pionir Orange Honey Hearts has a delicious flavor that will leave a nice aftertaste within you. This mouth-melting cake has a layer of chocolate outside, a natural honey flavor and is filled with orange. A perfect match for your evening treat delight, or you can have it whenever you feel hungry. Order Pionir Orange Honey Hearts today to enjoy it with your guests.

Pionir Medena srca od narandže 150GR

from $3.49 from 7676482879730