Searching for yummy munchies? Stop scrolling right now and order Vincinni Hazelnut Cream Jumbo Swiss Roll! These delicious swiss rolls are an all-time favourite for any age group. Have it after your lunch or dinner, it will satisfy your sweet tooth with every bite. These swiss rolls are made with hazelnut cream and the best quality ingredients. Vincinni presents a perfect match for your evening coffee. Don’t forget to share this delightful experience with your friends.

Vincinni Jumbo Swiss Roll Krem Lajthie 300GR


Vincinni Jumbo Swiss Roll Krem Lajthie 300GR Vincinni Jumbo Swiss Roll Krem Lajthie 300GR becomes available.

Po kërkoni për ushqime të shijshme? Ndalo lëvizjen tani dhe porosit Vincinni Lajthia me krem ​​Jumbo Swiss Roll! Këto rrotulla të shijshme zvicerane janë të preferuarat e të gjitha kohërave për çdo grupmoshë. E pini pas drekës ose darkës, do të kënaqë dhëmbin tuaj të ëmbël me çdo kafshatë. Këto role zvicerane janë bërë me krem ​​lajthie dhe përbërës të cilësisë më të mirë. Vincinni prezanton një ndeshje perfekte për kafenë tuaj të mbrëmjes. Mos harroni ta ndani këtë përvojë të këndshme me miqtë tuaj. Pesha: 300g Ëmbëlsirë e shijshme Lajthi e mbushur


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Kroasant me çokollatë 7 ditore 75gr

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Torta Crevenka Jaffa Portokalli 300GR

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Torta Crevenka Jaffa Portokalli 300GR

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Torta Crevenka Jaffa Portokalli 150gr

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Don’t let hunger bite you anymore! Have these delicious cake-like cookies, filled with orange jelly and a layer of chocolate to give yourself a sweet treat whenever you are hungry. These delicious cookies are made of wheat flour, eggs, cocoa powder, sugar, and syrup. Order these yummy Crevenka Jaffa Cakes Orange to make your evening snacks sweeter and don’t forget to share!

Torta Crevenka Jaffa Portokalli 150gr

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Jaffa Munchmallow Classic (Blu) 105GR

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Jaffa Munchmallow Classic (Blu) 105GR

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Jaffa Munchmallow Double Munch 133GR

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Jaffa Munchmallow Double Munch 133GR

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Kral Kadayif Kizarmis Lux 400G

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A sweet and baked dish, favourite recipe for any age group. It is perfect to have after every meal or you can have it for snacks, pouring honey or hot syrup on it. Kral Kadayif Kizarmis Lux is made of dough. Enjoy this sweet treat with your friends over a cup of coffee or tea. It will also satisfy your midnight hunger, so keep it in your pantry to enjoy it anytime. Order today!

Kral Kadayif Kizarmis Lux 400G

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