
Uthull vere Koro (4%) 700ML


Përgatitni receta të shijshme me uthull vere Koro. Rrjedh nga vera e kuqe, ka një shije të këndshme dhe të lezetshme. Mund ta përdorni për të bërë lloje të ndryshme ëmbëlsirash me fruta, për të bërë salcë apo...
Prepare mouthwatering recipes with Koro Wine Vinegar. It is derived from red wine, has a savory and tangy taste. You can use it to make different types of desserts with fruits, make sauce or garnish salads. This excellent flavour enhancer will make your food extra delicious!You can also use Koro Wine Vinegar to marinate meats or vegetables. The acidity of this wine vinegar is lower than white vinegar.

Uthull vere Koro (4%) 700ML

from $3.00 from 4538718945355
Melasa shege Al Wadi 350GR


Përbërësi i përsosur për të bërë salca të shijshme për sallatë në shtëpi. Melasa e shegës Al Wadi është kaq e gjithanshme, saqë mund të bëni receta të shijshme dhe të shijshme. I jep shije vakteve tuaja. Përdoreni...
The perfect ingredient to make delicious salad dressings at home. Al Wadi Pomegranate Molasses is so versatile, you can make delicious and mouthwatering recipes. It adds flavor to your meals. Use it as a marinade for chicken, the possibilities are endless. Order this Al Wadi Pomegranate Molasses today and prepare various recipes that will amaze your guests!

Melasa shege Al Wadi 350GR

from $12.22 from 7672793858290
Vaj ulliri ekstra i virgjër i pafiltruar Dhrmiu 1LT

Sold Out

I përftuar nga ullinjtë e freskët të Shqipërisë, Vaji i Ullirit Ekstra i Virgjër i Pafiltruar i Dhërmiut është një burim i shkëlqyer i polifenolit, antioksidantëve, mineraleve dhe vitaminave. Ai përmban yndyrë të shëndetshme, të cilat janë thelbësore...
Derived from olives of Albania, Dhermiu Unfiltered Extra Virgin Olive Oil is an excellent choice for olive oil. This oil can be used to cook, bake and even prepare delicious salad dressings. Toss it in your next salad, the possibilities are endless.  You can prepare delicious salad and pasta with Dhermiu Unfiltered Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

Vaj ulliri ekstra i virgjër i pafiltruar D...

from $17.77 from 7496814264562
Dhermiu Unfiltered Extra Virgin Olive Oil (Glass) 1LT

Sold Out

Derived from olives of Albania, Dhermiu Unfiltered Extra Virgin Olive Oil is an excellent choice for olive oil. This oil can be used to cook, bake and even prepare delicious salad dressings. Toss it in your next salad,...
Derived from olives of Albania, Dhermiu Unfiltered Extra Virgin Olive Oil is an excellent choice for olive oil. This oil can be used to cook, bake and even prepare delicious salad dressings. Toss it in your next salad, the possibilities are endless.  You can prepare delicious salad and pasta with Dhermiu Unfiltered Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

Dhermiu Unfiltered Extra Virgin Olive Oil ...

from $19.99 from 8039052837106
Dhermiu Extra Virgin Olive Oil (Can) 3LT

Sold Out

Derived from olives of Albania, Dhermiu Extra Virgin Olive Oil is an excellent choice for olive oil. This oil can be used to cook, bake and even prepare delicious salad dressings. Toss it in your next salad, the...
Derived from olives of Albania, Dhermiu Extra Virgin Olive Oil is an excellent choice for olive oil. This oil can be used to cook, bake and even prepare delicious salad dressings. Toss it in your next salad, the possibilities are endless.  You can prepare delicious salad and pasta with Dhermiu Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

Dhermiu Extra Virgin Olive Oil (Can) 3LT

from $44.00 from 8039054442738
Vaj ulliri ekstra i virgjër Borshi 1LT

Sold Out

Për t'i bërë recetat tuaja të shëndetshme, porosisni tani vaj ulliri ekstra të virgjër Borshi. Ky vaj ulliri është bërë nga ullinj të freskët të cilësisë premium dhe një erëz perfekt për të përgatitur sallatë perimesh dhe receta...
Extra Virgin Olive Oil Borshi 1LT To make your recipes healthy, order Extra Virgin Olive Oil Borshi right now. This olive oil is made of premium quality fresh olives and a perfect condiment to prepare vegetable salad and other mouthwatering recipes. Extra virgin olive oil contains vitamins and minerals, it protects your heart from diseases and maintains proper body weight. Extra Virgin Olive Oil Borshi is full of antioxidants.

Vaj ulliri ekstra i virgjër Borshi 1LT

from $17.77 from 6127079882932
Vaj ulliri ekstra i virgjër Borshi 3LT

Sold Out

Për t'i bërë recetat tuaja të shëndetshme, porosisni tani vaj ulliri ekstra të virgjër Borshi. Ky vaj ulliri është bërë nga ullinj të freskët të cilësisë premium dhe një erëz perfekt për të përgatitur sallatë perimesh dhe...
To make your recipes healthy, order Extra Virgin Olive Oil Borshi right now. This olive oil is made of premium quality fresh olives and a perfect condiment to prepare vegetable salad and other mouthwatering recipes. Extra virgin olive oil contains vitamins and minerals, it protects your heart from diseases and maintains proper body weight. Extra Virgin Olive Oil Borshi is full of antioxidants.

Vaj ulliri ekstra i virgjër Borshi 3LT

from $50.00 from 7530497704178
Berati Olive Ranch Vaj ulliri ekstra i virgjër 1LT

Sold Out

Shtojini shije ushqimeve tuaja duke përdorur vaj ulliri ekstra të virgjër Berati Olive Ranch! Mund të bëni sallata të shijshme perimesh dhe receta të ndryshme me këtë vaj ulliri ekstra të virgjër. Mundësitë janë të pafundme me...
Add flavor to your meals using Berati Olive Ranch Extra Virgin Olive Oil! You can make delicious vegetable salads and different recipes with this Extra Virgin Olive Oil. The possobilities are endless with this quality olive oil. It is made of the finest quality olives. Order today and impress your guests!

Berati Olive Ranch Vaj ulliri ekstra i vir...

from $20.00 from 7875488383218
Vaj ulliri ekstra i virgjër Usta Berati 1LT

Sold Out

Një burim i pasur i polifenolit, vaji ekstra i virgjër i ullirit nga Berati e mban zemrën tuaj të shëndetshme duke parandaluar disa sëmundje të zemrës. Ai gjithashtu përmban disa vitamina dhe minerale dhe ruan peshën e ekuilibruar...
A rich source of polyphenol, Extra Virgin Olive Oil From Berat keeps your heart healthy by preventing several heart diseases. It also contains several vitamins and minerals and maintains balanced body weight. You can make delicious vegetable salads and different recipes with Extra Virgin Olive Oil From Berat, which is made of the finest quality olives. Order today to make your diet healthy.

Vaj ulliri ekstra i virgjër Usta Berati 1LT

from $22.99 from 1862832357419
Minerva Organike Greke EVOO 500ML

Sold Out

Një kënaqësi e shëndetshme nga toka e pasur e Greqisë, Minerva Organic Greek EVOO përmban kolesterol të shëndetshëm i cili është thelbësor për zemrën. Recetat e bëra me fruta ulliri konsiderohen si pjata tradicionale në Greqi. Vaji ekstra...
A delight from the rich soil of Greece, Minerva Organic Greek EVOO. Make recipes with this oil, it is considered the traditional dishes in Greece. Extra virgin olive oil derived from fresh and organic olives is also used to make delicious recipes, you can also drizzle on salads, pasta and seafood. Minerva Organic Greek EVOO order today!

Minerva Organike Greke EVOO 500ML

from $15.99 from 1072319791147
Sale Floil Sunflower Oil 1LT
Floil Sunflower Oil 1LT

$7.00 $7.49

Get cooking with this Floil Sunflower Oil! This will become your new favorite oil to use. Toss it in your salads, use it for cooking or baking. Order today and start exploring all your culinary...
Get cooking with this Floil Sunflower Oil! This will become your new favorite oil to use. Toss it in your salads, use it for cooking or baking. Order today and start exploring all your culinary skills. Floil Sunflower Oil, everyones favorite oil.

Floil Sunflower Oil 1LT

from $7.00 from 8039063847154
Vaj luledielli Kirlangic 1LT


Gatuani receta të shëndetshme në vaj luledielli Kirlangic! Ky vaj nxirret nga farat e lulediellit 100% natyrale dhe të freskëta pa shtuar asnjë kimikate apo konservues. Është i ulët në kolesterol të keq dhe...
Get cooking with this Kirlangic Sunflower Oil! This will become your new favorite oil to use. Toss it in your salads, use it for cooking or baking. Order today and start exploring all your culinary skills. Kirlangic Sunflower Oil, everyones favorite oil.

Vaj luledielli Kirlangic 1LT

from $7.77 from 4508084404299