

Ako ste ih probali, onda znate da su bosanski i srpski zalogaji jednostavno ukusni! Isto vrijedi i za turske grickalice i neke dobro poznate hrvatske grickalice. Jedini problem je što do njih može biti teško doći čak i ako želite da kupujete grickalice na mreži. Istina je da u SAD-u nema toliko proizvoda – osim ako ne naručite grickalice putem interneta preko BalkanFresh platforme.

S tim u vezi, jeste li probali turske slatkiše? Ako želite da naručite slatkiše preko interneta, morate ih probati! I srećom, možete ih nabaviti ovdje, s naše web stranice.

Uživajte u bogatom ukusu i ukusnoj teksturi ovih evropskih grickalica – nabavite ih uz pomoć samo nekoliko klikova na našim platformama. Online kupovina grickalica nikada nije bila lakša.

Naša onlajn dostava grickalica je vaša prodavnica na jednom mestu za vaše slane crteže ako tražite autentične balkanske poslastice.

A ako želite da ugodite svojim sladokuscima, imamo širok izbor ukusnih evropskih slatkiša sa Balkana koje jednostavno morate s vremena na vrijeme. Tako su dobri!

BalkanFresh je vaš najbolji izbor za autentične slatkiše kada je u pitanju onlajn dostava slatkiša u SAD.

Jaffa Munchmallow Double Munch 133GR

Sold Out

U potrazi za slatkim poslasticama? Ako jeste, ovo je najbolji slatki užitak o kojem ste ikada sanjali! Probajte ovaj ukusni Jaffa Munchmallow Double Munch, dupli keksići čokoladni sloj spolja i mekani marshmallow sa orasima i susamom iznutra daće...
In search of sweet treats? If yes, this is the best sweet delight you have ever dreamed of! Try this yummy Crvenka Munchmallow Duo, double biscuits chocolate layer outside and soft marshmallow with nuts and sesame inside will give the sweetest taste on the earth. Don’t forget to share. Crvenka Munchmallow Duo is a perfect match with your morning or evening coffee.

Jaffa Munchmallow Double Munch 133GR

from $2.22 from 4443192721483
Vincinni Štrudla Fig 240G Box

Sold Out

Ako volite slatko, probajte ovu ukusnu štrudlu od smokava. Ovi mekani kolačići nalik na tortu punjeni su bogatom kremom od smokava. Savršeno se uklapa uz šoljicu tople kafe ili možete uživati ​​uz omiljeni napitak. Vincinni savijača od...
If you have sweet tooth, try this yummy strudel fig. These soft cake-like cookies are filled with rich fig cream. A perfect match for a cup of hot coffee or you can relish it with your favourite beverage. Vincinni Strudel Fig is prepared with the finest quality ingredients. You can have it whenever you feel hungry. Don’t forget to share its sweet experience or have it alone!

Vincinni Štrudla Fig 240G Box

from $3.99 from 1687347396651
Takovo Eurokrem Namaz od lešnika 1KG


Pripremite ukusan doručak sa ovom kremastom čokoladom sa ukusom lešnika i vanile. Premažite ga na hrskavi tost ili napravite sendviče koji se tope u ustima sa ovim Takovo Eurocrem namazom od lešnika. Savršen je i slatkiš sa oblatnama...
Prepare a mouthwatering breakfast with this creamy chocolate with hazelnut and vanilla flavour. Spread it on crusty toast or make melt-in-mouth sandwiches with this Takovo Eurocrem Hazelnut Spread. It is also a perfect confectionary with wafers or crunchy biscuits. Explore this exotic chocolate cream’s taste with different kinds of dessert. Order Takovo Eurocrem Hazelnut Spread today and experience the taste.

Takovo Eurokrem Namaz od lešnika 1KG

from $16.99 from 1048555159595
Klas Domaca Baklava Domaca 500GR- **NY, NJ, CT, MA SAMO DOSTAVA**


**NY, NJ, CT, MA UPS SAMO ISPORUKA NA ZEMLJI** Sve ostale države MOLIMO IZABERITE BRZU DOSTAVU. NEĆEMO BITI ODGOVORNI ZA POkvarene PROIZVODE** Predivno iskustvo iz kuhinja Balkana i Mediterana. Ova ukusna baklava napravljena je od...
A delightful experience from the kitchens of the Balkans and the Mediterranean. This delicious baklava is made of crunchy phyllo outside and yummy chopped nuts inside, covered in honey. Surprise your guests with this mouthwatering dessert. You can have it with every meal, or it is a perfect match with a cup of hot coffee in the chilly evenings of winter. Order Klas Domaca Homemade Baklava right now!

Klas Domaca Baklava Domaca 500GR- **NY, NJ...

from $10.10 from 1096659796011
Bambi Choco Lane 135GR

Sold Out

Savršen spoj za jutarnje ili večernje piće. Uzmite ove Bambi Choco Lane kekse uz omiljena pića ili sami. Ovi ukusni choco lane keksi napravljeni su od plazma lane sa čokoladnim punjenjem unutra. U svakom zalogaju ovih hrskavih keksa...
A perfect match for your morning or evening drinks. Have these Bambi Choco Lane biscuits with your favourite drinks or on their own. These yummy choco lane biscuits are made of plasma lane with a chocolate filling inside. You will find a burst of chocolate in each bite of these crunchy biscuits. Order these delicious Bambi Choco Lane today and don’t forget to share with your friends!

Bambi Choco Lane 135GR

from $3.33 from 1028896227371
Takovo Eurovafel 180g


Hrskavi i slatki užitak za djecu, a možete ga popiti uz večernju kafu. Takovo Eurovafel je napravljen od napolitanki i spojen sa bogatom čokoladnom kremom sa ukusom lešnika. Možete ga staviti i kao preljev na sladoled po...
A crunchy and sweet delight for kids, or you can have it with your evening coffee. Takovo Eurovafel is made of wafers and joined with rich hazelnut flavoured chocolate cream. You can also put it as a topping on your preferred ice cream. These crunchy wafers are the perfect treat whenever you feel hungry. Order Takovo Eurovafel today and garnish dessert recipes however you like!

Takovo Eurovafel 180g

from $2.49 from 1624959156267
Chipsy Ribbed Chilli Chips 90GR

Sold Out

Savršen zalogaj u prohladnim zimskim večerima, napravljen od 100% prirodnog svežeg krompira, sa ukusom čilija i začina. Možete ga dobiti tako što ćete ga umočiti u kečap od paradajza ili kremasti sir. To je uvijek favorit svih starosnih...
A perfect snack in chilly winter evenings, made of 100% natural fresh potatoes, with a chili flavour of spices. You can have it by dipping it in tomato ketchup or creamy cheese. It is an all-time favourite of any age group. You can also have it in your lunch as a crunchy side dish. Order this yummy and crispy Chipsy Ribbed Chilli Chips and enjoy it with your friends and family on any occasion.

Chipsy Ribbed Chilli Chips 90GR

from $3.00 from 6885878169780
Podravka Lino Keksolino 200GR


Pripremite ukusan obrok za svoju djecu uz Podravka Lino Keksolino. Samo prokuhajte u vodi i zdrav obrok za vaše dijete je pripremljen! Podravka Lino Keksolino sadrži vitamine, folnu kiselinu, niacin i kalcij. Sadrži pire keks i pšenični...
Prepare a delicious meal for your kids with Podravka Lino Keksolino. Just boil in water and a healthy meal for your kid is prepared! Podravka Lino Keksolino contains vitamins, folic acid, niacin and calcium. It contains mashed biscuits and wheat grits, whole milk powder, butter and wheat semolina. This yummy and healthy meal is perfect for your kid’s growth and development.

Podravka Lino Keksolino 200GR

from $6.49 from 1225989357611
Vitaminka Stobi Flips 150GR

Sold Out

Tražite brze grickalice? Naručite Vitaminka Stobi Flips i uživajte u ovim ukusnim lisnatim grickalicama sami ili sa svojim prijateljima. Ovi hrskavi kolači napravljeni su od kukuruzne krupice, suncokretovog ulja, mljevenog kikirikija i posebne mješavine začina. Jedite ga...
Looking for quick snacks? Order Vitaminka Stobi Flips and enjoy these delicious puff snacks alone or with your friends. These crunchy munchies are made of corn grits, sunflower oil, ground peanut and a special blend of spices. Munch it whenever you feel hungry. You can also surprise your kids by packing these flips in their lunchbox. Try this once and you will definitely fall in love with Vitaminka Stobi Flips.

Vitaminka Stobi Flips 150GR

from $2.99 from 1027171811371
Vincinni Jumbo Swiss Roll krema od lješnjaka 300GR

Sold Out

Tražite ukusne kolače? Prestanite da skrolujete odmah i naručite Vincinni Hazelnut Cream Jumbo Swiss Roll! Ove ukusne švajcarske rolnice su omiljeni za sve uzraste. Uzmite ga nakon ručka ili večere, zadovoljit će vaše sladokusce svakim zalogajem. Ove...
Searching for yummy munchies? Stop scrolling right now and order Vincinni Hazelnut Cream Jumbo Swiss Roll! These delicious swiss rolls are an all-time favourite for any age group. Have it after your lunch or dinner, it will satisfy your sweet tooth with every bite. These swiss rolls are made with hazelnut cream and the best quality ingredients. Vincinni presents a perfect match for your evening coffee. Don’t forget to share this delightful experience with your friends.

Vincinni Jumbo Swiss Roll krema od lješnja...

from $3.99 from 1831981482027
Ulker Albeni prsten čokoladni keks sa karamel filom 344GR


Savršen izbor za ljubitelje čokolade! Ulker predstavlja hrskave kekse sa dvostrukim užitkom. Ovi keksići su premazani čokoladom i punjeni bogatom karamel kremom. Slatka poslastica hrskavog i mekog užitka. Uzmite jedan kad god osetite glad. Ove kekse možete koristiti...
The perfect choice for chocolate lovers! Ulker presents crunchy biscuits with double delight. These biscuits are coated with chocolate and filled with rich caramel cream. A sweet treat of crunchy and soft delight. Grab one whenever you feel hungry. You can also use these biscuits to make ice cream or your favourite desserts. Order Ulker Albeni Chocolate Coated Biscuit With Caramel Filling and experience the taste of it.

Ulker Albeni prsten čokoladni keks sa kara...

from $6.99 from 1358753890347
Karolina Moto Čokolada 360GR


Pravi užitak iz jugoistočne Evrope! Karolina Moto čokoladni kolačići su slatki i ukusni, možete ih uz mlijeko ili kafu. Ovi ukusni kolačići napravljeni su od dva biskvita sa ukusom vanilije i spojeni sa najkvalitetnijom čokoladnom kremom. Savršeni...
A true delight from Southeastern Europe! Kras Moto Cocoa cookies are sweet and yummy, you can have them with milk or coffee. These delicious cookies are made of two vanilla-flavoured biscuits and joined with the finest quality chocolate cream. Perfect snacks for your evening munchies! Order them today and enjoy Kras Moto Cocoa with your family and friends.

Karolina Moto Čokolada 360GR

from $4.99 from 1026926739499