A perfect delight for winter evenings or on the breakfast table, this flavoured loose tea has several medicinal properties that will keep you healthy. It helps to reduce weight and regulates blood pressure. Also, Koro Sage Loose Tea is a rich source of antioxidants. You can have it on its own or have some light snacks with it. Enjoy Koro Sage Loose Tea with your friends and live a healthy life!

Çaj i lirshëm Koro Sage 50GR


Çaj i lirshëm Koro Sage 50GR Çaj i lirshëm Koro Sage 50GR becomes available.

Një kënaqësi e përsosur për mbrëmjet e dimrit ose në tryezën e mëngjesit, ky çaj i lirshëm me shije ka disa veti medicinale që do t'ju mbajnë të shëndetshëm. Ndihmon në uljen e peshës dhe rregullon presionin e gjakut. Gjithashtu, çaji Koro Sage Loose është një burim i pasur antioksidantësh. Mund ta konsumoni vetë ose të hani disa ushqime të lehta me të. Shijoni çajin Koro Sage Loose me miqtë tuaj dhe jetoni një jetë të shëndetshme! Pesha: 50g Plot me lëndë ushqyese Burim i pasur me antioksidantë


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Produkte të ngjashme

Qese çaji Franck Kamomili 20GR


A jeni adhurues i çajit? Nëse po, ky është çaji më i mirë që keni menduar ndonjëherë të pini! Provoni qeskat e shijshme të çajit Franck Kamomili dhe bëni mbrëmjet tuaja të veçanta. Është një burim i pasur...
Are you a tea-lover? If yes, this is the best tea you have ever thought to have! Try delicious Franck Chamomile Tea Bags and make your evenings special. It is a rich source of antioxidants and an effective drink for stomach aches. You can also have this tea if you are suffering from insomnia. Aromatic chamomile tea will make your mornings brighter. Order Franck Chamomile Tea Bags and relax with a cup of warm tea.

Qese çaji Franck Kamomili 20GR

from $2.00 from 4417112899659
Qese çaji me nenexhik Franck 20GR


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If you love different flavours of tea, try Franck Mint Tea Bags once and you cannot resist another drink of it! Franck Mint Tea Bags will become a staple in your pantry. Order it now and drink daily.

Qese çaji me nenexhik Franck 20GR

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Qese çaji Franck Rose Hip (Sipak) 60GR


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If you love different flavours of tea, try Franck Rose Hip once and you cannot resist another drink of it! Franck Rose Hip Tea Bags will become a staple in your pantry. Order it now and drink daily.

Qese çaji Franck Rose Hip (Sipak) 60GR

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Qese çaji Franck Forest Fruit (Šumsko Voće) 55GR


Nëse keni një shije për çajin bimor, ky është çaji më cilësor dhe do të kënaqë etjen tuaj! Ky çaj i shijshëm është një përzierje e gjetheve të çajit bimor, gjetheve të manaferrës, trëndafilit dhe luleve të hibiskut....
If you have a taste for herbal tea, this is the finest quality tea and will satisfy your thirst! This delicious tea is a blend of herbal tea leaves, blackberry leaves, rosehips, and hibiscus flowers. These leaves are the reasons behind the aromatic flavour of this tea. You can have this tea warm or with ice. Franck Forest Fruit (Šumsko Voće) will make your mornings and evenings always special.

Qese çaji Franck Forest Fruit (Šumsko Voće...

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Caykur Organic Hemsin Tea 400GR


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165.	Caykur Organic Hemsin Tea 400GR Caykur Organic Hemsin Tea is not just tea but it takes care of your health too. Full of antioxidants, this tasty tea will make your every day special. If you are a tea lover, this must be your first choice, 100% natural with zero added chemicals, Caykur Organic Hemsin Tea is a true delight from Turkey. To enjoy with your family, order this nutritious and delicious tea right now.

Caykur Organic Hemsin Tea 400GR

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Ahmad Tea Çaj Ceylon Opa (Çaj i lirshëm) 450GR

Sold Out

Nëse jeni adhurues i çajit, provoni këtë çaj të shijshëm dhe të mirë nga Londra. Kjo kuti e kuqe me çaj të lirshëm përmban gjethet më të mira dhe më të mëdha të çajit nga kodra e...
If you are a tea-lover, try this flavoured, fine tea from London. This red box of loose tea contains the finest and largest tea leaves from the hillside of Ceylon. You can have this tea with milk or lemon and discover different yet delicious tastes out of it. This English tea is also an excellent gift to your family and friends. So, experience this epitome of taste on different occasions.

Ahmad Tea Çaj Ceylon Opa (Çaj i lirshëm) 4...

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