
Kral Kadayif Kizarmis Lux 400G

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Një pjatë e ëmbël dhe e pjekur, recetë e preferuar për çdo grupmoshë. Është perfekt për t'u konsumuar pas çdo vakti ose mund ta hani për meze, duke derdhur mjaltë ose shurup të nxehtë mbi të. Kral Kadayif...
A sweet and baked dish, favourite recipe for any age group. It is perfect to have after every meal or you can have it for snacks, pouring honey or hot syrup on it. Kral Kadayif Kizarmis Lux is made of dough. Enjoy this sweet treat with your friends over a cup of coffee or tea. It will also satisfy your midnight hunger, so keep it in your pantry to enjoy it anytime. Order today!

Kral Kadayif Kizarmis Lux 400G

from $6.67 from 4512856506443
Sallatë dimri Vava 1000gr

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Një sallatë perfekte për t'u shijuar krahas mishit të pjekur në skarë ose peshkut. Sallata dimërore Vava është bërë nga përbërësit 100% natyral dhe cilësor. Ai përmban perime të freskëta si karrota, lulelakër dhe speca. Kjo sallatë...
A perfect salad to relish beside grilled meat or fish saute. Vava Winter Salad is made of 100% natural and the best quality ingredients. It contains fresh vegetables like carrots, cauliflower and peppers. This mixed vegetable salad is full of vital nutrients like proteins, fibre and minerals. You can have it on its own or try making out-of-box recipes with this mouthwatering delight. Order today and add flavour to your regular meals.

Sallatë dimri Vava 1000gr

from $8.99 from 4454658048075
Ivi Peach Sparkling 330ML

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Lëngu më i gazuar më i mirë që keni kërkuar gjithmonë! Ivi Peach Sparkling është bërë nga ujë i gazuar dhe pjeshkë 100% natyrale. Mund ta përdorni si bazë për smoothie-n tuaj të frutave të mëngjesit ose smoothie-n...
The best sparkling juice that you have always searched for! Ivi Peach Sparkling is made of sparkling water and 100% natural peaches. You can use it as a base for your morning fruit smoothie or yogurt smoothie. You can also enjoy this drink with your evening snacks. This carbonated drink is perfect to celebrate with on any occasion. Order Ivi Peach Sparkling soon and enjoy it on your own or with your friends.

Ivi Peach Sparkling 330ML

from $2.00 from 1796012408875
Krem për fëmijë Becutan 50ml

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Fëmija juaj ka lëkurë të ndjeshme, prandaj nuk duhet të bëni kompromis për t'u kujdesur për të. Një krem ​​thelbësor dhe i dobishëm për lëkurën e bebes tuaj. Kremi Becutan Baby është i aprovuar klinikisht nga dermatologët. Formulim...
Your baby has sensitive skin, which is why you must not compromise to take care of it. An essential and useful cream for your baby’s skin. Becutan Baby Cream is clinically approved by dermatologists. Easily absorbing, special, mild formulation. It protects the skin of your baby for the longest time. This cream can be used several times on the skin and the pH value of it is regulated for sensitive skin. Order it today to give your baby happy and smooth skin!

Krem për fëmijë Becutan 50ml

from $6.55 from 1624914821163
Todoric tymi i tymosur prapanicë i tymosur (Kraski Suhi Svinjski Vrat) 3.1 LB

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Make your house party special with this offering of Todoric. Kraski Suhi Svinjski Vrat is made of the best quality pork and seasoned with a spicy blend. You can prepare heartwarming recipes with this juicy and soft, smoked meat. If you run a busy lifestyle, this excellent source of proteins is perfect to cook quick meals. Try this once and it will be a permanent item in your pantry.

Todoric tymi i tymosur prapanicë i tymosur...

from $46.50 from 6873342574772
Petë e gjerë Cetina #20 400GR

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Petë të gjata dhe të holla, të bëra nga brumi i grurit, janë një burim i shkëlqyer i karbohidrateve. Gatuani si të doni. Mund ta zieni në ujë ose ta skuqni në vaj gatimi, t'i keni këto petë...
Long and thin noodles, made from wheat dough, are an excellent source of carbohydrates. Cook it however you like. You can boil it in water or deep fry in cooking oil, have these fine noodles with veggies or meat, Cetina Wide Noodle is delicious and mouthwatering after the dish is ready. You can refrigerate them to make them dry. Order Cetina Wide Noodle now and make exciting dishes.

Petë e gjerë Cetina #20 400GR

from $5.00 from 4434647613515
Speca banane të Verdha Brian (Tetovka) 1 kg

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Një përforcues i shijshëm i shijes specat e verdhë të bananes ose të njohura si Tetovka përdoren për të bërë një shumëllojshmëri sallatash. Ju gjithashtu mund t'i përdorni ato për të bërë salsa. Specat e verdhë banane...
A delicious flavour enhancer yellow banana peppers or popular as Tetovka are used to make a variety of salads. You can also use them to make salsas. Extremely nutritious Brian's Yellow Banana Peppers (Tetovka) are made of fresh and 100% natural yellow banana peppers. It is good for the digestive system and prevents ulceration in the stomach. It also increases the rate of metabolism in your body.

Speca banane të Verdha Brian (Tetovka) 1 kg

from $7.00 from 4399629697099
Takovo Eurocream Hazelnut Bar Blok 100GR


Nga mëngjesi deri në mbrëmje, ky bar i shijshëm do ta bëjë ditën tuaj më të ëmbël. Shtresat e shijshme të veshura me çokollatë qumështi bashkohen me krem ​​me shije lajthie dhe vanilje. Një kënaqësi e përkryer...
From morning to evening, this mouthwatering bar blok will make your day sweeter. Delicious milk chocolate coated layers are joined with hazelnut and vanilla flavoured cream. A perfect delight for your evening snack, or dessert after a meal, or you can have it whenever you feel hungry. So, don’t wait, order this Takovo Eurocream Hazelnut Bar Blok today and have the perfect dessert.

Takovo Eurocream Hazelnut Bar Blok 100GR

from $1.99 from 7593262743794
Kras Frondi Maxi Nougat Wafer 250GR

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Keni këtë kënaqësi krokante sa herë që ju pëlqen, një ëmbëlsirë e shijshme pas çdo vakti! Vafer krokante, e mbushur me krem ​​nougat do ta dyfishojë lumturinë tuaj me çdo kafshatë. Wafer Kras Frondi Maxi Nougat është...
Have this crunchy pleasure whenever you like, a delicious dessert after every meal! Crispy wafer, filled with nougat cream will make your happiness double with every bite. Kras Frondi Maxi Nougat Wafer is a yummy delight and your kids will love it too. You can have it topping on ice cream or have it on its own. Order Kras Frondi Maxi Nougat Wafer today and enjoy your evening snacks.

Kras Frondi Maxi Nougat Wafer 250GR

from $4.00 from 6734116389044
Kafe Turke Ama 400gr

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Filloni mëngjesin tuaj me këtë kafe aromatike dhe të shijshme! Kafeja turke Ama është bërë nga kafe me cilësi të pasur. Sasia saktësisht e duhur e kafeinës do t'ju sigurojë energji të mjaftueshme në mënyrë që të...
Start your morning with this aromatic, tasty coffee! Ama Turkish coffee is made of rich quality coffee. The exactly right amount of caffeine will provide you sufficient energy so that you can work all day long. The coffee beans are roasted at the perfect temperature and made in Albanian style. The fragrance of this coffee will make your every morning special, so don't wait, order it now!

Kafe Turke Ama 400gr

from $11.11 from 1862835732523
Alegria Yufka (Jufka) 400GR

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Kjo pjatë turke është e shijshme kur mbushni brenda përbërësit pikantë! Yufka është bërë nga mielli, uji, vaji dhe kripa. Ju gjithashtu mund ta keni këtë bukë me pjata anësore të shijshme dhe pikante. Mund ta shijoni...
This Turkish dish is delicious when you fill spicy ingredients inside! Yufka is made of flour, water, oil and salt. You can also have this flatbread with savoury, spicy side dishes. You can enjoy it alone or with your friends and family. This mouthwatering, Turkish cuisine is a classic choice for any occasion and your guests will be amazed after having this tasty dish from your kitchen!

Alegria Yufka (Jufka) 400GR

from $6.67 from 1076286750763
Lajthi Kras Dorina (Ljesnak) 220GR


A e doni çokollatën më shumë se çdo gjë? Nëse po, porosisni këtë çokollatë të shijshme qumështi sot dhe shijoni ëmbëlsinë e saj. Dorina Ljesnak përmban një sasi të mjaftueshme kalorish të cilat do t'ju japin energji. Mund...
Do you love chocolate more than anything? If yes, order this yummy milk chocolate today and taste the sweetness of it. Dorina Ljesnak contains a fair amount of calories which will give you energy. You can have it anytime and anywhere. Keep it with yourself if you have a busy schedule. Don’t forget to share this sweet delight with your close ones. Hurry and order soon!

Lajthi Kras Dorina (Ljesnak) 220GR

from $6.00 from 1647967404075