Të gjitha ushqimet

Të gjitha ushqimet
Stark Smoki Flips 150GR

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Një kënaqësi klasike e Ballkanit! Këto rrokullisje Smoki janë bërë me kikirikë të fryrë dhe veshje krokante jashtë. Porositeni këtë një herë dhe fëmijët tuaj do të dashurohen me këto ushqime të shijshme. Mund ta pini me kafen...
A classic delight of the Balkans! These Smoki flips are made with puffed peanuts and crispy coatings outside. Order this once and your kids will fall in love with these yummy munchies. You can have it with evening coffee or whenever you like. Stark Smoki Flips are rich in fibre and protein, so this package of delicious treats not only satisfy your hunger but is also nutritious for your health.

Stark Smoki Flips 150GR

from $3.19 from 1048564727851
Stark Smoki Flips 50G

Sold Out

Stark Smoki Flips të shijshëm dhe krokantë janë bërë nga kikirikë të pjekur, kripë dhe vaj vegjetal. Një snack jashtëzakonisht i shijshëm për kënaqësinë tuaj të mbrëmjes. Fëmijëve tuaj do t'i pëlqejnë gjithashtu këto rrokullisje të shëndetshme. Këto...
Yummy and crunchy Stark Smoki Flips are made of baked peanuts, salt and vegetable oil. An extremely delicious snack for your evening delight. Your kids will also love these healthy flips. These are rich in fibre and protein, a traditional treat of the Balkans. You can have it whenever you crave quick munchies. Order Stark Smoki Flips right now and enjoy it with your friends.

Stark Smoki Flips 50G

from $1.79 from 1027164471339
Tadim Extra Salted Sunflower Seeds 300GR


Looking for the perfect snack? Order Tadim Extra Salted Sunflower Seeds today. These sunflower seeds are roasted and salted for a delicious on the go snack. Tadim Extra Salted Sunflower Seeds have a salty nutty flavour. You can...
Looking for the perfect snack? Order Tadim Extra Salted Sunflower Seeds today. These sunflower seeds are roasted and salted for a delicious on the go snack. Tadim Extra Salted Sunflower Seeds have a salty nutty flavour. You can have it as your evening snacks and don't forget to share with you friends!

Tadim Extra Salted Sunflower Seeds 300GR

from $6.99 from 8039352402162
Fara luledielli të pjekura dhe të kripura Tadim 300gr

Sold Out

Po kërkoni ushqimin perfekt? Porositni sot fara luledielli të pjekura dhe të kripura Tadim. Këto fara luledielli janë të pjekura dhe të kripura për një rostiçeri të shijshme në lëvizje. Farat e lulediellit të pjekur dhe të kripur...
Looking for the perfect snack? Order Tadim Roasted & Salted Sunflower Seeds today. These sunflower seeds are roasted and salted for a delicious on the go snack. Tadim Roasted & Salted Sunflower Seeds have a salty nutty flavour. You can have it as your evening snacks and dont forget to share with you friends!

Fara luledielli të pjekura dhe të kripura ...

from $6.99 from 7880833827058
Fara luledielli pa kripë Tadim 340 GR

Sold Out

Kujdesuni mirë për shëndetin tuaj me farat e lulediellit Tadim pa kripë. Këto fara luledielli përmbajnë lëndë ushqyese thelbësore për trupin e njeriut. Një burim i pasur i kompleksit të vitaminës B, E dhe mineraleve si bakri,...
Take good care of your health with Tadim Sunflower Seeds Unsalted. These sunflower seeds contain essential nutrients for the human body. A rich source of vitamin B-complex, E and minerals like copper, manganese and zinc. These seeds are absolutely naturally prepared without any added flavours. Order these unsalted sunflower seeds to live a healthy and happy life!

Fara luledielli pa kripë Tadim 340 GR

from $6.79 from 1870102331435
Kuti banane Takovo 252GR

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Një kënaqësi e mahnitshme për ëmbëlsirat tuaja të mbrëmjes pranë një filxhani kafeje të nxehtë ose pijes tuaj të preferuar. Takovo Banana Box është e mbushur me mousse bananeje të veshur me çokollatë që do të shkrihet...
An amazing delight for your evening treats beside a cup of hot coffee or your favourite beverage. Takovo Banana Box is filled with chocolate-coated banana mousse that will melt in your mouth. You can have it whenever you feel hungry or prepare delicious desserts with these chocolaty bananas. Order Takovo Banana Box today and experience the double delight!

Kuti banane Takovo 252GR

from $4.99 from 6919105544372
Takovo Eurocream Hazelnut Bar Blok 100GR


Nga mëngjesi deri në mbrëmje, ky bar i shijshëm do ta bëjë ditën tuaj më të ëmbël. Shtresat e shijshme të veshura me çokollatë qumështi bashkohen me krem ​​me shije lajthie dhe vanilje. Një kënaqësi e përkryer...
From morning to evening, this mouthwatering bar blok will make your day sweeter. Delicious milk chocolate coated layers are joined with hazelnut and vanilla flavoured cream. A perfect delight for your evening snack, or dessert after a meal, or you can have it whenever you feel hungry. So, don’t wait, order this Takovo Eurocream Hazelnut Bar Blok today and have the perfect dessert.

Takovo Eurocream Hazelnut Bar Blok 100GR

from $1.99 from 7593262743794
Takovo Eurovafel 180g


Një kënaqësi krokante dhe e ëmbël për fëmijët, ose mund ta pini me kafenë tuaj të mbrëmjes. Takovo Eurovafel është bërë nga vafera dhe bashkohet me krem ​​çokollatë të pasur me shije lajthie. Mund ta vendosni edhe...
A crunchy and sweet delight for kids, or you can have it with your evening coffee. Takovo Eurovafel is made of wafers and joined with rich hazelnut flavoured chocolate cream. You can also put it as a topping on your preferred ice cream. These crunchy wafers are the perfect treat whenever you feel hungry. Order Takovo Eurovafel today and garnish dessert recipes however you like!

Takovo Eurovafel 180g

from $2.49 from 1624959156267
Takovo Eurovafel Cubes 200g


Një kënaqësi krokante dhe e ëmbël për fëmijët, ose mund ta pini me kafenë tuaj të mbrëmjes. Takovo Eurovafel është bërë nga vafera dhe bashkohet me krem ​​çokollatë të pasur me shije lajthie. Mund ta vendosni edhe...
A crunchy and sweet delight for kids, or you can have it with your evening coffee. Takovo Eurovafel is made of wafers and joined with rich hazelnut flavoured chocolate cream. You can also put it as a topping on your preferred ice cream. These crunchy wafers are the perfect treat whenever you feel hungry. Order Takovo Eurovafel Cubes today and garnish dessert recipes however you like!

Takovo Eurovafel Cubes 200g

from $3.49 from 7910850756850
Biskota Takovo Isleri Eurocrem 250GR


Tani shijoni shijet e dyfishta të vaniljes dhe lajthisë në një paketë të vetme. Biskota Takovo Isleri Eurocream është një ndeshje e përkryer për kafenë ose çajin tuaj të mbrëmjes. Mund ta keni vetëm ose ta ndani...
Now enjoy dual flavours of vanilla and hazelnut in a single package. Takovo Isleri Eurocream Biscuit is a perfect match for your evening coffee or tea. You can have it alone or share it with your close one. These chocolate-coated soft biscuits are full of calories. Have it whenever you feel hungry. Order Takovo Isleri Eurocream Biscuit immediately and experience this sweet delight.

Biskota Takovo Isleri Eurocrem 250GR

from $3.49 from 1048556732459
Foudounia e shijshme 95GR

Sold Out

Një e preferuar e të gjitha kohërave të fëmijëve tuaj, shije e shijshme. Foudounia e shijshme është bërë nga patate të freskëta me një përzierje të veçantë shijesh. Një rostiçeri e shijshme mbrëmjeje për ju dhe familjen tuaj. Ju...
An all-time favorite of your kids, delicious flavor. Tasty Foudounia are made of fresh potatoes with a signature blend of flavors. A yummy evening snack for you and your family. You can also have this whenever you are hungry, great munchies. Order to enjoy with your family on the movie nights!

Foudounia e shijshme 95GR

from $4.39 from 7872198705394
Tottis Champion Chocolate Filled Croissant 100GR


When hunger bites, treat yourself with this mouthwatering snack. Tottis Champion Chocolate Filled Croissant is made of dough and rich chocolate filling. This croissant will melt in your mouth, and guess what happens next! A burst of chocolate...
When hunger bites, treat yourself with this mouthwatering snack. Tottis Champion Double Cocoa Filled Croissant is made of dough and rich chocolate filling. This croissant will melt in your mouth, and guess what happens next! A burst of chocolate inside. A single bite of this chocolate croissant will leave a sweet taste in your mouth. So, make your every day better with Tottis Champion Double Cocoa Filled Croissant.

Tottis Champion Chocolate Filled Croissant...

from $2.39 from 8006410961138